MBA Program Facts
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"post_content" => string(5573) "MBA Program needs no introduction given the popularity and international recognition. It is also one of the most preferred post-graduate degrees with more students competing to get into the best B-school and with dreams of landing a high paying job at top-level management positions. <h2>There are a lot of other facts about MBA program that many students are not aware about,</h2> <strong>and here are a few of them:</strong> <h3><strong>1. Extensive Network:</strong></h3> While studying your MBA program, you will come into contact with your classmates whom you contact and associate with on a daily basis throughout the program. There will also be an opportunity to get acquainted with the alumni members. You will also come into contact with faculty, college staff and people from industry. Many students do not know how to make the best use of this network, because of their lack of awareness. But this is the best investment for you to build your network and it will help you discover new experiences and opportunities. <h3><strong>2. International gateway -</strong></h3> Did you know your MBA degree brings you one step closer to building an international career even if you study from India? Because of its recognition and the broader worldview that the program’s curriculum has to offer. This also means that your exposure to diverse perspectives makes it easier for you to step into international markets and companies. <h3><strong>3. MBA in not about brand names -</strong></h3> This one is quite a shocker for a lot of people because of their perception that if the college is not famous then it's not good enough. I am not denying that the brand does not hold any value but I have come across many students who come to me stating that they only want to get an MBA from the town’s top B-School and they have no clue why they want to <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">choose that B-school</a></strong>. Most of the time it’s their family, friends and neighbors suggestions as to which college you should earn your MBA from. Your decision to <strong><a href="">pursue an MBA program</a></strong> should depend on your goals and priorities. Evaluate the program length, cost, curriculum and value it offers for yourself. You should think about the faculty, study format and what you want to achieve from this program. <h3><strong>4. Age is not a barrier -</strong></h3> You have just graduated and at 21 you think MBA is the best thing for you - go for it. You are at age 35 and you think MBA is the right thing for you - go for it. There is no age to stop learning. Many colleges have a prerequisite for you to have a certain years of experience before enrolling for the MBA program and many colleges accept freshers too. <h3><strong>5. Your next promotion card -</strong></h3> This is no brainer. Higher income is one of the primary reasons people enroll in an MBA program. Many prospective students want to climb up their career ladder and pursuing an MBA program gives them an edge over their peers. <h3><strong>6. More than business acumen it is about honing your soft skills -</strong></h3> You may not know this but as much knowledge and hard skills you gain from an MBA program, you become better at your soft skills too. Many MBA graduates find themselves communicating better at work with people from all walks of lives. Throughout your program you get multiple opportunities to enhance your time management, communication and public speaking skills. <h3><strong>7. A new career pathway -</strong></h3> Unlike any other degree which is career specific, an MBA degree offers you a wide array of career opportunities throughout your life. You can re-energize your career goals, start your own business, transition to a new industry - the opportunities are endless! <h3><strong>8. Self confidence -</strong></h3> Yes, that’s right! An MBA degree is very rewarding and one of the non-financial and most rewarding achievements is increased confidence. <h3><strong>9. More Job opportunities -</strong></h3> Many companies now prefer or require candidates with an MBA degree. Even if it's not a requirement, an MBA stamp on your resume becomes a differentiating factor amongst other applicants. In conclusion, do your own research and don’t forget that not all MBA degrees offer you the same exposure. Many MBA programs from India hold no value Internationally. You can connect 1:1 with my team of career counselors to be educated on how to choose an MBA program for yourself. <h3 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Explore Our MBA Program and Elevate Your Career</strong></span></h3> <p style="text-align: center;">[aw2.module slug="blog-brochure-popup" text="Download Our MBA Brochure Now!" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary" brochure_url=""/]</p> <strong>Read More Article:</strong> <ul> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Top 5 Advice for MBA Aspirants</a> </strong></li> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Four Mistakes Every MBA Aspirant Should Avoid</a></strong></li> </ul>"
"post_title" => string(50) "8 Things About MBA Program You May Not Have Known!"
