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"ID" => int(887987)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-02-25 16:16:01"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-02-25 10:46:01"
"post_content" => string(3385) "In this modern world, we all are well-versed with the fact that social media has become the key important medium for users to stay connected and updated.
Social media apps have gained tremendous popularity since a decade ago. From millennials to youth, everyone is taking advantage of social media apps.
Surprisingly, some users have become so accustomed and habitual with social media apps that they begin their day with social media and end the day with the same.
Taking advantage of this, many marketers have struck the hammer when the iron is hot.
<h4><strong>However, to help others know what are useful top Social media platforms, you must read the entire blog.</strong></h4>
Let us begin!!</strong>
<h4><strong>1] Facebook</strong></h4>
Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites.
According to the latest data, it has 2.80 billion active users, of which 1.84 billion users are visiting the social networking site on daily basis.
Before it was just a connecting friends application, gradually, it became one of the best mediums of marketing too.
<h3><strong>2] Instagram</strong></h3>
Instagram too gained enormous popularity in a short time frame.
Initially, it was all about sharing pictures, steadily, it became a content-sharing platform, where all kinds of videos and posts are being shared.
In current times, it is the top choice of marketers to promote their products and service and reach a mass audience.
<h3><strong>3] Youtube</strong></h3>
Youtube is the online video sharing application and it is ranked in the most popular social media sites.
On Youtube, educational and informative videos are being shared.
Marketers are opting for this social media platform to promote their brand in a video format.
This kind of marketing is being proved as one of the right alternatives for marketing.
<h3><strong>4] Twitter</strong></h3>
Twitter, is a microblogging and social networking site on which users post and interact with messages known as ‘Tweets’.
Marketers are using this platform for sharing short information about their brand in the most engaging manner and the retweet feature is really helping to do the job efficiently.
<h3><strong>5] Linkedin</strong></h3>
Linkedin, another social networking site that falls into the most popular social media platform category.
This platform is mainly used for professional networking and it is mostly used by B2B Marketers to promote their brand.
<h3><strong>6] Quora</strong></h3>
Quora is a social question and answer website which helps to give answers and also allows you to answer the question you have knowledge about.
Marketers have found this compulsive method to showcase their presence to the audience.
<h3>7] Pinterest</h3>
Pinterest too is not behind in the race of popularity category. It has grabbed many eyeballs through its unique features.
This platform is an image-sharing application that enables you to save and discover information on the internet using images.
Marketers have accurately exploited this social media platform too.
Become a Social Media expert by <strong><a href="https://tscfm.org/courses/professional-diploma-in-digital-marketing/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">pursuing Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing</a></strong> and gain in-depth knowledge about digital marketing."
"post_title" => string(48) "7 Social media platforms marketers must be aware"
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"ID" => int(887987)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-02-25 16:16:01"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-02-25 10:46:01"
"post_content" => string(3385) "In this modern world, we all are well-versed with the fact that social media has become the key important medium for users to stay connected and updated.
Social media apps have gained tremendous popularity since a decade ago. From millennials to youth, everyone is taking advantage of social media apps.
Surprisingly, some users have become so accustomed and habitual with social media apps that they begin their day with social media and end the day with the same.
Taking advantage of this, many marketers have struck the hammer when the iron is hot.
<h4><strong>However, to help others know what are useful top Social media platforms, you must read the entire blog.</strong></h4>
Let us begin!!</strong>
<h4><strong>1] Facebook</strong></h4>
Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites.
According to the latest data, it has 2.80 billion active users, of which 1.84 billion users are visiting the social networking site on daily basis.
Before it was just a connecting friends application, gradually, it became one of the best mediums of marketing too.
<h3><strong>2] Instagram</strong></h3>
Instagram too gained enormous popularity in a short time frame.
Initially, it was all about sharing pictures, steadily, it became a content-sharing platform, where all kinds of videos and posts are being shared.
In current times, it is the top choice of marketers to promote their products and service and reach a mass audience.
<h3><strong>3] Youtube</strong></h3>
Youtube is the online video sharing application and it is ranked in the most popular social media sites.
On Youtube, educational and informative videos are being shared.
Marketers are opting for this social media platform to promote their brand in a video format.
This kind of marketing is being proved as one of the right alternatives for marketing.
<h3><strong>4] Twitter</strong></h3>
Twitter, is a microblogging and social networking site on which users post and interact with messages known as ‘Tweets’.
Marketers are using this platform for sharing short information about their brand in the most engaging manner and the retweet feature is really helping to do the job efficiently.
<h3><strong>5] Linkedin</strong></h3>
Linkedin, another social networking site that falls into the most popular social media platform category.
This platform is mainly used for professional networking and it is mostly used by B2B Marketers to promote their brand.
<h3><strong>6] Quora</strong></h3>
Quora is a social question and answer website which helps to give answers and also allows you to answer the question you have knowledge about.
Marketers have found this compulsive method to showcase their presence to the audience.
<h3>7] Pinterest</h3>
Pinterest too is not behind in the race of popularity category. It has grabbed many eyeballs through its unique features.
This platform is an image-sharing application that enables you to save and discover information on the internet using images.
Marketers have accurately exploited this social media platform too.
Become a Social Media expert by <strong><a href="https://tscfm.org/courses/professional-diploma-in-digital-marketing/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">pursuing Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing</a></strong> and gain in-depth knowledge about digital marketing."
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