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"post_content" => string(4998) "You have successfully answered the “tell us about yourself” question to the interviewer. You thought that was the most dreaded question to come your way. But as the interview moves forward, the interviewer asks you to tell them about your past work experiences. You sit there thinking and structuring your answer, taking most of the interviewer's time. You are stuck on what to mention and how to answer, so you start with, “As I have already mentioned in my resume, I have done this and blah blah blah..” You have left the interview and kicked yourself in your mind thinking, why didn’t you prepare prior? Now that was not a way to give an interview, right? The first mistake you made was you mentioned the already things in the resume, and second, you took too much time for the interviewer. If you are reading this, have you found yourself in a similar or other situation and didn’t know how to effectively answer that dreadful question that makes or breaks your interview? Whatever issues you had in the previous job, the reason you left, or you got fired or resigned, when this question comes your way, you should have been thoroughly prepared. The prime reason to ask this question is to know your working manner, how you were in your previous job, what makes you stand out from the competitors, and how much you have changed in the last six months. Remember, they don’t want to know how you were a year ago, but they want to know about the present you and what shaped you in the last few months. <h3><strong>Before you go to the interview:</strong></h3> <h4><strong>1. Write down how you plan to answer</strong></h4> A day before the interview, write the list of duties, responsibilities, and tasks you did in the previous job. Write each and everything that comes into your mind. Don’t filter out even the smaller tasks. Once you have made a whole list of things, go through it and filter out the most critical and valuable work you did in your past job. Action Tip: Pick the top 4 things. Structure each point in max two sentences. Write your work, the target you achieved, and what problems you solved. <strong>E.g.</strong> “In the last quarter of 2019, I helped increase the traffic of the ABC organization by 15% through content marketing. <h4><strong>2. Align your points to the job description</strong></h4> Study the job description carefully for the position you are applying for. According to the job description, write down the previous work you did and how it matches the current position. During the interview, as much as possible, help them understand how you solved problems in the past in your field in a matter of time and how this skill will help them in the future. Briefly tell them how you wish to carry out the tasks and what your process is, as it tells them you are a person of discipline and gets things done. E.g. If your job description includes targeting customers through networking, You can include how you managed to bring in clients through the B2B act <h4><strong>3. Review your resume</strong></h4> Before going to the interview, once go through your resume. Remove unnecessary details and only add the important work you did in the work experience sector. While answering, remember only to include two tasks mentioned in the resume. Otherwise, mention activities you did that are not in the resume. They have already read your resume. Make a point not to talk about everything written in the resume and form your answers based on the resume and related to your job. <h3><strong>How to answer the question (some action tips):</strong></h3> <strong>1. Less is more</strong> No more than two-three sentences should be focused while describing one particular task. <strong>2. Measure out your experience</strong> Map out your sentence by adding the numbers you achieved, how much profit you brought in the company, improvements you made other than your field, and accomplishments you got. Give out your data in the form of simple sentences. <strong>3. Don’t use filler words</strong> Cut down the filler words as much as possible. They are uh, Uhm, like, so, okay, right, etc. These make you look unprofessional, and too much use makes you seem like you don’t know how to make a sentence. <strong>4. Be authentic</strong> Do not write fake experiences in your resume. While answering, be genuine and authentic about the work you have done, even if it is small. They can smell liars from miles away. <strong>5. End note </strong> End your answer with a purpose of what you expect to do in the current organization you are applying for and your plans for it. <strong>Read More:</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">All about Job Interviews: Types, Future, and Key Fundamentals</a></strong> "
"post_title" => string(58) "How to talk about your work experience in a job interview?"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-10-14 11:48:04"
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"ID" => int(871795)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2024-04-05 16:20:20"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-04-05 10:50:20"
