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"ID" => int(892233)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2024-01-24 15:37:32"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-01-24 10:07:32"
"post_content" => string(2980) "In this fast-moving world, the rush of being ahead and living a better lifestyle also brings with it many poor habits that need to be avoided. <h5><strong>In this blog post, let us discuss those poor habits and what measures to take to have a better future.</strong></h5> <strong>Let us begin!</strong> <h3>1] Being negative</h3> Negativity is a pessimistic attitude that always expects every aspect's worst or bad outcome. And it becomes one of the biggest stumbling blocks you create around you. It halts you from reaching your goals and hurts your health. Make sure you stay connected with positivity rather than negativity. <h3>2] Oversleeping or lack of sleep</h3> Today’s generation is more indulged with electronic gadgets. They spend most of their time using such devices. However, this leads to an imbalance in sleeping habits. Some might feel difficult to get quality sleep, whereas some oversleeps. Both kinds of practices are harmful to health and the future; this habit should evade for healthy living and a better future. <h3>3] Skipping Breakfast</h3> People usually neglect fundamental factors which are essential in day-to-day life. While rushing towards making a better lifestyle, they end up with various problems. Therefore, in this gold rush, do not forget to skip breakfast. Remember, you should at least have a moderate amount of food before heading towards your work. <h3>4] Overthinking</h3> According to a Journal of Abnormal Psychology study, overthinking or ruminating can severely affect your well-being. Overthinking wastes time and drains precious energy. Experts agree that overthinking can negatively impact job performance and cause anxiety or depression. <h3>5] Being inactive</h3> These days, one of the growing habits in adults is, sitting on a couch or bed for a more extended period and not moving at all to perform any activity; this can be destructive for the future and must avoid. Multitudes should engage in various activities; read books, play outdoor games, walk, exercise, do yoga, or any other activity that interests them. <h3>6] Fixed mindset</h3> A person should always have a growth mindset and not a fixed mindset. A growth mindset allows you to be a learner, accept mistakes & criticism and see them as opportunities. Thus, adults must teach a growth mindset for a better future. <h3>7] Spending</h3> Spending on unnecessary things must avoid, and there should be control over ourselves. At times, we spend heavily on things that are not even needed. Savings helps you in times of emergency and difficult times & circumstances. Hence, everyone should ingrain the habit of savings!!! And if you are looking forward to fostering your career, you must opt for ‘<strong><a href="">Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management</a></strong> is a part of The Shahani Group of Institutions' right away as it is the best option for career advancement!!!"
"post_title" => string(44) "Avoid these 7 bad habits for a bright future"
"post_excerpt" => string(0) ""
"post_status" => string(7) "publish"
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"post_name" => string(44) "avoid-these-7-bad-habits-for-a-bright-future"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-01-24 15:37:21"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2024-01-24 10:07:21"
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"ID" => int(888833)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-04-30 11:00:40"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-04-30 05:30:40"
"post_content" => string(4473) "Interviews are the first step toward entrance into the job world. The job interview will let you in and aid you in exploring the realm truly. However, clearing the interview is crucial. There are various types of interviews that you need to be aware of, and the future of job interviews will also be changing. Therefore, we have curated a blog on the types of job interviews, the new future of job interviews, and the key fundamentals. <h3><strong><span style="color: #003366;">Common Types of Job Interviews</span></strong></h3> <h4><strong>Type 1: Traditional Interview</strong></h4> The traditional interview is the most common type of interview. It is a one-on-one interview, generally conducted at the organization. In this type, the interviewer asks mainly about qualifications, work experience, and skills pertinent to the job. <h4><strong>Type 2: Telephonic Interview</strong></h4> Here in this interview, the interviewer uses the phone call approach. This type of interview is mainly the first step of the recruitment process. The interviewer asks basic questions to the interviewee about the reasons for applying for the said role, the experience you have, and how you know about this company. <h4><strong>Type 3: Video Interview</strong></h4> A video Interview is similar to a traditional interview. The only difference is that it is done virtually. It will have common interview questions. The dress code will also remain the same as a traditional interview, i.e., the interviewee should be in formal attire with an organized background and less disturbance. <h4><strong>Type 4: Group Interview</strong></h4> In Group interviews, there will be many candidates