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"post_date" => string(19) "2020-12-17 16:36:20"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2020-12-17 11:06:20"
"post_content" => string(5788) "Are you still confused? Can’t make a decision on whether to opt for further studies or not. Is an MBA the right choice? No problem, we have all your queries and doubts answers here. Be Patient! MBA- Masters Of Business Administration. An MBA is not only a degree but also the development of your skills. Some choose to do an MBA just because your sibling did it or some do it for an escape from marriage. Instead of this, an MBA has a lot to give you for your career. It has immense opportunities hidden for you. Don’t do an MBA for sake of doing it, but do it for gaining tremendous knowledge and to enhance your skills. If you have genuinely decided to do further study, it is very important to know the perks of it. Being aware of the perks, always helps you make the right decision. But does an MBA has a lot to give you? What MBA offers you? What are the Perks of pursuing an MBA Degree? Does it beneficial? We know in-numerous questions popping inside your head right now. There is nothing to worry about. Let us understand all this in detail. <h3><strong>1 ] MBA Helps you fit your exact Goals</strong></h3> An MBA has a range of programs, specializing in different aspects of the business world. Students have multiple options to choose their specialization as per their preference, goal, or interest. MBA offers various specializations, such as: <ul> <li><strong>Finance:</strong> This course mainly focuses on Accounting, Statistics, Data Analysis. It is a great opportunity for students who are aspiring to become Bankers, finance managers, chief financial officers, and financial controllers.</li> <li><strong>Marketing:</strong> Marketing has a lot on a platter. It gives you wide knowledge about the product strategy, branding, and marketing, international and multinational marketing, sales, retail selling, Business environment. It is best for sales managers and marketers who promotes product and services</li> <li><strong>Human Resource:</strong> Human Resource focuses on team development, motivation, remuneration, defining job roles and responsibilities, resolving conflicts, and organizing events and festivals. Whoever interests lies in handling a huge group of employees in an organization, this course opts for you.</li> <li><strong>Operations:</strong> This course helps you give a better understanding of the production process and how efficiently the production process can be run.</li> <li><strong>Management:</strong> Management studies give you a brief knowledge of perspective management, marketing management, organizational management. For management students, it is very important to have knowledge about these subjects.</li> </ul> This helps students to fit in exactly in their career goals and makes it easier for them to reach the right path. <h3><strong>2] MBA leads to a higher salary</strong></h3> The chance of getting a high salary increase after <strong><a href="">pursuing an MBA degree</a></strong>. It is true that interviewers do consider your higher education and pay accordingly. But without skills, salary will not boost. Skills play an integral part in getting a job. Both skills and degree go hand in hand. Whereas, an MBA helps you to enhance your skills and leads to get a higher salary in the organization. If you are planning to pursue an MBA Degree that offers the best placement and a higher salary, then opt for a private college available in Mumbai popularly known as Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management. It is the only B-school to provide international education in India. You will be amazed to know that it has well-known brands under one umbrella. To name some, it has Amul, NSE, Edelweiss, Mahindra and Mahindra, Sunburn Fest, TCS, and so on. <h4 style="text-align: center;"><strong><b>Here is a list of top companies where students are placed</b></strong></h4> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button type="button"><strong>TSCFM Placements</strong></button></a></p> <h3><strong>3] Enhance your Management skills</strong></h3> An MBA is a box filled with multiple skills, which helps you survive in the business world. Without those skills, it becomes impossible to survive in any market or business. MBA helps you to: <ul> <li>Improve leadership skills<img class="alignright wp-image-869512 size-medium" src="" alt="management skills" width="300" height="225" /></li> <li>Create Network and connections</li> <li>Manage difficult situations</li> <li>Interpret and create reports</li> <li>Presentation skills</li> <li>Maintain Company Image</li> <li>Make right decisions at tough times</li> </ul> <h3>4] Overview of the business world & bring-in business opportunities</h3> MBA helps you to give an overview of the business world. It helps you to understand how the wheel keeps rolling in business. An MBA gives you in-depth knowledge about the market, business environment. It is not only limited to knowledge, but it does bring in business opportunities in your career baggage. MBA will knock on the door of opportunities for you. <h5 style="text-align: center;"><strong><b>If you want to know, how can businesses Expand Globally?</b></strong></h5> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button type="button">Know the Technique</button></a></p> An MBA degree has a lot of perks hidden for you, it is just that you should recognize those perks and choose wisely for your career path."
"post_title" => string(45) "What are the perks of pursuing an MBA Degree?"