"post_content" => string(2793) "Cracking campus interviews might be difficult for many; however, it is not impossible to crack them. <h2><strong> Let us share some tips to help you crack the campus placement interview.</strong></h2> <h3><strong>Tip 1: Read about the company</strong></h3> Knowing about the company is very crucial. Before appearing for any interview, make sure you read about the company thoroughly. For instance, if you want to work in that company but you don’t know anything about it, think from the interviewer’s perspective how bad an impression it will leave. It will portray that the job is not significant for you. <h3><strong>Tip 2: Read about the Job profile too</strong></h3> Reading about the company details is not enough. Know what is the job role and responsibilities. Go through the JD (Job description) to understand what the requirement is and how you will fill in that gap. Many companies have different designation names, yet the job roles and duties are different as it becomes our duty to verify and validate everything before. <h3><strong>Tip 3: Act Professionally</strong></h3> Many times, the interviewer will ask you to wait. It always doesn’t mean they are busy, but sometimes they want to observe your behavior. How do you behave, what is your sitting posture, and do any anxiety signs are visible as such? As it is important to act professionally no matter whether you’re in the waiting area or the interview cabin. <h3><strong>Tip 4: Wear formal attire</strong></h3> Washed your face, combed your hair, and picked any attire for the interview? Will these will do? Definitely No. You must choose the proper attire for the interview and look professional. The proper attire leaves a good impression on the interviewer. So remember, do not just rush for the interview; pick the proper attire, iron it well, and then only take an exit from your house. <h3><strong>Tip 5: Wear Confidence</strong></h3> You must have excellent domain knowledge, yet it becomes difficult to deliver or share in front of the interviewer. Remember, with the proper attire; you have to wear confidence too. This will help you give your best during the interview. For cracking an interview and making you industry-ready, a well-known institute, ‘<strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management</a></strong>’ based in Mulund, Mumbai, polishes your skills, increases your knowledge, and helps you get placed in reputed companies. <h4><strong>Read More Post: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">How to talk about your work experience in a job interview?</a></strong></h4>"
"post_title" => string(44) "How to Crack the Campus Placement Interview?"
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"post_name" => string(48) "top-tips-to-crack-the-campus-placement-interview"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-04-03 15:01:30"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2024-04-03 09:31:30"
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"ID" => int(888833)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-04-30 11:00:40"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-04-30 05:30:40"
"post_content" => string(4473) "Interviews are the first step toward entrance into the job world. The job interview will let you in and aid you in exploring the realm truly. However, clearing the interview is crucial. There are various types of interviews that you need to be aware of, and the future of job interviews will also be changing. Therefore, we have curated a blog on the types of job interviews, the new future of job interviews, and the key fundamentals. <h3><strong><span style="color: #003366;">Common Types of Job Interviews</span></strong></h3> <h4><strong>Type 1: Traditional Interview</strong></h4> The traditional interview is the most common type of interview. It is a one-on-one interview, generally conducted at the organization. In this type, the interviewer asks mainly about qualifications, work experience, and skills pertinent to the job. <h4><strong>Type 2: Telephonic Interview</strong></h4> Here in this interview, the interviewer uses the phone call approach. This type of interview is mainly the first step of the recruitment process. The interviewer asks basic questions to the interviewee about the reasons for applying for the said role, the experience you have, and how you know about this company. <h4><strong>Type 3: Video Interview</strong></h4> A video Interview is similar to a traditional interview. The only difference is that it is done virtually. It will have common interview questions. The dress code will also remain the same as a traditional interview, i.e., the interviewee should be in formal attire with an organized background and less disturbance. <h4><strong>Type 4: Group Interview</strong></h4> In Group interviews, there will be many candidates interviewed simultaneously. In this type of interview, the interviewer verifies the candidate's communication and listening skills, market understanding and knowledge they acquired, quality of their answer, how prompt they were to answer, how well they could justify their response, and the primary uniqueness of each interview. <h4><strong>Type 5: Structured Interview</strong></h4> Structured interviews have the same questions for all the candidates who have applied for the said job, And this helps interviewers compare the responses and select the best candidate. These are only a few common types of interviews mentioned above!! <h3><span style="color: #003366;"><strong>Recruiters' Newest choice for Job interviews</strong></span></h3> During the pandemic, we got the chance to witness the growth of <strong>video call interviews</strong>. Due to lockdown and social distancing, a video call interview was the preferred option for the interviewer. However, this type of interview has become the choice of recruiters, as it is less time-consuming and taking remote interviews becomes easier. There is the probability of an increase in video call interviews in the future too. As per business insider data, 60% of employers opt for video interviews for remote hiring. Also, recruiters will use gaming elements in the hiring process. <h3><span style="color: #003366;">Key Fundamentals</span></h3> Millennials and Gen z are heavily active on Social media platforms these days. Be it used for sharing memes or getting the latest news updates, this is why interviewers have taken a new approach to verify the candidate, i.e., they look through their social media handles to understand their personality. As per Business insider reports - 55% of recruiters reconsidered candidates based on their social media presence. If you are also looking to kickstart a career in your desired field, you must choose the<strong><span style="color: #ff6600;"><a style="color: #ff6600;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> top institute in Mumbai that offers certifications</a></span></strong> plus <strong><span style="color: #ff6600;"><a style="color: #ff6600;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">job placement in top companies</a></span></strong>. We recommend you select ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management institute, ranked 3rd by Outlook Magazine for Global MBA Courses. <strong>Read More:</strong> <ul> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">How to talk about your work experience in a job interview?</a></strong></li> </ul> "
"post_title" => string(61) "All about Job Interviews: Types, Future, and Key Fundamentals"
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"post_name" => string(58) "all-about-job-interviews-types-future-and-key-fundamentals"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:39"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:39"
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"ID" => int(887878)
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"post_date" => string(19) "2022-02-16 16:51:19"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-02-16 11:21:19"
"post_content" => string(3273) "ask.CAREERS, is well-known for offering learning-based apps for students to help them broaden their knowledge and upgrade their skills. Recently, ask.CAREERS has launched its brand new application named ‘<strong>Banking Course+Job</strong>,’ also known as a <strong>3-in-1 Banking app</strong>; designed especially for the aspirants looking forward to improving their banking knowledge and skills, and getting the desired bank job. Therefore, students can sit back and fulfill their wishes through ask.CAREERS app. Before we understand the benefits, let us first look at what is banking+job app is and how it is different from other apps. <h3><strong>Banking Course+Job app is the combination of THREE important parts:</strong></h3> <ol> <li>Banking Knowledge</li> <li>Interview preparedness</li> <li>Job assessment</li> </ol> It is a complete package of everything a student is looking for learning BANKING!!! <strong>Now, let us understand these factors in a detailed manner and know the benefits.</strong> <h3><strong>1] Certificate Course in Banking</strong></h3> The application will help you learn comprehensively about Banking by providing you with Weekly Modules that give you an overview of the banking sector. Moreover, it also helps you understand the types of banks, banking products and services, the banking process, and a lot more in detail. You will acquire knowledge of banking and certification by completing the banking professional course. <h3>2] Bank Job Interview Prep Guide</h3> The app is designed to help you prepare for the banking job interviews. It will guide you with; bank job questions, what are the correct & incorrect responses during the job interview. Also, there are videos provided for you to get better guidance. Besides these, the application also helps you with the transcript to avoid confusion while you brush up yourself for the interview. <h3>3] Job Assessment & Placement</h3> The app does not stop here in providing benefits. The application also has a job assessment section to check your correct, incorrect, and unattempted score. Furthermore, as we mentioned before, this app is filled with benefits. The application also has a feature where you can get the daily news bytes, which will we aid you to keep updated with the latest trends and current affairs and lead to crack the interview successfully & kickstart the career journey. <h3 style="text-align: center;">You can also avail the benefits now!!!</h3> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button type="button"><b>Download the application here</b></button></a></strong></p> <h5><strong>Read More Post:</strong></h5> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><strong>Become a Banker in Just 5 Months</strong></a></li> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">What does 4-IN-1 Professional Diploma in Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (PDBFSI) Course Offer?</a></strong></li> </ul>"
"post_title" => string(69) "What is the Banking Course + job app and what benefits does it offer?"