interviewed simultaneously. In this type of interview, the interviewer verifies the candidate's communication and listening skills, market understanding and knowledge they acquired, quality of their answer, how prompt they were to answer, how well they could justify their response, and the primary uniqueness of each interview. <h4><strong>Type 5: Structured Interview</strong></h4> Structured interviews have the same questions for all the candidates who have applied for the said job, And this helps interviewers compare the responses and select the best candidate. These are only a few common types of interviews mentioned above!! <h3><span style="color: #003366;"><strong>Recruiters' Newest choice for Job interviews</strong></span></h3> During the pandemic, we got the chance to witness the growth of <strong>video call interviews</strong>. Due to lockdown and social distancing, a video call interview was the preferred option for the interviewer. However, this type of interview has become the choice of recruiters, as it is less time-consuming and taking remote interviews becomes easier. There is the probability of an increase in video call interviews in the future too. As per business insider data, 60% of employers opt for video interviews for remote hiring. Also, recruiters will use gaming elements in the hiring process. <h3><span style="color: #003366;">Key Fundamentals</span></h3> Millennials and Gen z are heavily active on Social media platforms these days. Be it used for sharing memes or getting the latest news updates, this is why interviewers have taken a new approach to verify the candidate, i.e., they look through their social media handles to understand their personality. As per Business insider reports - 55% of recruiters reconsidered candidates based on their social media presence. If you are also looking to kickstart a career in your desired field, you must choose the<strong><span style="color: #ff6600;"><a style="color: #ff6600;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> top institute in Mumbai that offers certifications</a></span></strong> plus <strong><span style="color: #ff6600;"><a style="color: #ff6600;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">job placement in top companies</a></span></strong>. We recommend you select ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management institute, ranked 3rd by Outlook Magazine for Global MBA Courses. <strong>Read More:</strong> <ul> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">How to talk about your work experience in a job interview?</a></strong></li> </ul> "
"post_title" => string(61) "All about Job Interviews: Types, Future, and Key Fundamentals"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:39"
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"ID" => int(871254)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-02-18 11:00:22"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-02-18 05:30:22"
"post_content" => string(5035) "Reading is an essential habit that is recommended by entrepreneurs and successful people to develop in the early stages of life. There should be a balance between reading and experiencing. As much as you read, you also need to implement key lessons from the books in everyday life. Here is the list of business books that will give you insights into many start-ups, help you think clearly, strategize your business carefully, and knowledge about the ongoing situation in the world and why is it where it is today. <h4><strong>1. Founders at Work by Jessica Livingston</strong></h4> Founders at Work: Stories of Start-ups Early Days includes collective interviews of start-up founders of famous technology companies. Jessica Levingston’s main aim to write this book was to know what happened at the beginning of their venture and how start-ups convinced investors to make them fund their business. What happened when they had nothing but just an idea? The famous founders include Steve Wozniak (Apple), Caterina Fake (Flickr), Mitch Kapor (Lotus), Max Levchin (PayPal), and Sabeer Bhatia (Hotmail). <strong>Key takeaway: </strong> Founders are always pumped up to do better than others. <h4><strong>2. The 22 immutable Laws of Marketing by AI Ries and Jack Trout </strong></h4> The well-renowned marketing consultants in the world have written this book to make people understand the most important laws and foundation of marketing to do successful marketing in the world. They have explained the law of leadership, the law of focus, the law of perspective to the law of resources. <strong>Key Takeaway: </strong> If you can’t be the first to disrupt the market, create a new category <h4><strong>3. Art of Profitability: Adrian Slywotzky </strong></h4> This book contains 23 lessons on how businesses can generate greater profits. The Art of Profitability is not your typical business book as it is written as a tale. This book gives insights into different business models and how they generated profit. <strong>Key takeaway:</strong> Always do the math yourself. Too many people take numbers from unreliable sources. <h4><strong>4. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make The Leap and Others Don’t: Jim Collins</strong></h4> Jim Collins explains why some companies succeed to their highest level and why some companies fail. The author tackles the question to “How can good companies, mediocre companies, even bad companies achieve enduring greatness?” He and his team did thorough research on good 100 companies, the best and the failures. This book gives you a great strategic insight into handling management in a business. <strong>Key Takeaway:</strong> To get the right people on the bus. <h4><strong>5. The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable: Nassim Nicholas Taleb</strong></h4> The prime focus of this book is to not predict the Black Swan events but to build strength and problem-solving ability to tackle the negative events. The book is divided into four parts and is a story that goes from literary to scientific to mathematics subjects. <strong>Key Takeaway:</strong> “The illusion of understanding, or how everyone thinks he knows what is going on in a world that is more complicated (or random) than they realize” <h4><strong>6. The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith</strong></h4> Adam Smith has written a seminal book that explains the birth of free-market economics. The wealth of nations book tries to explain that economics is our livelihood and that it depends upon individual choices, freedom, responsibilities, and liberty. 4 <strong>Key Takeaway:</strong> One of the primary concepts is to generate more output with the same amount of inputs. <h4><strong>7. First, Break All The Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently - Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman</strong></h4> If you want to become a better manager, this book is a must-read. Both Buckingham and Coffman have given meaningful and practical advice on how an individual can become a better manager every day. What this book gets across to people is how great managers are not afraid to take risks and follow the path led to them by the companies. This in-depth research of managers by authors tells us how managers focus on hiring the best talent, how they set expectations for their employees, how they build people’s strengths, and how they develop people <strong>Key Takeaway:</strong> Great managers spend most of their time with their best people. Those, as mentioned earlier, are the best business books for early-stage startups. And in case you are looking to acquire entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, you must enroll in the top best institute in Mumbai that offers <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Management</a></strong>, moreover, quality teaching and learnings to you."
"post_title" => string(42) "7 business books to get hands on right now"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:41"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:41"
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"ID" => int(872210)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2021-07-20 18:16:44"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2021-07-20 12:46:44"
"post_content" => string(2646) "The merger of technology and businesses has completely changed the work scenario for many professionals. The work timings are not only confided to regular office hours but often go beyond that. Nowadays the never-ending workday leaves employees with very little time to spare for their personal lives. This is hurting their relationships and most importantly their health. But on the contrary, you ignore the anytime knocking work emails you face the backlash at your professional life. So, the dilemma begins here - if people choose to concentrate on work, health is affected, similarly, if health is given priority, then tasks and deadlines are delayed. How to get the right balance where both health and work are managed effortlessly? Just as a good institute is necessary for a successful career, maintaining a smooth work-life balance is also critical for our career. While your search for a good institute will end at Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management, one of the top best institutes in Mumbai that will help you to become a global leader, let’s help you understand a few useful ways that will help you look after your health. <h3>1. Plan your day</h3> The first thing you have to do is plan your day and prioritize your tasks. Making a to-do-list always helps –you will always have a note of tasks that need your attention and also checking off the completed tasks will give you a sense of motivation. Planning helps you to divide your tasks and in turn makes you more productive. As your productivity increases, you become less stressful and this in turn boosts your health. <h3>2. Meditate</h3> When you get up early in the morning for work, ensure that before heading out, you practice 10-15 minutes of meditation. Meditation elevates your mood and keeps you stress-free and calm. While working you will become more focused and livelier. <h3>3. Engage in activities</h3> Engage yourself in various activities such as playing sports, or participating in different events. This will keep you active throughout the day and will reduce the sluggishness. <h3>4. Drink enough Fluid</h3> Let your body have enough fluids. Fluids are the key important factor to keep your body running smoothly. Fluids will help your brain to stay active and regulate stress and anxiety. <h3>5. Manage your sleep schedule</h3> Sleep plays a crucial role. An accurate sleep will help you stay active for the entire day and will keep you agile and zealous during work. Improper sleep patterns can hamper you and your health badly. Make sure you follow all the above points for managing work and health for a better living and a career."
