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"ID" => int(891237)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2024-01-17 15:26:49"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-01-17 09:56:49"
"post_content" => string(6388) "In today’s era, having a job is not enough; having a job with new-age skills is prominent. The important questions one should ask are, “<strong>What are new-age skills</strong>?" “<strong>How can they be acquired?</strong>" and “<strong>Why are new-age skills important?</strong>”. <strong>Let’s learn!!!</strong> <h2><strong>What are the new-age skills?</strong></h2> New-age skills are the modern skills that are essential for the modern world. As the decades are changing, the processes of learning, working, and techniques are changing too. However, having age-old skills won’t suffice for a longer period. Sustainable development requires new-age skills. <h3><strong>1] Adaptability Skills</strong></h3> Adaptability skills simply mean moulding oneself easily to changing environments and trends. This skill plays a crucial role in work life. Coming out of your comfort zone and accepting challenges is essential. The traditional approaches to working are changing rapidly, and every organization has adopted new methods. Therefore, it is essential to develop adaptability skills to sustain extended periods in any organisation. <h3><strong>2] Interpersonal Skills</strong></h3> Interpersonal skills include excellent communication skills, interaction, and collaboration skills that help you in team building and exchanging ideas. These days, students focus on building several other skills yet fail to improve the fundamental skills, i.e. communication skills. Remember, while developing new-age skills, do not forget this primary skill essential in every organisation. <h3><strong>3] Ingenuity skills</strong></h3> Ingenuity skills consist of a quality to be clever ingenious, and creative. These people bring a flood of new inventions into the market; growth and development are impossible without inventors. Moreover, to keep blooming, innovations are significant. <h3><strong>4] Digital Skills</strong></h3> Technology and digital approaches have overtaken traditional techniques. The process has become smoother than ever before. There is a significant shift from manual work to digital methods. Therefore, learning and developing digital and technical skills are essential. <h3><strong>How to Acquire New-age skills?</strong></h3> <h4><strong>We can’t build new-age skills overnight. It requires you to:</strong></h4> <ul> <li>Be a Passionate Learner</li> <li>Practice, Practice, Practice</li> <li>Have a Growth Mindset</li> <li>Be updated with trends</li> <li>Importance of New-age Skills</li> </ul> <h3><strong>Why are new-age skills so important for students?</strong></h3> New-age skills are essential for students in today's rapidly evolving and dynamic world for several reasons. Let's look at a few of them: <h4><strong>1. Efficiently navigate business environments</strong></h4> New-age skills equip students with the tools and knowledge that help them to navigate complex business environments. One of these skills includes understanding the usage of technology for efficient communication, project management, and decision-making. Skills such as these bring success to business and help students to contribute effectively in professional settings, making them valuable assets to employers. <h4><strong>2. Gaining a competitive edge over other candidates</strong></h4> In a competitive job market, acquiring new-age skills gives students an added advantage and keeps them above and beyond the competition. Moreover, employers seek candidates who not only have a strong academic background but also have practical skills. This is because such candidates guarantee success and show the ability to follow business procedures efficiently. <h4><strong>3. Fostering innovation in the modern world</strong></h4> Innovation is a driving force to achieve maximum progress. Therefore, <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">new-age skills are important to land better job opportunities</a></strong>. Skills can help you become creative and encourage you to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and design thinking. These will further help students approach challenges with unique and yet creative perspectives. <h4><strong>4. Staying relevant to the ever-changing trends</strong></h4> Industries are evolving rapidly. There are now various technological advancements, and accordingly, the demands of the industry have changed too. Students who learn new-age skills are in a better position to adapt to these changes. Therefore, as a candidate, you must learn continuously and stay updated on industry trends. <h4><strong>5. Facing challenges and opportunities</strong></h4> The ability to face challenges and get opportunities is important for personal and professional growth. For this attitude, you must be able to adapt to change and have a growth mindset. This will prepare you to overcome challenges and convert them into opportunities. Such skills reflect your dynamic personality, which will further contribute to your overall success. <h4><strong>6. Building a strong foundation for success</strong></h4> New-age skills lay the foundation for long-term success by providing an excellent set of capabilities. Beyond technical skills, the focus on soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership leads to personal and professional development. This foundation supports students in various aspects of their lives, from academics to their future careers. Getting a desired job has become a mirage for many aspirants. Surviving the cut-throat competition requires new-age skills rather than just basic skills. Not only is setting foot in the desired job a challenge, but also, post getting a job, sustaining it for the long run. Thus, it is essential to upgrade and develop modern skills!! You can also develop new-age skills by joining the top institute in Mumbai. If you are looking for the best institute, then ‘<strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer">Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management</a></strong> should be your ideal choice. With its innovative teaching methodology, industry experts aid students in developing new-age skills that are important for setting foot in their desired jobs."