"post_excerpt" => string(0) ""
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"post_name" => string(44) "what-are-the-perks-of-pursuing-an-mba-degree"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-05-14 12:31:54"
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"ID" => int(869508)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2020-12-17 16:36:20"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2020-12-17 11:06:20"
"post_content" => string(5788) "Are you still confused? Can’t make a decision on whether to opt for further studies or not. Is an MBA the right choice? No problem, we have all your queries and doubts answers here. Be Patient! MBA- Masters Of Business Administration. An MBA is not only a degree but also the development of your skills. Some choose to do an MBA just because your sibling did it or some do it for an escape from marriage. Instead of this, an MBA has a lot to give you for your career. It has immense opportunities hidden for you. Don’t do an MBA for sake of doing it, but do it for gaining tremendous knowledge and to enhance your skills. If you have genuinely decided to do further study, it is very important to know the perks of it. Being aware of the perks, always helps you make the right decision. But does an MBA has a lot to give you? What MBA offers you? What are the Perks of pursuing an MBA Degree? Does it beneficial? We know in-numerous questions popping inside your head right now. There is nothing to worry about. Let us understand all this in detail. <h3><strong>1 ] MBA Helps you fit your exact Goals</strong></h3> An MBA has a range of programs, specializing in different aspects of the business world. Students have multiple options to choose their specialization as per their preference, goal, or interest. MBA offers various specializations, such as: <ul> <li><strong>Finance:</strong> This course mainly focuses on Accounting, Statistics, Data Analysis. It is a great opportunity for students who are aspiring to become Bankers, finance managers, chief financial officers, and financial controllers.</li> <li><strong>Marketing:</strong> Marketing has a lot on a platter. It gives you wide knowledge about the product strategy, branding, and marketing, international and multinational marketing, sales, retail selling, Business environment. It is best for sales managers and marketers who promotes product and services</li> <li><strong>Human Resource:</strong> Human Resource focuses on team development, motivation, remuneration, defining job roles and responsibilities, resolving conflicts, and organizing events and festivals. Whoever interests lies in handling a huge group of employees in an organization, this course opts for you.</li> <li><strong>Operations:</strong> This course helps you give a better understanding of the production process and how efficiently the production process can be run.</li> <li><strong>Management:</strong> Management studies give you a brief knowledge of perspective management, marketing management, organizational management. For management students, it is very important to have knowledge about these subjects.</li> </ul> This helps students to fit in exactly in their career goals and makes it easier for them to reach the right path. <h3><strong>2] MBA leads to a higher salary</strong></h3> The chance of getting a high salary increase after <strong><a href="">pursuing an MBA degree</a></strong>. It is true that interviewers do consider your higher education and pay accordingly. But without skills, salary will not boost. Skills play an integral part in getting a job. Both skills and degree go hand in hand. Whereas, an MBA helps you to enhance your skills and leads to get a higher salary in the organization. If you are planning to pursue an MBA Degree that offers the best placement and a higher salary, then opt for a private college available in Mumbai popularly known as Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management. It is the only B-school to provide international education in India. You will be amazed to know that it has well-known brands under one umbrella. To name some, it has Amul, NSE, Edelweiss, Mahindra and Mahindra, Sunburn Fest, TCS, and so on. <h4 style="text-align: center;"><strong><b>Here is a list of top companies where students are placed</b></strong></h4> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button type="button"><strong>TSCFM Placements</strong></button></a></p> <h3><strong>3] Enhance your Management skills</strong></h3> An MBA is a box filled with multiple skills, which helps you survive in the business world. Without those skills, it becomes impossible to survive in any market or business. MBA helps you to: <ul> <li>Improve leadership skills<img class="alignright wp-image-869512 size-medium" src="" alt="management skills" width="300" height="225" /></li> <li>Create Network and connections</li> <li>Manage difficult situations</li> <li>Interpret and create reports</li> <li>Presentation skills</li> <li>Maintain Company Image</li> <li>Make right decisions at tough times</li> </ul> <h3>4] Overview of the business world & bring-in business opportunities</h3> MBA helps you to give an overview of the business world. It helps you to understand how the wheel keeps rolling in business. An MBA gives you in-depth knowledge about the market, business environment. It is not only limited to knowledge, but it does bring in business opportunities in your career baggage. MBA will knock on the door of opportunities for you. <h5 style="text-align: center;"><strong><b>If you want to know, how can businesses Expand Globally?</b></strong></h5> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button type="button">Know the Technique</button></a></p> An MBA degree has a lot of perks hidden for you, it is just that you should recognize those perks and choose wisely for your career path."
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