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"post_date" => string(19) "2024-10-01 11:00:27"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-10-01 05:30:27"
"post_content" => string(4998) "You have successfully answered the “tell us about yourself” question to the interviewer. You thought that was the most dreaded question to come your way. But as the interview moves forward, the interviewer asks you to tell them about your past work experiences. You sit there thinking and structuring your answer, taking most of the interviewer's time. You are stuck on what to mention and how to answer, so you start with, “As I have already mentioned in my resume, I have done this and blah blah blah..” You have left the interview and kicked yourself in your mind thinking, why didn’t you prepare prior? Now that was not a way to give an interview, right? The first mistake you made was you mentioned the already things in the resume, and second, you took too much time for the interviewer. If you are reading this, have you found yourself in a similar or other situation and didn’t know how to effectively answer that dreadful question that makes or breaks your interview? Whatever issues you had in the previous job, the reason you left, or you got fired or resigned, when this question comes your way, you should have been thoroughly prepared. The prime reason to ask this question is to know your working manner, how you were in your previous job, what makes you stand out from the competitors, and how much you have changed in the last six months. Remember, they don’t want to know how you were a year ago, but they want to know about the present you and what shaped you in the last few months. <h3><strong>Before you go to the interview:</strong></h3> <h4><strong>1. Write down how you plan to answer</strong></h4> A day before the interview, write the list of duties, responsibilities, and tasks you did in the previous job. Write each and everything that comes into your mind. Don’t filter out even the smaller tasks. Once you have made a whole list of things, go through it and filter out the most critical and valuable work you did in your past job. Action Tip: Pick the top 4 things. Structure each point in max two sentences. Write your work, the target you achieved, and what problems you solved. <strong>E.g.</strong> “In the last quarter of 2019, I helped increase the traffic of the ABC organization by 15% through content marketing. <h4><strong>2. Align your points to the job description</strong></h4> Study the job description carefully for the position you are applying for. According to the job description, write down the previous work you did and how it matches the current position. During the interview, as much as possible, help them understand how you solved problems in the past in your field in a matter of time and how this skill will help them in the future. Briefly tell them how you wish to carry out the tasks and what your process is, as it tells them you are a person of discipline and gets things done. E.g. If your job description includes targeting customers through networking, You can include how you managed to bring in clients through the B2B act <h4><strong>3. Review your resume</strong></h4> Before going to the interview, once go through your resume. Remove unnecessary details and only add the important work you did in the work experience sector. While answering, remember only to include two tasks mentioned in the resume. Otherwise, mention activities you did that are not in the resume. They have already read your resume. Make a point not to talk about everything written in the resume and form your answers based on the resume and related to your job. <h3><strong>How to answer the question (some action tips):</strong></h3> <strong>1. Less is more</strong> No more than two-three sentences should be focused while describing one particular task. <strong>2. Measure out your experience</strong> Map out your sentence by adding the numbers you achieved, how much profit you brought in the company, improvements you made other than your field, and accomplishments you got. Give out your data in the form of simple sentences. <strong>3. Don’t use filler words</strong> Cut down the filler words as much as possible. They are uh, Uhm, like, so, okay, right, etc. These make you look unprofessional, and too much use makes you seem like you don’t know how to make a sentence. <strong>4. Be authentic</strong> Do not write fake experiences in your resume. While answering, be genuine and authentic about the work you have done, even if it is small. They can smell liars from miles away. <strong>5. End note </strong> End your answer with a purpose of what you expect to do in the current organization you are applying for and your plans for it. <strong>Read More:</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">All about Job Interviews: Types, Future, and Key Fundamentals</a></strong> "
"post_title" => string(58) "How to talk about your work experience in a job interview?"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-10-14 11:48:04"
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"ID" => int(870477)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2024-03-06 14:54:54"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-03-06 09:24:54"