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"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-10-01 05:30:27"
"post_content" => string(4998) "You have successfully answered the “tell us about yourself” question to the interviewer. You thought that was the most dreaded question to come your way. But as the interview moves forward, the interviewer asks you to tell them about your past work experiences. You sit there thinking and structuring your answer, taking most of the interviewer's time. You are stuck on what to mention and how to answer, so you start with, “As I have already mentioned in my resume, I have done this and blah blah blah..” You have left the interview and kicked yourself in your mind thinking, why didn’t you prepare prior? Now that was not a way to give an interview, right? The first mistake you made was you mentioned the already things in the resume, and second, you took too much time for the interviewer. If you are reading this, have you found yourself in a similar or other situation and didn’t know how to effectively answer that dreadful question that makes or breaks your interview? Whatever issues you had in the previous job, the reason you left, or you got fired or resigned, when this question comes your way, you should have been thoroughly prepared. The prime reason to ask this question is to know your working manner, how you were in your previous job, what makes you stand out from the competitors, and how much you have changed in the last six months. Remember, they don’t want to know how you were a year ago, but they want to know about the present you and what shaped you in the last few months. <h3><strong>Before you go to the interview:</strong></h3> <h4><strong>1. Write down how you plan to answer</strong></h4> A day before the interview, write the list of duties, responsibilities, and tasks you did in the previous job. Write each and everything that comes into your mind. Don’t filter out even the smaller tasks. Once you have made a whole list of things, go through it and filter out the most critical and valuable work you did in your past job. Action Tip: Pick the top 4 things. Structure each point in max two sentences. Write your work, the target you achieved, and what problems you solved. <strong>E.g.</strong> “In the last quarter of 2019, I helped increase the traffic of the ABC organization by 15% through content marketing. <h4><strong>2. Align your points to the job description</strong></h4> Study the job description carefully for the position you are applying for. According to the job description, write down the previous work you did and how it matches the current position. During the interview, as much as possible, help them understand how you solved problems in the past in your field in a matter of time and how this skill will help them in the future. Briefly tell them how you wish to carry out the tasks and what your process is, as it tells them you are a person of discipline and gets things done. E.g. If your job description includes targeting customers through networking, You can include how you managed to bring in clients through the B2B act <h4><strong>3. Review your resume</strong></h4> Before going to the interview, once go through your resume. Remove unnecessary details and only add the important work you did in the work experience sector. While answering, remember only to include two tasks mentioned in the resume. Otherwise, mention activities you did that are not in the resume. They have already read your resume. Make a point not to talk about everything written in the resume and form your answers based on the resume and related to your job. <h3><strong>How to answer the question (some action tips):</strong></h3> <strong>1. Less is more</strong> No more than two-three sentences should be focused while describing one particular task. <strong>2. Measure out your experience</strong> Map out your sentence by adding the numbers you achieved, how much profit you brought in the company, improvements you made other than your field, and accomplishments you got. Give out your data in the form of simple sentences. <strong>3. Don’t use filler words</strong> Cut down the filler words as much as possible. They are uh, Uhm, like, so, okay, right, etc. These make you look unprofessional, and too much use makes you seem like you don’t know how to make a sentence. <strong>4. Be authentic</strong> Do not write fake experiences in your resume. While answering, be genuine and authentic about the work you have done, even if it is small. They can smell liars from miles away. <strong>5. End note </strong> End your answer with a purpose of what you expect to do in the current organization you are applying for and your plans for it. <strong>Read More:</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">All about Job Interviews: Types, Future, and Key Fundamentals</a></strong> "
"post_title" => string(58) "How to talk about your work experience in a job interview?"
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"post_name" => string(57) "how-to-talk-about-your-work-experience-in-a-job-interview"
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