"post_title" => string(53) "Importance Of New-Age Skills For Better Career Growth"
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"post_name" => string(53) "importance-of-new-age-skills-for-better-career-growth"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-01-17 15:34:55"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2024-01-17 10:04:55"
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"ID" => int(891651)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-10-17 16:34:28"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-10-17 11:04:28"
"post_content" => string(3127) "Having a career on the right path is very important. However, the paths might have various hurdles & obstacles. Thus, reaching it effectively requires ‘GREEN FLAGS.’ Moreover, it is also significant to know how to avoid red flags and focus on the green ones!! Let us see the green flags and why to consider them before choosing a career. <h3><strong>1] Interest</strong></h3> Your interest and passion are the first green flags you must consider before choosing a career. For instance, if you have a better understanding of numeracy and crunch numbers with utmost precision, you must choose a profession like data analyst, financial analyst, accountant, and such. Or, if you have creative thinking ability and are fond of generating new ideas, you must opt for digital marketing jobs or entrepreneurship. <h3><strong>2] Industry/Sector</strong></h3> The second step is to unriddle the industry or sector you are interested in to kickstart your career. For instance, there is the education sector, banking sector, entertainment sector, software sector, Textile industry, Media, and news sector. Therefore, knowing which sector or industry you plan to step into for your career. Choosing this will make it easier in your job search process. <h3><strong>3] Scope & Opportunities</strong></h3> Another aspect you must unfold is learning about the scope & opportunities of the industry. For instance, if you are considering the BFSI sector, you need to research the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">scope in the BFSI sector</a></strong>, what are the job roles offered in the market, what salary packages proposed to candidates, <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">what are the top companies</a></strong>, what is the competition in the market, and so. It is essential to analyze all these factors before choosing a career. <h3><strong>4] Outcome</strong></h3> While you iron out the above thoughts, verify what outcome it offers. Supposedly, suppose you have decided on the above factors and looking forward to choosing the best institute for career development. In that case, you must undoubtedly check the institute's legacy, the teaching faculty, the methods used for teaching, fees, placement records, and testimonials. All these will help you understand the outcome of choosing the right institute. To make your quest simpler for you, we recommend you choose the top and best institute, known as ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management. (TSCFM) It offers quality education, innovative learning methods, professional experts for your guidance, and much more. <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button type="button"><b>Explore more about TSCFM </b></button></a></strong></p>"
"post_title" => string(47) "Things you should look before choosing a Career"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:36"
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"ID" => int(872210)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2021-07-20 18:16:44"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2021-07-20 12:46:44"
"post_content" => string(2646) "The merger of technology and businesses has completely changed the work scenario for many professionals. The work timings are not only confided to regular office hours but often go beyond that. Nowadays the never-ending workday leaves employees with very little time to spare for their personal lives. This is hurting their relationships and most importantly their health. But on the contrary, you ignore the anytime knocking work emails you face the backlash at your professional life. So, the dilemma begins here - if people choose to concentrate on work, health is affected, similarly, if health is given priority, then tasks and deadlines are delayed. How to get the right balance where both health and work are managed effortlessly? Just as a good institute is necessary for a successful career, maintaining a smooth work-life balance is also critical for our career. While your search for a good institute will end at Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management, one of the top best institutes in Mumbai that will help you to become a global leader, let’s help you understand a few useful ways that will help you look after your health. <h3>1. Plan your day</h3> The first thing you have to do is plan your day and prioritize your tasks. Making a to-do-list always helps –you will always have a note of tasks that need your attention and also checking off the completed tasks will give you a sense of motivation. Planning helps you to divide your tasks and in turn makes you more productive. As your productivity increases, you become less stressful and this in turn boosts your health. <h3>2. Meditate</h3> When you get up early in the morning for work, ensure that before heading out, you practice 10-15 minutes of meditation. Meditation elevates your mood and keeps you stress-free and calm. While working you will become more focused and livelier. <h3>3. Engage in activities</h3> Engage yourself in various activities such as playing sports, or participating in different events. This will keep you active throughout the day and will reduce the sluggishness. <h3>4. Drink enough Fluid</h3> Let your body have enough fluids. Fluids are the key important factor to keep your body running smoothly. Fluids will help your brain to stay active and regulate stress and anxiety. <h3>5. Manage your sleep schedule</h3> Sleep plays a crucial role. An accurate sleep will help you stay active for the entire day and will keep you agile and zealous during work. Improper sleep patterns can hamper you and your health badly. Make sure you follow all the above points for managing work and health for a better living and a career."