"post_content" => string(4207) "Dreaming about having our own business is such a wonderful feeling, which cannot be expressed in words. And, transforming your dream into reality is one of the great accomplishments. Yet, the business can’t be built overnight, it requires a mixture of goals, objectives, dedication, passion, skills, and whatnot. Without these factors, a business can get started, but sustaining it will become a difficult job. To make your business a major success, all you need to do is earn a business degree. Yes, you have to earn a business degree and not just obtain it to upgrade your qualifications. There is a major difference between Obtaining a Degree versus Earning a degree. You will only understand the difference between both the terms, the time when you want to sustain your business for a longer period. <h2><strong>Let us understand how earning a business degree will help you in your business and,</strong></h2> <h3><strong>Why an MBA Degree Is Important for Startups.</strong></h3> First, we will understand the vital aspects required for running a business. And how a business degree plays a major role in it. Having capital and manpower are the primary factors that you require, whereas keeping these factors apart for a while and concentrating on how to improve yourself to meet business goals requires good communication skills to build a network and maintain relationships with clients, customers, team members, etc. Earning a business degree will help you fill in this gap. While studying, you will engage in different management activities, you’ll participate in various interactivity sessions, and you’ll get a chance to give presentations in front of professors and your classmates. These aspects will result in building good communication skills and will reflect while presenting/pitching in front of clients, customers, and teams. The other aspects you require are <strong>CONFIDENCE and NETWORK</strong>. Pitching ideas requires networking and immense confidence. If you look unconfident, the listener is never going to trust your ideas. Your confidence should reflect that your ideas are going to work and give a good result. Earning a degree here helps you build confidence by giving multiple presentations where public speaking fear vanishes and you start believing in yourself. If we talk about networks, doing an internship, going on industrial visits, and working for companies will help you build a network and understand how business works. The key aspect that is required while running a business is having managerial skills. Earning a business degree will help you get those managerial skills. You will develop leadership skills, interpersonal skills, conceptual skills, teamwork, project management skills, time management skills, and all other skills that are helpful in business. Now you’ll be in deep thought about how to find the colleges for MBA in Mumbai. So now it’s time to put on your thinking cap. Or we can help you find the <strong><a href="">top MBA institute in Mumbai</a></strong>. ‘Thadomal Shahani Center for Management’ is the best MBA college in Mumbai that provides a global MBA degree and helps you fill in all the gaps that we mentioned above. <h4 style="text-align: center;"><strong><b>You can also find more about the courses below: </b></strong></h4> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button type="button"><b>Click Here </b></button></a></strong></p> As we said above, it is important to earn a business degree rather than just obtaining a degree. And we did understand how much value it holds for starting a business. <strong>Related Post:</strong> <ul> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Business techniques gaining popularity globally</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Valuable Tips and Business Ideas for an entrepreneurship</a></strong></li> </ul>"
"post_title" => string(52) "The Value of Earning a Business Degree for start-ups"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-05-10 12:56:12"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2024-05-10 07:26:12"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2022-04-05 14:38:28"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-04-05 09:08:28"
"post_content" => string(2420) "In today's times, everyone has a misbelief that social media has many downsides; however, it is not true to a greater extent. It is all about the perspective and using the platforms rightly. Besides filtering images and sharing them with friends and family, there are many other factors that you can utilize on social media platforms. <h4><strong>Let us help you learn about social media benefits- what no one is talking about!!! </strong></h4> <h3><strong>1] The learnings you get</strong></h3> Social media is not only about picture-sharing platforms, but it also offers excellent learning too. There are diverse blogs, articles, and videos uploaded on <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">social media platforms</a></strong>. The cornerstone of social media is getting tailored content according to your interest and likings. For instance, if you like sports the most, you will get sport-related content on your feed. Similarly, if you are interested in learning — courses or certification content, you can get available on social media platforms. <h3><strong>2] Trends Updates</strong></h3> These days, social media has become prime in providing the latest update to the audience. Social media has already delivered the news to the masses before the news media updates you about the current happenings. Social media is an excellent platform for learning about the current happenings, latest news, trends, environmental updates, etc. <h3>3] Influence a larger audience</h3> Social media is a powerful source of reaching a larger audience. With the help of social media, you have the power to influence a larger audience in a much more respective manner. Your voice can reach massive audiences with the use of social media platforms. There is also a higher probability of getting recognized in no time. You can keep forward your ideas and opinions to your audience. <h3><strong>4] Authority to establish</strong></h3> The user has the authority to establish their own business. You can reach your target audience, share the tailored content with them, answer their queries, build relationships and transform them into loyal customers/audiences. We believe that we have unmasked the benefits and perks of social media platforms, and you must henceforth utilize the media rightly for your use."
