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"post_content" => string(4693) "The Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI) industry is a vast industry growing at a tremendous pace. Therefore, before you set foot in this industry, you must note ‘<strong>Not to do</strong>’ factors in the organization to avoid any problems during work-life. <h4><strong>Let us help guide you with a few points that you must avoid in the Banking, Financial Services & Insurance Industry, and we will make you shine.</strong></h4> <h3><strong>1] Do Not Be Inflexible</strong></h3> The foremost important factor in the Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI) Sector is to stay updated with the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">latest trends and changes</a></strong> in the environment. The era is changing rapidly and becoming digitally oriented these days. The technologies play an active role in the BFSI Sector; this is why up-gradation has become an essential aspect. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid being rigid; if you have opted for this sector as a career, it is vital to be flexible and expand the learning curve to widen your knowledge perspective and change as per the trending environment to be ahead of the competition. <h3>2] Do Not Miscommunicate</h3> Being in the Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI) sector, it is essential to communicate correctly to the customers rather than giving part or inadequate information. The banker must share the relevant information and knowledge with the customers to help them understand the terms and different banking jargon. The inadequate knowledge will build gaps between the banker and the customers, resulting in discontinuation in the relationship and will also tarnish the bank's image. <h3><strong>3] Do Not Create Gaps in Communication</strong></h3> Communication is one of the most important factors in any industry. With a lack of communication, flourishing in the sector becomes challenging. If we discuss the Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI) sector, then while building a new relationship with the customer, it is vital to maintain frequent communication with the customer and avoid communication gaps. Communication gaps create misconceptions and errors. Retaining will be a challenge for the banker. Whereas maintaining relationships with existing customers, communication also plays an important role. Communicating customarily with the customer will make them feel significant. Therefore, the continuity with the customers will not halt in any manner. Thus, do not create communication gaps. <h3><strong>4] Do Not Hold Back Yourself</strong></h3> We strongly believe that change is the only constant. Therefore, upgrading ourselves most often is a wise decision anyone can make. The Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI) sector is blooming and advancing with various technologies; upskilling ourselves to handle the rapid changes and walk hand-in-hand with the technical differences is becoming crucial. Being in the BFSI sector, adaptability, flexibility, analytical skills, and many other skills are required to sustain this competitive market. Hence, we suggest that you do not restrain yourself from exploring, learning, or upskilling. <h3><strong>5] Do Not Look Disorganized</strong></h3> If you are supposedly a banker in the BFSI industry, it is crucial to look professional. Keep your desk clutter-free, make it more organized, wear formal, look tidy, and speak softly. No customer will rely on terms of money from a banker who looks disorganized or uncivilized. They will always approach a banker who looks refined & well-mannered. If you have the qualities of a banker but lack knowledge of the Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI) sector, then you don't have to worry. <strong><a href="">Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management (TSCFM)</a></strong> provides various <strong><a href="">banking-related courses</a></strong> for students to learn and develop essential skills and be industry-ready. <strong>Read More:</strong> <ul> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">What are the solutions to getting high-paying jobs?</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">What are the top 5 things that are essential to be a banker?</a></strong></li> </ul>"
"post_title" => string(69) "What are the top 5 things to avoid in the Banking & Finance industry?"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-10-18 17:32:35"
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"ID" => int(887878)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-02-16 16:51:19"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-02-16 11:21:19"
"post_content" => string(3273) "ask.CAREERS, is well-known for offering learning-based apps for students to help them broaden their knowledge and upgrade their skills. Recently, ask.CAREERS has launched its brand new application named ‘<strong>Banking Course+Job</strong>,’ also known as a <strong>3-in-1 Banking app</strong>; designed especially for the aspirants looking forward to improving their banking knowledge and skills, and getting the desired bank job. Therefore, students can sit back and fulfill their wishes through ask.CAREERS app. Before we understand the benefits, let us first look at what is banking+job app is and how it is different from other apps. <h3><strong>Banking Course+Job app is the combination of THREE important parts:</strong></h3> <ol> <li>Banking Knowledge</li> <li>Interview preparedness</li> <li>Job assessment</li> </ol> It is a complete package of everything a student is looking for learning BANKING!!! <strong>Now, let us understand these factors in a detailed manner and know the benefits.