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Year-end 2020: Here’s how education experts look at the disruptive year that comes to an end

Year-end 2020: Here’s how education experts look at the disruptive year that comes to an end

One of the very few positive aspects of COVID’s effects in 2020, was that traditional resistance to adopting edtech in the classroom by schools and colleges around the world was broken. Institutional faculty and administrators had to quickly adapt to new pedagogies to facilitate effective online education of their students. It is believed that some of these advanced methods of teaching will remain even after physical classrooms restart in 2021. Additionally, the Indian government released a very forward-thinking National Education Policy which emphasised the need to move the education system away from exam-oriented rote learning and adapt to more interactive pedagogical methods which develop critical thinking and employability among graduates. It also planned to streamline regulations to encourage Indian edupreneurs to start and run high-quality institutions with less government interference. NEP 2020 needs to be quickly implemented by Indian states to ensure our country is able to benefit from our demographic dividend

– Dr. Akhil Shahani, Managing Director, Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management, Shahani Group and Ask.Careers”

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