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"ID" => int(873025)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2023-03-16 10:00:50"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2023-03-16 04:30:50"
"post_content" => string(3418) "At the organizational level, knowing business English has become vital these days.
Be it communicating with upper-level management or pitching ideas to your clients.
For effective communication, business English is playing an important role. However, many freshers lack this and begin their career, later face difficulties to sustain themselves in this competitive market.
Therefore, it is important before you set foot in your career journey, you should learn Business English.
<h4><strong>In this blog post, we will share a few tips that will help you improve your Business English.</strong></h4>
<h3>1] Talk to yourself</h3>
The first key step to learning and improving English is to communicate with yourself in English rather than any other language.
We usually tend to think and communicate in our mother tongue, but we should change this habit and switch to the English language.
This will let you fearlessly speak in front of the public too.
<h3>2] Read newspaper articles</h3>
The newspaper has various sections, you can pick your interesting piece of section and read it aloud.
It does not only help you keep updated but also improves your reading and writing skills.
Make a habit of reading newspapers daily. Reading newspapers daily helps grow a strong vocabulary, as it has various phrases and new words in it.
<h3>3] Speak English with peers</h3>
One of the best ways to learn to speak English is, conversing in English with peers.
Mistakes are bound to happen, however, with that fear in mind you cannot stop yourself from speaking English.
Gather the courage, push yourself and take the initiative to give it a start.
<h4><strong>Read Also: <a href="https://tscfm.org/blogs/why-your-english-speaking-skills-isnt-working/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Why Your English Speaking Skills Isn't Working?</a></strong></h4>
<h3>4] Learn aloud</h3>
In mind, while we practice speaking English, we often speak fluently, however, while communicating with people, in reality, it becomes difficult.
Thus, it is important to learn aloud and know where you are facing difficulties, what are the difficult words to pronounce, and what needs improvement.
<h3>5] Listen more</h3>
Listening ability is one of the foremost important skills.
To learn anything, first, you need to be a good listener.
Listen to how people speak, listen to English news, and watch English movies.
Overall, these will be completely helpful for you to improve your English Language skills.
<h3>6] Lets mistakes happen</h3>
There is a great quote that says, “the greatest mistake a man can ever make is to be afraid of making one.”
For improving your command of English, you should allow yourself to accept mistakes and learn from them. You should not be afraid of what will be the results.
<h3>7] Join Business English course</h3>
There are many Institutes in Mumbai which help you improve your Business English. If you are looking for the top <strong><a href="https://tscfm.org/courses/certificate-in-business-english/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">best institutes for Business English Course</a></strong>, then the right choice will be ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management’ that provides Business English course for learners. You can know more about the course here.
Remember to follow the above tips to learn Business English. All the best!!!"
"post_title" => string(46) "What are the tips to improve Business English?"
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"ID" => int(888611)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-04-15 11:00:12"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-04-15 05:30:12"
"post_content" => string(2675) "During our schooling and graduation, we do study how to speak English. However, in our day-to-day life, we seldom use the English language.
There are a few reasons you hold yourself back while communicating in English.
<strong>Below are a few reasons explaining what causes hindrance to you while communicating in the English Language!!</strong>
<h3>1] Lack of confidence</h3>
Some people can speak fluent English but prefer to speak in their native language only because of a lack of confidence. Usually, such people hold themselves back during public speaking or social gatherings.
The best way to boost your confidence is to participate & engage in various activities and events. For instance, if there is an event in your college/institute/organization, make sure you join or host the event. This will lead to vanishing your fear and uplifting your confidence truly.
<h4><strong>2] You don’t speak English more often</strong></h4>
People don’t choose to converse in English but mostly in their native language. They prefer not to come out of their comfort zone and decide to speak the language that makes them comfortable. However, this comfort leads to a huge stumbling block for themselves and their career.
Although, we have a few tips for you. The initial step you need to take is to start speaking English with your colleagues, peers, and close friends. This will help you bury all your anxiety and make you more confident to speak in public. Another tip is to admit to the <strong><a href="https://tscfm.org/courses/certificate-in-business-english/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">best institute that offers a Business English Course</a></strong> where they teach you how to speak fluent Business English and besides these also provides a Certificate in Business English.
<h4><strong>3] Afraid to make mistakes</strong></h4>
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” - a quote by Albert Einstein defines it all. You should never be afraid to make mistakes. The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake.
People usually don’t speak English because they believe they are not fluent, and people might laugh at them. Besides these, while speaking, the person is also afraid that people might focus on their grammatical errors. Yes, grammar is an essential factor, but you should not emphasize it too much that you are afraid to say or utter a single word.
However, you should begin with speaking in English first by neglecting the mistakes, which will gradually build confidence in you, and later, progressively work on your flaws and mistakes. This is how you will learn to speak fluent English."
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"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2023-03-16 10:00:50"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2023-03-16 04:30:50"
"post_content" => string(3418) "At the organizational level, knowing business English has become vital these days.
Be it communicating with upper-level management or pitching ideas to your clients.
For effective communication, business English is playing an important role. However, many freshers lack this and begin their career, later face difficulties to sustain themselves in this competitive market.
Therefore, it is important before you set foot in your career journey, you should learn Business English.
<h4><strong>In this blog post, we will share a few tips that will help you improve your Business English.</strong></h4>
<h3>1] Talk to yourself</h3>
The first key step to learning and improving English is to communicate with yourself in English rather than any other language.
We usually tend to think and communicate in our mother tongue, but we should change this habit and switch to the English language.
This will let you fearlessly speak in front of the public too.
<h3>2] Read newspaper articles</h3>
The newspaper has various sections, you can pick your interesting piece of section and read it aloud.
It does not only help you keep updated but also improves your reading and writing skills.
Make a habit of reading newspapers daily. Reading newspapers daily helps grow a strong vocabulary, as it has various phrases and new words in it.
<h3>3] Speak English with peers</h3>
One of the best ways to learn to speak English is, conversing in English with peers.
Mistakes are bound to happen, however, with that fear in mind you cannot stop yourself from speaking English.
Gather the courage, push yourself and take the initiative to give it a start.
<h4><strong>Read Also: <a href="https://tscfm.org/blogs/why-your-english-speaking-skills-isnt-working/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Why Your English Speaking Skills Isn't Working?</a></strong></h4>
<h3>4] Learn aloud</h3>
In mind, while we practice speaking English, we often speak fluently, however, while communicating with people, in reality, it becomes difficult.
Thus, it is important to learn aloud and know where you are facing difficulties, what are the difficult words to pronounce, and what needs improvement.
<h3>5] Listen more</h3>
Listening ability is one of the foremost important skills.
To learn anything, first, you need to be a good listener.
Listen to how people speak, listen to English news, and watch English movies.
Overall, these will be completely helpful for you to improve your English Language skills.
<h3>6] Lets mistakes happen</h3>
There is a great quote that says, “the greatest mistake a man can ever make is to be afraid of making one.”
For improving your command of English, you should allow yourself to accept mistakes and learn from them. You should not be afraid of what will be the results.
<h3>7] Join Business English course</h3>
There are many Institutes in Mumbai which help you improve your Business English. If you are looking for the top <strong><a href="https://tscfm.org/courses/certificate-in-business-english/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">best institutes for Business English Course</a></strong>, then the right choice will be ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management’ that provides Business English course for learners. You can know more about the course here.
Remember to follow the above tips to learn Business English. All the best!!!"
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