MBA from UK University
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"post_content" => string(5490) "<h3>Which one is better – MBA in Marketing or Finance?</h3> How about? Which one is better for you and serves your personal interest? The answer always comes down to your own choice and in which field you want to make a career. There are career prospects in both fields - marketing as well as finance, but if you only choose which you are going to make money sooner even though it's not your field of interest, you are going to make a terrible mistake. But if you are confused about which career path fits your personality, then in this article you’ll find ways to figure out your interest and choose the right MBA elective for you. MBA in Finance and MBA in Marketing include all core business subjects, but their curriculum and future job options are different. <h4><strong>Let’s get into it first, shall we?</strong></h4> <h3><strong>- MBA in Finance</strong></h3> Once you choose an MBA in Finance specialization, it will make you ready for a job profession in the finance field. The managerial or senior-level jobs you’d get will be in the finance sector. The MBA in Finance curriculum includes Economics, Budgeting, Financial Accounting, Financial Risk Management, and other finance-specific subjects. You will gain an in-depth knowledge of finance-related subjects, which will help you handle the financial aspects of corporate and other types of businesses. <h4><strong>MBA in Finance Career Prospects:</strong></h4> <ul> <li>Financial Analyst</li> <li>Budget Analyst</li> <li>Financial Manager</li> <li>Investment Banker</li> <li>Stock Broker</li> <li>Auditor</li> </ul> <h4><strong>What you should note before choosing MBA in Finance:</strong></h4> 1. Have you had any past experience in Accounting or Financial Analysis? 2. Have you really taken an interest in Economics class in your school? 3. Last but not least, DO YOU LIKE NUMBERS? Dive into these questions and just think and choose. <h3>- MBA in Marketing</h3> MBA in Marketing specialization, as the term goes, focuses on making you job-ready as a marketer. The core subjects in this MBA specialization include Digital Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Market Research, and many more. The subjects also depend upon the colleges’ curriculum structure. <h4><strong>MBA in Marketing Career Prospects:</strong></h4> <ul> <li>Marketing Manager</li> <li>Brand Manager</li> <li>Sales Associate</li> <li>Digital Marketing Head</li> <li>Market Research Analyst</li> <li>Digital Marketing Specialist</li> <li>Customer Relationship Executive</li> <li>Product Manager</li> <li>Senior Marketing Analyst</li> </ul> MBA in Marketing has become popular because employers seek creative marketers with immense knowledge and unique ideas. Most importantly, employees have online and digital marketing domain knowledge due to vast globalization and most people moving online. Universities are also upgrading, bringing their A-game into the curriculum, and innovating yearly. <h4><strong>Now before choosing MBA in Marketing specialization, think as:</strong></h4> 1. Have you taken part in any media activities in college? 2. Are you creative? 3. Do you have exceptional communication skills? A marketer shows off his or her talent, and the company needs someone who can show off their products/services creatively and stand out. There are a lot of scopes for an MBA in Marketing and Finance opportunities, but the main question lies in your interest. When it comes to salary for MBA in Finance and Marketing, it comes down to where you are studying and what placements and packages they offer. So before applying for an MBA anywhere, see their placement list, and kind of jobs they offer, and salary packages. But if you want a more excellent salary package, you should also be someone with exceptional skills and talent. And that is why we all choose to do an MBA, right? To build ourselves, to grow and learn and make our future brighter. <h5><strong>Whichever field you choose, ask yourselves these questions:</strong></h5> 1. Where does your interest lie in? 2. Are you ready to invest yourself in either of the fields for a long-term period? 3. What do you want after completing an MBA Degree? So, choose the future you want to build in, and money will follow you automatically. Researching and looking for a good institute that builds your particular field knowledge and develops your overall personality is challenging. To know more about the best courses and institute for MBA in Finance and MBA in Marketing, check out Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management(TSCFM), which offers <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">MBA Degree from UK university</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">UGC Recognized MBA Program</a></strong> helps a student build their personality, make them who they want to be and a better future. <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Learn More About MBA Program</strong></h3> <p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">[aw2.module slug="blog-brochure-popup" text="Download Our Brochure Now!" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary" brochure_url=""/]</span></p>"
"post_title" => string(50) "Which one is Better - MBA in Marketing or Finance?"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-07-02 16:03:11"
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"ID" => int(887153)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2021-12-17 15:19:48"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2021-12-17 09:49:48"
