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"post_content" => string(3827) "Digital Marketing has become a new face of marketing approach, and marketing to a larger audience has turned out to be easier than ever before. You can also find <a href="">remote jobs</a> related to marketing to get your passion done.However, targeting larger audiences and understanding the outcome of this technique requires metrics to figure out the results. There are a few digital marketing metrics that are essential to focus on. <h4><strong>Lets us what are these metrics play a crucial role in digital marketing:</strong></h4> <h4><strong>1] Traffic Metric</strong></h4> Traffic metric is the system that measures the source/channel of where the traffic comes from, also helps you understand what areas are doing great and what needs to be improved. <strong>- Traffic medium</strong> This metric helps to understand what is the source or channel of traffic on your website. There are various sources of traffic. It can be; Social media, referrals, direct visitors, or organic traffic. <strong>- Interaction per visit</strong> This metric helps you discover which are the activities that visitors interact with on the website and that are engaging visitors to stay on-site for a longer time period. Besides these, what can be done to encourage more traffic? <strong>- Bounce Rate </strong> The bounce rate should always be below, if the bounce rate is high that means the visitors are spending very little time on the site and leaving without performing any meaningful actions on the site. This also points that there are certain flaws in digital marketing tactics and need to works on immediately. <h5><strong>Read More: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">What are the Benefits of Digital Marketing Certification?</a></strong></h5> <h4><strong>2] Conversion Metric</strong></h4> The conversion metric mainly looks at and scrutinizes the conversion ratio of the online audience into paying customers/leads. <strong>- Click-through rate</strong> Click through rates mainly known as CTR in digital marketing terms is the average ratio of clicks that the ads receive divided by the number of the ads shown. It is primarily essential for email marketing and paid ad campaigns. <strong>- Cost per conversion</strong> Cost per conversion, known as CPC in digital marketing term. CPC is all about paying for a number of clicks. The formula of CPC is the total cost of clicks is divided by the total number of clicks. <h5><strong>Read More: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">5 Useful tips for choosing Digital Marketing Institute</a> </strong></h5> <h4><strong>3] Revenue Metric</strong></h4> It is one of the key metrics to measure the financial performance of the business. It generally tracks the revenue and cumulative value of sales over a period of time. <strong>- CPA </strong> CPA in digital marketing stands as Cost per acquisition, which simply means that an advertiser pays to a publisher every time the customer takes a specific action, for instance, be it making a purchase or merely filling out the online form. <strong>- ROI</strong> ROI is known as return on investment. ROI measures the profits and loss that is generated throughout digital marketing campaigns. In simple terms, it measures the spendings done over marketing. As it is one of the important metrics to know if we are getting good returns or not. <h5><strong>Read More: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Different ways to become a Digital Marketing Expert</a></strong></h5>"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2021-05-02 11:59:48"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2021-05-02 06:29:48"
"post_content" => string(2777) "Whether you are a seasoned or novice digital marketing professional, a certification in digital marketing could be just what you’re seeking to give your career the right impetus. You will always be in high demand in a digitalized world. However, a certification expands your knowledge, helps you acquire more skills and you’ll be able to help your clients in unique and innovative ways. <h4><strong>Let us understand the merits of Digital Marketing Certification</strong></h4> <h3><strong>1. Increase Employability</strong></h3> Most digital marketers do not have a college or university degree. In the field of digital marketing, abilities and skills are highly coveted rather than a college degree. Armed with a digital marketing certification, you will be in a better position to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise as a digital marketer. <h3><strong>2. SKills Upgradation</strong></h3> A digital marketing course for certification allows you to learn specific skills to propel your career to the next level. While you could be an experienced digital marketer, technology and the digital world are constantly in the flux of change. Opting for certification allows you to stay at the top of the change and use your skills to help your clients succeed in the online realm. <h5><strong>Read Also: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">What Skills Do You Need for a Digital Marketing Job?</a></strong></h5> <h3><strong>3. Elevate Domain Knowledge</strong></h3> Industry professionals and experts teach most digital marketing certifications. As a result, you acquire industry-specific knowledge. You learn practical things about different industries that you can apply when you are marketing your client online. <h3><strong>4. Gives Practical Knowledge</strong></h3> A digital marketing certification focuses on imparting practical skills and knowledge. It helps you learn a new skill and even upskill yourself so that you can apply what your knowledge from the world go in the real world. <h3><strong>5. Priority:</strong></h3> A priority will be given to the person with the digital skills as compared to the person without the certification. Certification is not the pass to enter the work-life, but it is the ugradation of the knowledge and skills. This is the reason the priority will be given to the person with Digital Marketing Certification. If you want to acquire the digital Marketing Certification and become a master of digital marketing, then you can also consider taking a professional Digital Marketing course the one offered by Thadomal Shahani Centre For Management. TSCFM is the Top Institute for Marketing Course in Mumbai. All the BEST!!!"
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"post_content" => string(3827) "Digital Marketing has become a new face of marketing approach, and marketing to a larger audience has turned out to be easier than ever before. You can also find <a href="">remote jobs</a> related to marketing to get your passion done.However, targeting larger audiences and understanding the outcome of this technique requires metrics to figure out the results. There are a few digital marketing metrics that are essential to focus on. <h4><strong>Lets us what are these metrics play a crucial role in digital marketing:</strong></h4> <h4><strong>1] Traffic Metric</strong></h4> Traffic metric is the system that measures the source/channel of where the traffic comes from, also helps you understand what areas are doing great and what needs to be improved. <strong>- Traffic medium</strong> This metric helps to understand what is the source or channel of traffic on your website. There are various sources of traffic. It can be; Social media, referrals, direct visitors, or organic traffic. <strong>- Interaction per visit</strong> This metric helps you discover which are the activities that visitors interact with on the website and that are engaging visitors to stay on-site for a longer time period. Besides these, what can be done to encourage more traffic? <strong>- Bounce Rate </strong> The bounce rate should always be below, if the bounce rate is high that means the visitors are spending very little time on the site and leaving without performing any meaningful actions on the site. This also points that there are certain flaws in digital marketing tactics and need to works on immediately. <h5><strong>Read More: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">What are the Benefits of Digital Marketing Certification?</a></strong></h5> <h4><strong>2] Conversion Metric</strong></h4> The conversion metric mainly looks at and scrutinizes the conversion ratio of the online audience into paying customers/leads. <strong>- Click-through rate</strong> Click through rates mainly known as CTR in digital marketing terms is the average ratio of clicks that the ads receive divided by the number of the ads shown. It is primarily essential for email marketing and paid ad campaigns. <strong>- Cost per conversion</strong> Cost per conversion, known as CPC in digital marketing term. CPC is all about paying for a number of clicks. The formula of CPC is the total cost of clicks is divided by the total number of clicks. <h5><strong>Read More: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">5 Useful tips for choosing Digital Marketing Institute</a> </strong></h5> <h4><strong>3] Revenue Metric</strong></h4> It is one of the key metrics to measure the financial performance of the business. It generally tracks the revenue and cumulative value of sales over a period of time. <strong>- CPA </strong> CPA in digital marketing stands as Cost per acquisition, which simply means that an advertiser pays to a publisher every time the customer takes a specific action, for instance, be it making a purchase or merely filling out the online form. <strong>- ROI</strong> ROI is known as return on investment. ROI measures the profits and loss that is generated throughout digital marketing campaigns. In simple terms, it measures the spendings done over marketing. As it is one of the important metrics to know if we are getting good returns or not. <h5><strong>Read More: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Different ways to become a Digital Marketing Expert</a></strong></h5>"
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