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"ID" => int(871037)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-05-25 10:43:40"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-05-25 05:13:40"
"post_content" => string(2816) "When it comes to picking a post-graduate program, then you can be spoilt for choice. However, you usually can’t go wrong with MBA especially if you have completed your bachelor’s in a non-management domain. <h4><strong>If you are planning to apply for an MBA course, then the following are some of the mistakes that you should avoid to build a successful career:</strong></h4> <h3><strong>1. Picking a Wrong College</strong></h3> It’s really important that you pick a college that you know is right for you rather than what your peers are suggesting. Sometimes, students settle for any college just because they don’t want to prepare for the entrance exams for another year. That’s an equally bad approach as the college and course you pick can have a huge impact on your career. <h3><strong>2. Avoiding Networking</strong></h3> Networking with other MBA aspirants can help you in more ways than you can imagine. You can learn about the new trends in the industry, get tips on improving your preparation, and also learn about new courses and colleges that might pave the road for a bright career. <h3><strong>3. Delaying Studying</strong></h3> Many students like to relax and take their time before starting their preparation. However, finding the right course and college entrance exam patterns takes a long time. So, it’s best to start working on the plan as soon as possible. <h3><strong>4. Not Doing the Homework</strong></h3> There are numerous business schools both in India and abroad. However, each follows certain admission criteria. So, you may miss out on some of the best schools by failing to do your homework. In India, if you are looking for a global MBA program, you can simply learn and grasp knowledge from Mulund, Mumbai-based college ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management.’ where you will receive a global degree of an MBA with quality learning and faculties. You can learn more about the college and its <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">MBA admission process</a></strong>. An MBA program can give a significant boost to your career granted you avoid the mistakes above. Good luck! <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Want to Know More About the MBA Program?</strong></h3> <p style="text-align: center;">[aw2.module slug="blog-enquiry-popup" text="Enquire now" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary"/]</p> <h5><strong>Read Also: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">What are the Job titles & salary packages in different sectors after MBA?</a></strong></h5>"
"post_title" => string(42) "4 Mistakes Every MBA Aspirant Should Avoid"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-07-03 17:22:23"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2021-04-24 11:59:46"
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"post_content" => string(2925) " No matter what kind of career path you have chosen, chances are that your success will be limited by your education. For instance, if you only have a bachelor’s degree or diploma, then you may get limited jobs and opportunities. However, if you are able to enroll in a global MBA program, then you can give a boost to your career. The question is- what’s the difference between MBA in India and abroad, and is the latter better than the former? Let’s find out! Generally speaking, whether you get an MBA in international business from a foreign university or a local university isn’t that important. What matters is the reputation of the university itself and your own efforts. That said, there are some obvious advantages of getting a degree from a US or UK university. These are: <h3>1. Global Exposure</h3> Studying and spending time with students from different countries allows you to learn about different cultures and traditions. This can help you in enhancing your personality and develop new skills. <h3>2. Communication Skills</h3> When you are studying in a business school where the primary means of communication is English, then you are forced to express yourself in the same language. This can make you more confident as you develop strong communication skills. <h3>3. Better Salary</h3> Even though there is no dearth of the best MBA colleges in India, those based in foreign countries tend to put you in a good light when you apply for jobs. Recruiters often believe that a foreign degree translates to good business skills and acumen. So, you can expect to get high-paying jobs with a foreign MBA degree. <h4><strong>Read: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Type of Jobs You Can Get with an MBA Degree</a></strong></h4> However, if you think that a foreign degree will burn a huge hole into your pockets, then don’t worry. Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management based in Mulund, Mumbai offers a global degree that too at the cost of an Indian one. TSCFM focuses on comprehensive development, providing students with a globally relevant curriculum, an innovative teaching methodology, and international faculty members who have hands-on business experience. Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management’ has multiple companies stored for student placements. Top companies such as Amul, TCS, Mahindra and Mahindra, Edelweiss, ICICI Bank, Star, Crisil, alt Balaji, Trip advisor, Oppo,, Kotak Mahindra Banka, and many more have recruited from TSCFM. <h4 style="text-align: center;"><strong>You can know about the course MBA from UK university</strong></h4> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><button type="button"><b><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Know More </a></b></button></strong></p>"
"post_title" => string(56) "Which degree is better: Foreign degree or Indian Degree?"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:45"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2021-04-14 18:45:20"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2021-04-14 13:15:20"
"post_content" => string(2236) "You must already know what an MBA program is. However, do you know about EMBA? It’s a special kind of MBA program that’s designed exclusively for working professionals who have more than a few years of experience in their profession. It allows them to enhance their qualification with an MBA degree but without quitting their jobs. <h3>Overview</h3> EMBA teaches professionals the advanced concepts in the management domain. Its curriculum is different from the standard MBA programs as those are geared towards graduates who may know only a little about business management. Since salaried professionals already have a few years of job experience, they don’t need to go through the basic concepts and also need to learn the advanced ones. This is why the course duration is also short for them. <h3>Step-by-step EMBA admission process guidelines:</h3> <h4><strong>Step 1:: Submission of application</strong></h4> > Candidate must be a graduate with a minimum of 50% marks > Added advantage if you have appeared for any National Level MBA entrance exams such as CAT, CMAT, MAT, XAT, NMAT, SNAP, ATMA, or GMAT > Fill in and submit the MBA application form along with your ID and educational qualification documents (Applicants must get in touch with the Career Advisor for details on the application form) <h4><strong>Step 2:: Getting Shortlisted</strong></h4> > The eligible candidates are shortlisted for the next admission steps > The shortlisted candidates will be evaluated via Personal Interview, which is conducted at the TSCFM campus or via online video conferencing (Zoom/Skype) > The candidates who pass the interview, will receive an ‘Invitation To Apply’ call or email from the Admissions Team <h4><strong>Step 3:: Next Steps</strong></h4> > The foremost important step, after receiving the ‘Invitation to Apply’ block your seat by paying the registration fee. <strong>Note: We have a range of student education loan options & scholarships for deserving students.</strong> <strong>For More Information: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a></strong>"