</strong> <h3><strong>1] Certificate Course in Banking</strong></h3> The application will help you learn comprehensively about Banking by providing you with Weekly Modules that give you an overview of the banking sector. Moreover, it also helps you understand the types of banks, banking products and services, the banking process, and a lot more in detail. You will acquire knowledge of banking and certification by completing the banking professional course. <h3>2] Bank Job Interview Prep Guide</h3> The app is designed to help you prepare for the banking job interviews. It will guide you with; bank job questions, what are the correct & incorrect responses during the job interview. Also, there are videos provided for you to get better guidance. Besides these, the application also helps you with the transcript to avoid confusion while you brush up yourself for the interview. <h3>3] Job Assessment & Placement</h3> The app does not stop here in providing benefits. The application also has a job assessment section to check your correct, incorrect, and unattempted score. Furthermore, as we mentioned before, this app is filled with benefits. The application also has a feature where you can get the daily news bytes, which will we aid you to keep updated with the latest trends and current affairs and lead to crack the interview successfully & kickstart the career journey. <h3 style="text-align: center;">You can also avail the benefits now!!!</h3> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button type="button"><b>Download the application here</b></button></a></strong></p> <h5><strong>Read More Post:</strong></h5> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><strong>Become a Banker in Just 5 Months</strong></a></li> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">What does 4-IN-1 Professional Diploma in Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (PDBFSI) Course Offer?</a></strong></li> </ul>"
"post_title" => string(69) "What is the Banking Course + job app and what benefits does it offer?"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2024-10-18 02:30:59"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-10-17 21:00:59"
"post_content" => string(4693) "The Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI) industry is a vast industry growing at a tremendous pace. Therefore, before you set foot in this industry, you must note ‘<strong>Not to do</strong>’ factors in the organization to avoid any problems during work-life. <h4><strong>Let us help guide you with a few points that you must avoid in the Banking, Financial Services & Insurance Industry, and we will make you shine.</strong></h4> <h3><strong>1] Do Not Be Inflexible</strong></h3> The foremost important factor in the Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI) Sector is to stay updated with the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">latest trends and changes</a></strong> in the environment. The era is changing rapidly and becoming digitally oriented these days. The technologies play an active role in the BFSI Sector; this is why up-gradation has become an essential aspect. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid being rigid; if you have opted for this sector as a career, it is vital to be flexible and expand the learning curve to widen your knowledge perspective and change as per the trending environment to be ahead of the competition. <h3>2] Do Not Miscommunicate</h3> Being in the Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI) sector, it is essential to communicate correctly to the customers rather than giving part or inadequate information. The banker must share the relevant information and knowledge with the customers to help them understand the terms and different banking jargon. The inadequate knowledge will build gaps between the banker and the customers, resulting in discontinuation in the relationship and will also tarnish the bank's image. <h3><strong>3] Do Not Create Gaps in Communication</strong></h3> Communication is one of the most important factors in any industry. With a lack of communication, flourishing in the sector becomes challenging. If we discuss the Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI) sector, then while building a new relationship with the customer, it is vital to maintain frequent communication with the customer and avoid communication gaps. Communication gaps create misconceptions and errors. Retaining will be a challenge for the banker. Whereas maintaining relationships with existing customers, communication also plays an important role. Communicating customarily with the customer will make them feel significant. Therefore, the continuity with the customers will not halt in any manner. Thus, do not create communication gaps. <h3><strong>4] Do Not Hold Back Yourself</strong></h3> We strongly believe that change is the only constant. Therefore, upgrading ourselves most often is a wise decision anyone can make. The Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI) sector is blooming and advancing with various technologies; upskilling ourselves to handle the rapid changes and walk hand-in-hand with the technical differences is becoming crucial. Being in the BFSI sector, adaptability, flexibility, analytical skills, and many other skills are required to sustain this competitive market. Hence, we suggest that you do not restrain yourself from exploring, learning, or upskilling. <h3><strong>5] Do Not Look Disorganized</strong></h3> If you are supposedly a banker in the BFSI industry, it is crucial to look professional. Keep your desk clutter-free, make it more organized, wear formal, look tidy, and speak softly. No customer will rely on terms of money from a banker who looks disorganized or uncivilized. They will always approach a banker who looks refined & well-mannered. If you have the qualities of a banker but lack knowledge of the Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI) sector, then you don't have to worry. <strong><a href="">Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management (TSCFM)</a></strong> provides various <strong><a href="">banking-related courses</a></strong> for students to learn and develop essential skills and be industry-ready. <strong>Read More:</strong> <ul> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">What are the solutions to getting high-paying jobs?</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">What are the top 5 things that are essential to be a banker?</a></strong></li> </ul>"
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