"post_title" => string(48) "Top 4 benefits of social media for your business"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:40"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2022-03-04 10:00:27"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-03-04 04:30:27"
"post_content" => string(4439) "Learnings can never go into vain, be it learnings you acquire from the house, pre-school or higher education. It will always be helpful in some or the other way. And getting learnings in your initial stage will be unforgettable, and it must be unforgettable because it has stored numerous learnings apart from books that will be helpful for you in the future. <h4><strong>Let us shed some light on the learnings you got in Preschool that will be helpful for you in higher education.</strong></h4> <h3><strong>1] How to Learn the unlearn</strong></h3> During our initial stage, we learned many unlearned factors. From walking a step to uttering a single word is also part of learning, or starting with learning alphabets to numbers, everything we know is preliminary. We witness various aspects, and we quickly adapt to them. At the same time, higher education is also similar. We opt for a specialized field and learn the unlearned elements from it. <h3>2] How to face challenges & come out of my comfort zone</h3> The time we step into pre-school is the time when we step out of our comfort zone. From being a toddler to a step towards learning newer elements is altogether a distinct feeling. But that one step is the stride towards various other paths. You experience untried things which you have never done before, and this factor widened your horizons. Similarly, if you come out of your comfort zone in higher education and face challenges, your knowledge will undoubtedly broaden, and your skills will improve. <h3><strong>3] How to cherish success</strong></h3> In Pre-school, we as students witness great appreciation for homework, good deeds, and our performances; during this period, we realize the importance of success and learn how to acquire it in the future. Similarly, in higher education, it is important to pat your back if you witness your personal growth, achieved any goal or target, or did the task before or on time in higher education. Every little success counts!! <h3><strong>4] How to accept failures</strong></h3> Preschool conducts various competitions with students, in which many students fail, and any one of them becomes the winner. Here, students learn failures are part of life, and we should know how to beat the competition to become successful. There will be many competitive people in higher education, and you will probably face failures too, but you should learn to accept failures and beat the competition. <h3><strong>5] How to be independent</strong></h3> Pre-school is the first step where we learn to be independent. In pre-school, we pass our time manage our work independently. Teachers are there to guide us, but mainly we organize our tasks. Similarly, this learning is helpful in Higher Education. There will be projects, presentations, assignments, activities, which we need to handle individually. We should know how to do independent work. <h3><strong>6] How to understand ethics and manners</strong></h3> We learn basic ethics and manner in pre-school education. Teachers teach us; not to interrupt when someone talks; we have to be good listeners; moreover, honesty, morality, courtesy, and dignity have been introduced earlier. Whereas, in higher education, all the combinations will be required to pursue your dream career!! <h3><strong>7] How to actively participate</strong></h3> In pre-schools, they conduct various activities where students learn to participate and boost confidence. Be it fancy dress competition or diverse acts - multiple skills improve. Likewise, in higher education, various activities occur, as it becomes to participate in such activities, boost confidence, and improve numerous skills for a better future. The number of your age grows, but the learning from your pre-school remains constant & lifelong. That learnings help you in future growth and development too. And if you are seeking a reputed and well-known institute for higher education, then; you should opt for Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management (TSCFM). It is the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">3rd ranked institute</a></strong> in India from the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Outlook Magazine</a></strong> for Global MBA Course. It offers various courses to help students learn and grow in their careers."
"post_title" => string(72) "7 Things You Learned in Preschool That'll Help You With Higher Education"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2022-01-10 18:06:25"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-01-10 12:36:25"
"post_content" => string(1247) "Covid-19 had a major impact on everyone’s lives. Every sector was facing challenges during this period. The vast impact the industry faced was the - Education Industry. Transforming from offline to online classrooms was the biggest challenge for both the students and professors. <h4><strong>We have underlined a few points on the impact of Covid-19 on the Education Sector:</strong></h4> <ul> <li>What has become a “New Normal” post-pandemic</li> <li>What is the Short-term & long-term impact of Covid-19 on the Education Sector</li> <li>The crisis that has both the danger & opportunities</li> <li>Brief understanding of Flipped Classroom</li> <li>Synchronous & Asynchronous learning</li> <li>Ed-tech Market Map</li> <li>Global Education Stocks, and a lot more!!</li> </ul> <h5><strong>Let us have a look at the video to see thoroughly all the above-mentioned topics!!</strong></h5> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" style="max-width: 100%;"></iframe> "
"post_title" => string(56) "What was the impact of Covid-19 on the Education Sector?"