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"post_date" => string(19) "2024-01-17 15:26:49"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-01-17 09:56:49"
"post_content" => string(6388) "In today’s era, having a job is not enough; having a job with new-age skills is prominent. The important questions one should ask are, “<strong>What are new-age skills</strong>?" “<strong>How can they be acquired?</strong>" and “<strong>Why are new-age skills important?</strong>”. <strong>Let’s learn!!!</strong> <h2><strong>What are the new-age skills?</strong></h2> New-age skills are the modern skills that are essential for the modern world. As the decades are changing, the processes of learning, working, and techniques are changing too. However, having age-old skills won’t suffice for a longer period. Sustainable development requires new-age skills. <h3><strong>1] Adaptability Skills</strong></h3> Adaptability skills simply mean moulding oneself easily to changing environments and trends. This skill plays a crucial role in work life. Coming out of your comfort zone and accepting challenges is essential. The traditional approaches to working are changing rapidly, and every organization has adopted new methods. Therefore, it is essential to develop adaptability skills to sustain extended periods in any organisation. <h3><strong>2] Interpersonal Skills</strong></h3> Interpersonal skills include excellent communication skills, interaction, and collaboration skills that help you in team building and exchanging ideas. These days, students focus on building several other skills yet fail to improve the fundamental skills, i.e. communication skills. Remember, while developing new-age skills, do not forget this primary skill essential in every organisation. <h3><strong>3] Ingenuity skills</strong></h3> Ingenuity skills consist of a quality to be clever ingenious, and creative. These people bring a flood of new inventions into the market; growth and development are impossible without inventors. Moreover, to keep blooming, innovations are significant. <h3><strong>4] Digital Skills</strong></h3> Technology and digital approaches have overtaken traditional techniques. The process has become smoother than ever before. There is a significant shift from manual work to digital methods. Therefore, learning and developing digital and technical skills are essential. <h3><strong>How to Acquire New-age skills?</strong></h3> <h4><strong>We can’t build new-age skills overnight. It requires you to:</strong></h4> <ul> <li>Be a Passionate Learner</li> <li>Practice, Practice, Practice</li> <li>Have a Growth Mindset</li> <li>Be updated with trends</li> <li>Importance of New-age Skills</li> </ul> <h3><strong>Why are new-age skills so important for students?</strong></h3> New-age skills are essential for students in today's rapidly evolving and dynamic world for several reasons. Let's look at a few of them: <h4><strong>1. Efficiently navigate business environments</strong></h4> New-age skills equip students with the tools and knowledge that help them to navigate complex business environments. One of these skills includes understanding the usage of technology for efficient communication, project management, and decision-making. Skills such as these bring success to business and help students to contribute effectively in professional settings, making them valuable assets to employers. <h4><strong>2. Gaining a competitive edge over other candidates</strong></h4> In a competitive job market, acquiring new-age skills gives students an added advantage and keeps them above and beyond the competition. Moreover, employers seek candidates who not only have a strong academic background but also have practical skills. This is because such candidates guarantee success and show the ability to follow business procedures efficiently. <h4><strong>3. Fostering innovation in the modern world</strong></h4> Innovation is a driving force to achieve maximum progress. Therefore, <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">new-age skills are important to land better job opportunities</a></strong>. Skills can help you become creative and encourage you to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and design thinking. These will further help students approach challenges with unique and yet creative perspectives. <h4><strong>4. Staying relevant to the ever-changing trends</strong></h4> Industries are evolving rapidly. There are now various technological advancements, and accordingly, the demands of the industry have changed too. Students who learn new-age skills are in a better position to adapt to these changes. Therefore, as a candidate, you must learn continuously and stay updated on industry trends. <h4><strong>5. Facing challenges and opportunities</strong></h4> The ability to face challenges and get opportunities is important for personal and professional growth. For this attitude, you must be able to adapt to change and have a growth mindset. This will prepare you to overcome challenges and convert them into opportunities. Such skills reflect your dynamic personality, which will further contribute to your overall success. <h4><strong>6. Building a strong foundation for success</strong></h4> New-age skills lay the foundation for long-term success by providing an excellent set of capabilities. Beyond technical skills, the focus on soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership leads to personal and professional development. This foundation supports students in various aspects of their lives, from academics to their future careers. Getting a desired job has become a mirage for many aspirants. Surviving the cut-throat competition requires new-age skills rather than just basic skills. Not only is setting foot in the desired job a challenge, but also, post getting a job, sustaining it for the long run. Thus, it is essential to upgrade and develop modern skills!! You can also develop new-age skills by joining the top institute in Mumbai. If you are looking for the best institute, then ‘<strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer">Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management</a></strong> should be your ideal choice. With its innovative teaching methodology, industry experts aid students in developing new-age skills that are important for setting foot in their desired jobs."
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