
What Are The Biggest MBA Myths?

August 29, 2024

MBA is one of the popular courses that help students fulfill their dreams by providing various specializations, designed activities, several Industrial visits, and so much more.

Yet, there are certain myths that are holding aspirants to acquire MBA qualifications. It is very important to bust those myths and help students face reality.

In this blog post, we will help you understand,

What are the myths that need to be busted


Let us begin!!!

1] MBA is hype

Many believe, MBA is hype! But to what extent is it true?

We would like to say MBA is worth the hype.

The reason to say this is, the gains and returns it offers after completion of the course are tremendous.

2] MBA is not essential

Grads believe doing graduation is enough and there is no need to do post-graduate studies.

However, students miss out on the important aspect that specialization is crucial while you are hunting for jobs and it plays a major role.

3] Time-consuming process for application

Aspirants back out their plans of doing an MBA for the reason they believe the process for the application to higher education is time-consuming and strenuous.

However, it is not true entirely. Many Institutes admits students through ‘Personal Interviews’, and one of the best institute to recommend you will be ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management that trims the application process and conducts Personal Interviews for applicants.

4] No jobs in the market

There is also another myth among students that, after completing their MBA courses, there is no job guarantee as there are no jobs in the market. Although, this is a false belief among aspirants.

Many big companies hunt for young talent who possess confidence, skills, domain knowledge, and MBA certification.

You can see how TSCFM has placed many students in top companies

5] Degree over knowledge

One of the biggest myths is that degree is top over knowledge. There is a misbelief that you must only require an MBA certificate to set foot in the market.

This thought is extremely untrue and not to be considered by students or aspirants. Knowledge & degree both go hand-in-hand. Knowledge is the key essential aspect to kickstart your career.

These myths need to be busted as soon as possible, as this is becoming the biggest hurdle between students and their dreams and goals!

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