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"post_name" => string(55) "what-was-the-impact-of-covid-19-on-the-education-sector"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-07-04 17:03:50"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2021-12-10 18:39:30"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2021-12-10 13:09:30"
"post_content" => string(1928) "People will doubt your capabilities, and if they doubt how far you can go, go so far that you can’t hear them anymore. Let's break all the myths that women can’t start their own business. Prove you can. If a woman decides to do anything, they tend to do it gracefully. <strong>Let us share a few things women entrepreneurs should remember while starting a business.</strong> <h3>1] Have a Vision:</h3> Have a clear vision. Know what your goal is. Make a roadmap to reach your career destination. Don’t get puzzled with various options available to you, focus on your dream and follow your passion. For following your passion and dreams, you can enroll in ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre For Management’ to learn and reach new heights of success. It is one of the top B-School in Mumbai. It offers various courses and helps you developed your skills <h3><strong>2] Don't distract from Society:</strong></h3> Society has a lot to say about women working or starting their own business, be it in positive or negative manner. You have to decide how to make those opinions, comments in a constructive way. <h3><strong>3] Believe yourself</strong></h3> No matter what. Believe in yourself, believe in your capabilities, believe you can DO IT. This will help you build your dreams, confidence, and career. This plays the most crucial role while starting any business. <h3><strong>4] Stay strong</strong></h3> Ups and down might come anytime. You should be prepared for it. You have to be strong enough to tackle those challenges and obstacles to witness success. You should not give up despite difficulties. <h3><strong>5] Be Consistent</strong></h3> If you had made a plan and decided to achieve that goal, don’t shudder with various thoughts. Remember, you have to be consistent enough to reach there. And later, even if you achieved your goal though, don’t get exhausted to reach new achievements and heights."
"post_title" => string(52) "5 Crucial things Women Entrepreneurs should remember"
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"post_name" => string(52) "5-crucial-things-women-entrepreneurs-should-remember"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:43"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2021-11-02 11:55:42"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2021-11-02 06:25:42"
"post_content" => string(3087) "MBA aspirants always exert oneself by preparing for various competitive and entrance examinations for getting admitted to top-notch b-school. During the time of enrolling for b-school, many institutes come to mind, choosing the best b-school becomes quite difficult for you. However, a narrow research will only get you admitted to b-school, whereas, a proper research will help you understand what things you need to consider and remember while choosing a b-school. <h3>1] Well-crafted curriculum</h3> If we pursue any course, we look forward to gaining appropriate knowledge that is latest, up-to-date, and industry-relevant. Thus, the first thing to remember while choosing a B-school is to look at the curriculum of the course. The curriculum must be industry-relevant and leading-edge that meets the global standards effectively. The well-suited curriculum will help you reach your goal effortlessly. Therefore, ensure you look over the curriculum entirely. <h3>2] Student is being priortize</h3> While you are considering any institute, make sure you check what importance is given to extra curricular activities,physcological issues, training etc. Apart from studies, all these factors do play a vital role too. A right emphasis on these factors will help you endure globally or any circumstances that will come across to you. In current times, being limited to teaching is not sufficient, exceeding one step ahead with extra curricular activities to boost students and be available for emotional support by conducting couselling sesions for them. <h3>3] Ranking & accreditation</h3> Getting qualified from a reputed B-school is important, but it is equally important to get qualified from an accredited institution. Verify if the institute is accredited from a sanctioned statutory body. Dont get trick by choosing unsanctioned ranking institute for your career. Scruntize and do indepth research before choosing the B-school. <h3>4] Qualified faculties</h3> In any institute, teaching is the foremost crucial aspect for obtaining valuable knowledge. Without a good faculties, the institute is more as a dead wood. As having a qualified and experience faculties who can facilitates immense knowledge and take active participation in teaching should be considerable while choosing the b-school. <h3>5] Learning management system</h3> The institute should be well equipped with all the necessary facilities which are essential for students to study smoothly in their learning journey. Be it technical requirements, study materials in library, or comfortable classrooms. Well, searching for the best institute is strenuous and back-breaking. But, what if we cease your search by helping you suggesting one of the top institutes well known as ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management’ ranked 3rd in India by Outlook Magazine for Global MBA courses. Choosing TSCFM will be the ideal choice to ensure a excellent learning experience. <h4><strong>Opt now for <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">TSCFM</a></strong></h4>"
"post_title" => string(46) "5 things to remember while choosing a B-school"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:43"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:43"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2020-10-17 16:17:31"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2020-10-17 10:47:31"