"post_title" => string(59) "EMBA Overview and Step-by-Step Admission Guidelines - TSCFM"
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"post_name" => string(57) "emba-overview-and-step-by-step-admission-guidelines-tscfm"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:45"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:45"
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"ID" => int(869367)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2020-12-02 17:50:20"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2020-12-02 12:20:20"
"post_content" => string(3647) "To join an MBA course is a very big step for aspiring managers. As per a recent article published in TOI, the number of MBA aspirants in Maharashtra has increased up by 85% in the last 5 years. The degree has become an important starting point for young graduates to kick-start their careers. But why an MBA? Is it really important? What are the benefits of the course? How is it going to help you grow? All in all, is it going to be worth it for you? <h4><strong>In this article, we bring you 5 main reasons for understanding why an MBA is integral for your career.</strong></h4> <h3>1] Enhancing your skillset:</h3> An MBA degree will bring in a lot of skillset building opportunities for you, especially when it’s from a reputed business school. As an MBA student, you will develop advance and flexible management skills that will help you in every walk of your lives. This is in addition to exploring your strengths, weaknesses, learning new management techniques, and developing critical thinking abilities. <strong>An MBA will help you in:</strong> <ul> <li>Critical thinking</li> <li>Improving your management skills</li> <li>Improve presentation skills</li> <li>Learning leadership qualities</li> </ul> <h3>2] Boosting Confidence:</h3> Confidence is the key aspect to sustain in any field. Having both knowledge and confidence works perfectly. And here, an MBA course nourishes you excellently. For instance, to build student's confidence at <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">TSCFMs UK MBA program</a></strong> students are forced to step out of their comfort zone, work on live projects, participate in-class presentations, network in various events, etc. <h3>3] An open gateway to Job opportunities:</h3> Building a strong network early helps in the long run for your career. By opting for an MBA course, the placement opportunities are also included in it. Job opportunities are the foremost important factor students look for after the completion of an MBA. Along with your classmates, you will graduate with, you also get an opportunity to network with all the alumni of your institute and grow your network. <h3>4] Higher salary range:</h3> With the high investment of fees in the program, comes the return of investment i.e., the high salary. The reason why an MBA has become integral is students look for a high paying job with an organization that has a scope of growth. An MBA increases the earning potential not because of the degree, but because of the knowledge and skills taught and trained during the course to the candidates. With a higher salary comes greater responsibility. So, it is very important to know how greater responsibility should be taken care of. Hence it is important to shortlist the MBA program from a premium institute. <h3>5] Build your niche:</h3> An MBA course is filled with wonderful subjects that will aid you to prosper beautifully. It will give you a brief idea about Management studies and the specialization you will choose. To name some of the subjects <ul> <li>Human resource management</li> <li>Marketing management</li> <li>Financial management</li> <li>Media management</li> <li>Digital Marketing</li> <li>Information Technology</li> </ul> These specializations will help you to understand the specific industry better and also aid you to widen knowledge which is the most crucial aspect of the organization. As we have seen above, an MBA has innumerable reasons to become an essential part of your career growth in today’s competitive industry."
"post_title" => string(56) "5 Reasons why an MBA has become integral for your Career"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2022-05-25 10:43:40"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-05-25 05:13:40"
"post_content" => string(2816) "When it comes to picking a post-graduate program, then you can be spoilt for choice. However, you usually can’t go wrong with MBA especially if you have completed your bachelor’s in a non-management domain. <h4><strong>If you are planning to apply for an MBA course, then the following are some of the mistakes that you should avoid to build a successful career:</strong></h4> <h3><strong>1. Picking a Wrong College</strong></h3> It’s really important that you pick a college that you know is right for you rather than what your peers are suggesting. Sometimes, students settle for any college just because they don’t want to prepare for the entrance exams for another year. That’s an equally bad approach as the college and course you pick can have a huge impact on your career. <h3><strong>2. Avoiding Networking</strong></h3> Networking with other MBA aspirants can help you in more ways than you can imagine. You can learn about the new trends in the industry, get tips on improving your preparation, and also learn about new courses and colleges that might pave the road for a bright career. <h3><strong>3. Delaying Studying</strong></h3> Many students like to relax and take their time before starting their preparation. However, finding the right course and college entrance exam patterns takes a long time. So, it’s best to start working on the plan as soon as possible. <h3><strong>4. Not Doing the Homework</strong></h3> There are numerous business schools both in India and abroad. However, each follows certain admission criteria. So, you may miss out on some of the best schools by failing to do your homework. In India, if you are looking for a global MBA program, you can simply learn and grasp knowledge from Mulund, Mumbai-based college ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management.’ where you will receive a global degree of an MBA with quality learning and faculties. You can learn more about the college and its <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">MBA admission process</a></strong>. An MBA program can give a significant boost to your career granted you avoid the mistakes above. Good luck! <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Want to Know More About the MBA Program?</strong></h3> <p style="text-align: center;">[aw2.module slug="blog-enquiry-popup" text="Enquire now" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary"/]</p> <h5><strong>Read Also: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">What are the Job titles & salary packages in different sectors after MBA?</a></strong></h5>"
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