"post_content" => string(802) "If you are planning to join your dream B-School, you must be aware of what to do before you admit to B-School. We will accentuate a few crucial things for students, that they must follow for a successful academic year; moreover, these steps will help them get admitted to their dream school. Let us see the key aspects he has emphasized in the talk with Mr. Rahul Singh. <h5><strong>He said the FIVE foremost essential things that students must habituate are;</strong></h5> <ol> <li>Travel</li> <li>Time-Management</li> <li>Communication & Networking</li> <li>Self-Growth</li> <li>Write</li> </ol> <h5><strong>Watch the entire video of our Dean of students explaining each point mentioned above:</strong></h5>"
"post_title" => string(46) "Know how to get closer to your dream B- School"
"post_excerpt" => string(0) ""
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"post_name" => string(45) "know-how-to-get-closer-to-your-dream-b-school"
"to_ping" => string(0) ""
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:42"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:42"
"post_content_filtered" => string(0) ""
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"ID" => int(869872)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2021-05-18 19:32:20"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2021-05-18 14:02:20"
"post_content" => string(4984) "Shaping your career is just like shaping a pot. All you need to do is be focused and consistent. Also, along with these skills, an MBA degree will help you shape your career and build a successful life. We all know the increasing significance of an MBA all over the world. For many young graduates, pursuing an MBA is like climbing the first step of their career ladder. Be it any field or industry, an MBA degree will always help. However, many students are still apprehensive about the benefits of an MBA. <strong>Let us understand how an MBA can help you to shape your career path.</strong> An MBA not only shapes your career path but also your personality. MBA changes you and makes you a better version of yourself. Popular MBA courses such as relationship-building, personal development, time management and career design workshops help you get a deeper understanding of where you stand. Besides honing your soft-skills, an MBA also helps you to acquire several other invaluable marketable traits that can help you to start your own business . An MBA degree helps you to become self-confident and develop your analytical and critical thinking abilities. It will not only provide you with immense knowledge but also with a sense of discipline and make you a market-ready person. There are many colleges and universities in Mumbai which provide an MBA degree. For an add on advantage it is advisable to opt for one of the top management colleges in Mumbai. Additionally, you can look for some of the best institutes in Mumbai that offer you a global MBA degree that can make you job ready globally. For instance, one of the best institutes in Mumbai, ‘<strong><a href="">Thandomal Shahani Center For Management</a></strong>’, located in Mulund, has a lot to offer. TSCFM’s focus is on comprehensive development, providing students with a globally relevant curriculum, an innovative teaching methodology and international faculty members who have hands-on experience in various industries. For some students, an MBA is just a degree for getting a job. However, if students are willing to learn, enhance their personality, or groom themselves in a better version then they should opt for Global MBA courses which are available at TSCFM. <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong><b><span style="color: #ff6600;">To Enquire More about Global MBA Course</span> </b></strong></h3> <p style="text-align: center;">[aw2.module slug="blog-enquiry-popup" text="Enquire now" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary"/]</p> <p style="text-align: center;"></p> With an MBA degree, shaping a career becomes easier. It brings-in opportunities to your doorsteps and helps you build a strong network in the market. It will make you globally competent. The typical managerial job role involves business meetings, business travels, and communication, that offers an opportunity to strengthen your network. An MBA degree will let you out-shine and will bring out your hidden talents. An MBA makes you more definite about your abilities. At the end of the day, as professionals and also as social beings we all want to be more self-aware and more knowledgeable about our interactions with others. This as a process is sustainable, on both professional and your personal fronts. If you are sure of yourself you will know exactly how to help others and you will be able to take a call in difficult situations. <strong>Read Full Article: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">What are the perks of pursuing an MBA Degree?</a></strong> Today, management has become a vital part of every organization – whether it is big or small. Hence, top recruiting companies demand professionals with excellent managerial and leadership skills. So, it becomes important to develop in every aspect and never let yourself stand beneath anyone. Shape your career in a way that you grow, flourish, and bloom in a better way. Take time for yourself and utilize it the right way. As we know, a career is fragile, we have to handle it gently and with care. Any wrong decision may affect your career badly. It is better to take time and think wisely and shape your career. <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong><span style="color: #ff6600;">Want to know more about the MBA program?</span></strong></h3> <p style="text-align: center;">[aw2.module slug="blog-brochure-popup" text="Download Complete MBA Brochure Now!" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary" brochure_url=""/]</p> <strong>Related Post: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">5 Reasons why an MBA has become integral for your Career</a></strong>"