"post_content" => string(7322) "Before the covid-19 came into the picture, those of you dreamed of pursuing MBA from certain top colleges in India or studying abroad for an MBA. You had already applied to colleges, started discussing with your parents or friends your future career goals until situations arose ‘several cases have been found all over the world and now in India.’ The first case caught in India was a canary in a coal mine making us aware of the potential changes it could bring in the educational industry. The total shift of offline to online MBA came into effect almost immediately but still our thoughts and dreams of pursuing MBA wavered. Is an online MBA worth it? Should I take a one-year gap to pursue MBA now that I am recently graduated? Will I be able to get practical knowledge online as much as offline lectures? Is paying so much money for an online MBA really worth it? .. and the numerous thoughts keep swirling our mind and as a result, we fail to take a step towards a brighter future and achieve our career goals. Let’s tackle the most basic question we have: <h4><strong>Should I pursue an MBA in this Covid-19?</strong></h4> What is MBA? Master’s in Business Management. Why are we doing an MBA? Either to get good jobs in the future or learn more about business and managing side of things. A highlight is to learn. If you learn more, you earn more. Very few understand the meaning of this phrase but only an acute number of people actually follow it. Your dream of career goals, to pursue an MBA is to become a future leader to bring change so when universities are doing everything in their power to give you that future by going digital, why hesitate? Of course, basic things you should always consider for applying to college but you as a future business leader even before pursuing an MBA should think like a business manager. How should I tackle this? How can I make my dream reality i.e. pursuing an MBA in this pandemic? <strong>There are a few key points when considering applying for MBA online:</strong> • Researching the universities websites to every word • What are the universities doing in this covid-19 situation? • What are the Covid-19 effects on MBA applications? • Are they giving internships during the lockdown? • How are their online learning methods? • What is the possibility of going to offline classrooms after covid-19 gets over? • What is the process of an MBA application during covid-19? These are the points every University should cover and we at TSCFM are doing everything in our power to give you the learning and help you achieve your future career goals. <h4><span style="color: #3366ff;"><strong>Covid-19 & MBA Admissions with TSCFM</strong></span></h4> Our MBA admissions team at TSCFM everyday works rigorously and with thoughtfulness to bring a safe environment for students be it online or offline and maintain the well-being of the community. We understand scepticism behind the students’ minds and work to give the best of education. For those of you, planning to study abroad or in India, we at TSCFM give you a chance to gain an international degree by studying here in Mumbai in India. So, don’t worry, your future goals of studying abroad have not yet suffered the fate of grave because TSCFM’s MBA from UK university degree makes you qualified to apply for placements globally as well as all over India. And not only about future job prospects but during a lockdown, we have placed current <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">MBA students for their internships</a></strong> as well and given the opportunity to grow even during this lockdown. <h4><span style="color: #3366ff;"><strong>Why should you opt for MBA from TSCFM?</strong></span></h4> The actual question is why should you NOT? Let’s hope you get it. Think about it. Covid-19 has disrupted the education industry and studying abroad plans for thousands of students. Every country is facing its own problem and to look at the bright side this situation has brought out a lot of truth side to every industry propaganda out there. Instead of studying abroad or apply for abroad universities online MBA course and spend a fortune, is it not a brighter idea to get the same amount of knowledge and practical teaching by studying here in India at much lesser price? Going to the US or UK to get your MBA would cost you at least Rs. 35 Lakhs or through online education. Imagine getting the SAME prestigious foreign MBA for Rs. 8 to 11 lakhs? TSCFM has placed its <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">students internationally</a></strong> as well as <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">working in India</a></strong> at renowned companies. And let’s not forget the statistics that 81% of Indian CEOs of Top MNCs prefer to hire students with a global degree. <h4><span style="color: #3366ff;">What is the MBA application process at TSCFM during Covid-19 like?</span></h4> There are two simple steps to follow to get an MBA admission in TSCFM. Also taking into due consideration the Covid-19 situation, we have counselors at TSCFM as well to clear your doubts before applying for an MBA or any guidance you need in career to achieve your future goals. The first step to apply for MBA admission at TSCFM is: <h5><strong>1. A graduate from a recognized board of education. </strong></h5> Your past graduation data should include your college data and if the university you have passed out from is recognized or not. For example, in Maharashtra, the recognised boards of education are SSC, HSC, CBSE, etc. In all, Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Pune. Similarly, if you are from other state in India, your degree should be legit and recognized. <h5><strong>2. A round of online personal interview</strong></h5> Your appointment date and time is scheduled before going to a personal interview. Everything is managed, you just need to have a good wifi connection. Pro-Tip: Even though online, maintain a good appearance and have a little bit of light on your face with a good background. The online personal interview will determine if you are a good candidate for the TSCFM university. Now, we know what you are wondering about. Entrance Exam, Right? Direct MBA admission without an Entrance Exam is possible at TSCFM. Yes, you heard us right. We don’t take entrance exams. Our MBA admission process is quite simple but tough to crack on. Just because MBA admission without an entrance exam is possible at TSCFM doesn’t mean it’s easy. :D At TSCFM, we believe in providing our best of education, be it online or offline. Our <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">courses at TSCFM</a></strong> is divided into 4 I’s i.e. International Recognition, Industry Connect, Innovative Teaching, and Individual Attention. Your career goals are your destination. We are a roadmap, a course to help you, guide you, and grow you to achieve them."
