Every Faculty member at Thadomal Shahani Centre For Management - TSCFM has been a working professional and expert in their subjects providing industry-oriented and application-based training to the students
Shreekant Pol
Shreekant Pol
Dean at TSCFM
30+ years of academic and professional excellence with three master's degrees, including an MBA and an M.S. in Economics. Teaching experience at various institutes in India and the US. Apart from the exceptional academic achievements, he is also a renowned mediation and wellness coach.
Anil D. Joshi
Anil D. Joshi
Head of the Department - BFSI
With over 20+ years of experience, he has been grooming young talents at both graduate and professional levels. His area of expertise includes management accounting, business finance, budgeting and forecasting, costing and pricing, as well as deal structuring.
Baiju Mehta
Baiju Mehta
Senior Faculty, Operation
With over 25 years of combined experience in both technical and business domains, including 12 years focused on system integration, project/program management, and pre- and post-sales activities. Successfully led and executed IT projects in multiple international locations such as the USA, UK, Singapore, and UAE. Possesses robust interpersonal, leadership, and relationship management abilities.
Kriti Utreja
Kriti Utreja
Senior Faculty, BFSI
A Chartered Accountant with diverse experience across verticals, including statutory audits, bank audits, stock audits, audits in the government sector, credit monetary arrangements and project finance.
Kunal Mishra
Kunal Mishra
Faculty, BFSI
Twinkle Raju
Twinkle Raju
Faculty, Language & Communication
Kinnari Patel
Kinnari Patel
Faculty, Language & Communication
Esha Sawant
Esha Sawant
Faculty, Tax Planning
Pritesh Arte
Pritesh Arte
Faculty, Investment Analysis
Nitin Tabib
Nitin Tabib
Faculty, Service Marketing
Bhoomi Kanakia
Bhoomi Kanakia
Faculty, Digital Marketing