"post_title" => string(50) "Ways to manage work and health for a better career"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:44"
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"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2024-01-24 15:37:32"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-01-24 10:07:32"
"post_content" => string(2980) "In this fast-moving world, the rush of being ahead and living a better lifestyle also brings with it many poor habits that need to be avoided. <h5><strong>In this blog post, let us discuss those poor habits and what measures to take to have a better future.</strong></h5> <strong>Let us begin!</strong> <h3>1] Being negative</h3> Negativity is a pessimistic attitude that always expects every aspect's worst or bad outcome. And it becomes one of the biggest stumbling blocks you create around you. It halts you from reaching your goals and hurts your health. Make sure you stay connected with positivity rather than negativity. <h3>2] Oversleeping or lack of sleep</h3> Today’s generation is more indulged with electronic gadgets. They spend most of their time using such devices. However, this leads to an imbalance in sleeping habits. Some might feel difficult to get quality sleep, whereas some oversleeps. Both kinds of practices are harmful to health and the future; this habit should evade for healthy living and a better future. <h3>3] Skipping Breakfast</h3> People usually neglect fundamental factors which are essential in day-to-day life. While rushing towards making a better lifestyle, they end up with various problems. Therefore, in this gold rush, do not forget to skip breakfast. Remember, you should at least have a moderate amount of food before heading towards your work. <h3>4] Overthinking</h3> According to a Journal of Abnormal Psychology study, overthinking or ruminating can severely affect your well-being. Overthinking wastes time and drains precious energy. Experts agree that overthinking can negatively impact job performance and cause anxiety or depression. <h3>5] Being inactive</h3> These days, one of the growing habits in adults is, sitting on a couch or bed for a more extended period and not moving at all to perform any activity; this can be destructive for the future and must avoid. Multitudes should engage in various activities; read books, play outdoor games, walk, exercise, do yoga, or any other activity that interests them. <h3>6] Fixed mindset</h3> A person should always have a growth mindset and not a fixed mindset. A growth mindset allows you to be a learner, accept mistakes & criticism and see them as opportunities. Thus, adults must teach a growth mindset for a better future. <h3>7] Spending</h3> Spending on unnecessary things must avoid, and there should be control over ourselves. At times, we spend heavily on things that are not even needed. Savings helps you in times of emergency and difficult times & circumstances. Hence, everyone should ingrain the habit of savings!!! And if you are looking forward to fostering your career, you must opt for ‘<strong><a href="">Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management</a></strong> is a part of The Shahani Group of Institutions' right away as it is the best option for career advancement!!!"
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"is_robots" => bool(false)
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"is_post_type_archive" => bool(false)
"thumbnails_cached" => bool(false)
"query_array" => array(6)
"post_type" => string(4) "post"
"orderby" => string(4) "date"
"order" => string(4) "DESC"
"posts_per_page" => int(12)
"paged" => string(1) "1"
"tax_query" => array(1)
0 => array(3)
"taxonomy" => string(8) "post_tag"
"field" => string(4) "slug"
"terms" => array(1)
0 => string(13) "career-advice"
"private:WP_Query:query_vars_hash" => string(32) "323613b8a404d42ebd90253bea25ec3b"
"private:WP_Query:query_vars_changed" => bool(true)
"private:WP_Query:stopwords" => NULL
"private:WP_Query:compat_fields" => array(2)
0 => string(15) "query_vars_hash"
1 => string(18) "query_vars_changed"
"private:WP_Query:compat_methods" => array(2)
0 => string(16) "init_query_flags"
1 => string(15) "parse_tax_query"