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"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-01-03 13:02:37"
"post_content" => string(5573) "MBA Program needs no introduction given the popularity and international recognition. It is also one of the most preferred post-graduate degrees with more students competing to get into the best B-school and with dreams of landing a high paying job at top-level management positions. <h2>There are a lot of other facts about MBA program that many students are not aware about,</h2> <strong>and here are a few of them:</strong> <h3><strong>1. Extensive Network:</strong></h3> While studying your MBA program, you will come into contact with your classmates whom you contact and associate with on a daily basis throughout the program. There will also be an opportunity to get acquainted with the alumni members. You will also come into contact with faculty, college staff and people from industry. Many students do not know how to make the best use of this network, because of their lack of awareness. But this is the best investment for you to build your network and it will help you discover new experiences and opportunities. <h3><strong>2. International gateway -</strong></h3> Did you know your MBA degree brings you one step closer to building an international career even if you study from India? Because of its recognition and the broader worldview that the program’s curriculum has to offer. This also means that your exposure to diverse perspectives makes it easier for you to step into international markets and companies. <h3><strong>3. MBA in not about brand names -</strong></h3> This one is quite a shocker for a lot of people because of their perception that if the college is not famous then it's not good enough. I am not denying that the brand does not hold any value but I have come across many students who come to me stating that they only want to get an MBA from the town’s top B-School and they have no clue why they want to <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">choose that B-school</a></strong>. Most of the time it’s their family, friends and neighbors suggestions as to which college you should earn your MBA from. Your decision to <strong><a href="">pursue an MBA program</a></strong> should depend on your goals and priorities. Evaluate the program length, cost, curriculum and value it offers for yourself. You should think about the faculty, study format and what you want to achieve from this program. <h3><strong>4. Age is not a barrier -</strong></h3> You have just graduated and at 21 you think MBA is the best thing for you - go for it. You are at age 35 and you think MBA is the right thing for you - go for it. There is no age to stop learning. Many colleges have a prerequisite for you to have a certain years of experience before enrolling for the MBA program and many colleges accept freshers too. <h3><strong>5. Your next promotion card -</strong></h3> This is no brainer. Higher income is one of the primary reasons people enroll in an MBA program. Many prospective students want to climb up their career ladder and pursuing an MBA program gives them an edge over their peers. <h3><strong>6. More than business acumen it is about honing your soft skills -</strong></h3> You may not know this but as much knowledge and hard skills you gain from an MBA program, you become better at your soft skills too. Many MBA graduates find themselves communicating better at work with people from all walks of lives. Throughout your program you get multiple opportunities to enhance your time management, communication and public speaking skills. <h3><strong>7. A new career pathway -</strong></h3> Unlike any other degree which is career specific, an MBA degree offers you a wide array of career opportunities throughout your life. You can re-energize your career goals, start your own business, transition to a new industry - the opportunities are endless! <h3><strong>8. Self confidence -</strong></h3> Yes, that’s right! An MBA degree is very rewarding and one of the non-financial and most rewarding achievements is increased confidence. <h3><strong>9. More Job opportunities -</strong></h3> Many companies now prefer or require candidates with an MBA degree. Even if it's not a requirement, an MBA stamp on your resume becomes a differentiating factor amongst other applicants. In conclusion, do your own research and don’t forget that not all MBA degrees offer you the same exposure. Many MBA programs from India hold no value Internationally. You can connect 1:1 with my team of career counselors to be educated on how to choose an MBA program for yourself. <h3 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>Explore Our MBA Program and Elevate Your Career</strong></span></h3> <p style="text-align: center;">[aw2.module slug="blog-brochure-popup" text="Download Our MBA Brochure Now!" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary" brochure_url=""/]</p> <strong>Read More Article:</strong> <ul> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Top 5 Advice for MBA Aspirants</a> </strong></li> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Four Mistakes Every MBA Aspirant Should Avoid</a></strong></li> </ul>"
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