"post_title" => string(36) "Shape your career with an MBA degree"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2024-06-22 10:35:56"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-06-22 05:05:56"
"post_content" => string(5490) "<h3>Which one is better – MBA in Marketing or Finance?</h3> How about? Which one is better for you and serves your personal interest? The answer always comes down to your own choice and in which field you want to make a career. There are career prospects in both fields - marketing as well as finance, but if you only choose which you are going to make money sooner even though it's not your field of interest, you are going to make a terrible mistake. But if you are confused about which career path fits your personality, then in this article you’ll find ways to figure out your interest and choose the right MBA elective for you. MBA in Finance and MBA in Marketing include all core business subjects, but their curriculum and future job options are different. <h4><strong>Let’s get into it first, shall we?</strong></h4> <h3><strong>- MBA in Finance</strong></h3> Once you choose an MBA in Finance specialization, it will make you ready for a job profession in the finance field. The managerial or senior-level jobs you’d get will be in the finance sector. The MBA in Finance curriculum includes Economics, Budgeting, Financial Accounting, Financial Risk Management, and other finance-specific subjects. You will gain an in-depth knowledge of finance-related subjects, which will help you handle the financial aspects of corporate and other types of businesses. <h4><strong>MBA in Finance Career Prospects:</strong></h4> <ul> <li>Financial Analyst</li> <li>Budget Analyst</li> <li>Financial Manager</li> <li>Investment Banker</li> <li>Stock Broker</li> <li>Auditor</li> </ul> <h4><strong>What you should note before choosing MBA in Finance:</strong></h4> 1. Have you had any past experience in Accounting or Financial Analysis? 2. Have you really taken an interest in Economics class in your school? 3. Last but not least, DO YOU LIKE NUMBERS? Dive into these questions and just think and choose. <h3>- MBA in Marketing</h3> MBA in Marketing specialization, as the term goes, focuses on making you job-ready as a marketer. The core subjects in this MBA specialization include Digital Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Market Research, and many more. The subjects also depend upon the colleges’ curriculum structure. <h4><strong>MBA in Marketing Career Prospects:</strong></h4> <ul> <li>Marketing Manager</li> <li>Brand Manager</li> <li>Sales Associate</li> <li>Digital Marketing Head</li> <li>Market Research Analyst</li> <li>Digital Marketing Specialist</li> <li>Customer Relationship Executive</li> <li>Product Manager</li> <li>Senior Marketing Analyst</li> </ul> MBA in Marketing has become popular because employers seek creative marketers with immense knowledge and unique ideas. Most importantly, employees have online and digital marketing domain knowledge due to vast globalization and most people moving online. Universities are also upgrading, bringing their A-game into the curriculum, and innovating yearly. <h4><strong>Now before choosing MBA in Marketing specialization, think as:</strong></h4> 1. Have you taken part in any media activities in college? 2. Are you creative? 3. Do you have exceptional communication skills? A marketer shows off his or her talent, and the company needs someone who can show off their products/services creatively and stand out. There are a lot of scopes for an MBA in Marketing and Finance opportunities, but the main question lies in your interest. When it comes to salary for MBA in Finance and Marketing, it comes down to where you are studying and what placements and packages they offer. So before applying for an MBA anywhere, see their placement list, and kind of jobs they offer, and salary packages. But if you want a more excellent salary package, you should also be someone with exceptional skills and talent. And that is why we all choose to do an MBA, right? To build ourselves, to grow and learn and make our future brighter. <h5><strong>Whichever field you choose, ask yourselves these questions:</strong></h5> 1. Where does your interest lie in? 2. Are you ready to invest yourself in either of the fields for a long-term period? 3. What do you want after completing an MBA Degree? So, choose the future you want to build in, and money will follow you automatically. Researching and looking for a good institute that builds your particular field knowledge and develops your overall personality is challenging. To know more about the best courses and institute for MBA in Finance and MBA in Marketing, check out Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management(TSCFM), which offers <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">MBA Degree from UK university</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">UGC Recognized MBA Program</a></strong> helps a student build their personality, make them who they want to be and a better future. <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Learn More About MBA Program</strong></h3> <p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">[aw2.module slug="blog-brochure-popup" text="Download Our Brochure Now!" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary" brochure_url=""/]</span></p>"
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