"post_title" => string(53) "Achieve your career goals despite COVID-19 with TSCFM"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:47"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2024-10-01 11:00:27"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-10-01 05:30:27"
"post_content" => string(4998) "You have successfully answered the “tell us about yourself” question to the interviewer. You thought that was the most dreaded question to come your way. But as the interview moves forward, the interviewer asks you to tell them about your past work experiences. You sit there thinking and structuring your answer, taking most of the interviewer's time. You are stuck on what to mention and how to answer, so you start with, “As I have already mentioned in my resume, I have done this and blah blah blah..” You have left the interview and kicked yourself in your mind thinking, why didn’t you prepare prior? Now that was not a way to give an interview, right? The first mistake you made was you mentioned the already things in the resume, and second, you took too much time for the interviewer. If you are reading this, have you found yourself in a similar or other situation and didn’t know how to effectively answer that dreadful question that makes or breaks your interview? Whatever issues you had in the previous job, the reason you left, or you got fired or resigned, when this question comes your way, you should have been thoroughly prepared. The prime reason to ask this question is to know your working manner, how you were in your previous job, what makes you stand out from the competitors, and how much you have changed in the last six months. Remember, they don’t want to know how you were a year ago, but they want to know about the present you and what shaped you in the last few months. <h3><strong>Before you go to the interview:</strong></h3> <h4><strong>1. Write down how you plan to answer</strong></h4> A day before the interview, write the list of duties, responsibilities, and tasks you did in the previous job. Write each and everything that comes into your mind. Don’t filter out even the smaller tasks. Once you have made a whole list of things, go through it and filter out the most critical and valuable work you did in your past job. Action Tip: Pick the top 4 things. Structure each point in max two sentences. Write your work, the target you achieved, and what problems you solved. <strong>E.g.</strong> “In the last quarter of 2019, I helped increase the traffic of the ABC organization by 15% through content marketing. <h4><strong>2. Align your points to the job description</strong></h4> Study the job description carefully for the position you are applying for. According to the job description, write down the previous work you did and how it matches the current position. During the interview, as much as possible, help them understand how you solved problems in the past in your field in a matter of time and how this skill will help them in the future. Briefly tell them how you wish to carry out the tasks and what your process is, as it tells them you are a person of discipline and gets things done. E.g. If your job description includes targeting customers through networking, You can include how you managed to bring in clients through the B2B act <h4><strong>3. Review your resume</strong></h4> Before going to the interview, once go through your resume. Remove unnecessary details and only add the important work you did in the work experience sector. While answering, remember only to include two tasks mentioned in the resume. Otherwise, mention activities you did that are not in the resume. They have already read your resume. Make a point not to talk about everything written in the resume and form your answers based on the resume and related to your job. <h3><strong>How to answer the question (some action tips):</strong></h3> <strong>1. Less is more</strong> No more than two-three sentences should be focused while describing one particular task. <strong>2. Measure out your experience</strong> Map out your sentence by adding the numbers you achieved, how much profit you brought in the company, improvements you made other than your field, and accomplishments you got. Give out your data in the form of simple sentences. <strong>3. Don’t use filler words</strong> Cut down the filler words as much as possible. They are uh, Uhm, like, so, okay, right, etc. These make you look unprofessional, and too much use makes you seem like you don’t know how to make a sentence. <strong>4. Be authentic</strong> Do not write fake experiences in your resume. While answering, be genuine and authentic about the work you have done, even if it is small. They can smell liars from miles away. <strong>5. End note </strong> End your answer with a purpose of what you expect to do in the current organization you are applying for and your plans for it. <strong>Read More:</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">All about Job Interviews: Types, Future, and Key Fundamentals</a></strong> "
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