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"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2024-08-27 14:00:14"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-08-27 08:30:14"
"post_content" => string(3309) "If you want admission to one of the best business schools in India or abroad, then you need to prepare for entrance exams like CAT, MAT, etc. However, you also have to face a personal interview in most cases. Many students are otherwise good in studies but lack strong communication skills to do well in personal interviews. <h4><strong>If you struggle in this area yourself, then you can note the following points:</strong></h4> <h3>1. Look Presentable:</h3> When you are dressed nicely and your clothes are properly ironed, then you feel more confident. Doing this also helps in making a good first impression of the interviewer. Looking presentable reflects your personality and it surely impacts you during the interview. <h3>2. Be Optimistic:</h3> Optimism is an attitude reflecting a belief or hope that the outcome of some specific endeavor, or outcomes in general, will be positive, favorable, and desirable. So, go with a positive mindset and feel optimistic while going for an interview. This will let no anxiety enter your arena and also help you feel confident while presenting yourself. <h3>3. Make them feel your Presence:</h3> Your presence must be felt by the interviewer. It shouldn’t be like you came and went, and it had no impact at all on the interviewer. For this, you must maintain eye contact with the interviewer if you want to show confidence and let them know that you are attentive. Smiling is another thing that you pay attention to during the interview as you want to present yourself as a friendly and trustworthy person. <h3>4. Do Your Homework</h3> Apart from personal questions, the MBA institute may ask questions that are related to the institute specifically. For instance, they may want to know which specialization you are interested in or what you know about the institute. So, make sure that you read about the same before showing up. Of course, you can also read about the basic subjects and principles in management programs to answer related questions during the interview. If you want to make the interview round easier, then you should prepare the answers to the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">most common questions</a></strong> that are asked and which you can expect. These are: <ul> <li>Tell us something about yourself</li> <li>What are your strengths and weaknesses?</li> <li>What are your career goals?</li> <li>Why do you want to study MBA?</li> <li>Why did you pick our institute?</li> </ul> Did you know that there are job-oriented <strong><a href="">MBA course</a></strong> that require only personal interviews? <strong><a href="">Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management – TSCFM</a></strong> is providing one such program in partnership with a UK university. <h3 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #ff6600;">Explore Our MBA Program and Elevate Your Career</span></h3> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>[aw2.module slug="blog-enquiry-popup" text="Register Here" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary"/]</strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;"></p>"
"post_title" => string(59) "How to Crack a Personal Interview Round of MBA Application?"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2024-07-03 16:42:15"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-07-03 11:12:15"
"post_content" => string(4331) "If you've recently graduated or are about to graduate with a MBA in finance, you're probably buzzing with excitement and maybe a bit of nervousness about what comes next. <strong>Well, worry not!</strong> A MBA in Finance opens up a plethora of career doors, each leading to promising opportunities and exciting challenges. <h3><strong>Let's dive into the top career paths that await you after your graduation.</strong></h3> <h3><strong>1) Investment Banking Analyst</strong></h3> One of the most sought-after career paths after a MBA in finance is investment banking. Investment bankers are the rock stars of the finance world, helping companies and governments issue securities, manage financial assets, and navigate mergers and acquisitions. It's a fast-paced, high-stakes role that requires sharp analytical skills and a knack for strategy. <h3><strong>2) Financial Analyst</strong></h3> As a financial analyst, you'll be the Sherlock Holmes of financial data, diving deep into numbers to help businesses make informed decisions. You'll analyze financial statements, market trends, and other economic indicators to forecast future financial scenarios. This role is critical in helping companies navigate their financial future and is in high demand across various industries. <h3><strong>3) Risk Manager</strong></h3> If you like the idea of playing defense and protecting assets, a career in risk management might be your calling. Risk managers assess and identify potential risks that could threaten the financial health of an organization. They devise strategies to minimize or mitigate these risks. It's a role that's become increasingly important in today's uncertain economic landscape. <h3><strong>4) Portfolio Manager</strong></h3> For those who dream of managing big bucks, becoming a portfolio manager could be the ultimate goal. Portfolio managers oversee investment portfolios on behalf of clients, making decisions about buying and selling securities to achieve financial objectives. It requires a good understanding of the market, a solid investment strategy, and the ability to keep a cool head under pressure. <h3><strong> 5) </strong><strong>Corporate Finance Manager</strong></h3> Corporate finance roles are all about ensuring a company's financial health. As a corporate finance manager, you'll be involved in planning, managing, and tracking the financial activities of an organization. From budgeting and forecasting to managing investments and capital, this role is key to driving a company's financial strategy. <h3><strong>6) Credit Analyst</strong></h3> Credit analysts play a crucial role in the banking and finance industry by assessing the creditworthiness of individuals or businesses applying for loans. Your job will be to analyze financial data to determine the risk of lending money. It's a role that requires keen analytical skills and a detailed understanding of financial statements. <h3><strong> 7) </strong><strong>Fintech Entrepreneur</strong></h3> For those with an entrepreneurial spirit, the fintech sector offers exciting opportunities to innovate in the world of finance. With your MBA in Finance, you can venture into starting your own fintech company, developing solutions that challenge traditional financial services and meet the evolving needs of the digital age. Your journey through an <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><strong>MBA in Finance course</strong></a>, especially from reputed institutions like the Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management, equips you with the knowledge, skills, and insights needed to thrive in these roles. The comprehensive curriculum, industry exposure, and practical learning approach prepare you to tackle the challenges of the finance world head-on. <h3 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>Want to Know More About the MBA Program?</strong></span></h3> <p style="text-align: center;">[aw2.module slug="blog-brochure-popup" text="Download the complete MBA brochure now!" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary" brochure_url=""/]</p>"
"post_title" => string(45) "Top Career Opportunities After MBA in Finance"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-07-03 17:50:07"
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"ID" => int(869646)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2024-06-24 11:30:55"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-06-24 06:00:55"
"post_content" => string(5807) "We always believe interviews are frightening and nail-biting. We never know what is going to happen next and what is going to be the results. But can we calm our mind amid the chaos and focus on how to prepare for an interview? It is not difficult at all. <strong>In this blog post, </strong> <h2><strong>We will share useful tips on how to ace an MBA interview</strong></h2> Making a decision to do an MBA is already done but now the final step of admitting to college is pending. Here you have to be careful enough to complete this final step. It is always good to prepare yourself before going for an interview. ‘By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail’. A quote says a lot. Understand the meaning behind the quote and apply it in reality. <h3><strong>It would be noteworthy for a candidate to consider the following tips to ace an MBA Interview.</strong></h3> <h3><strong>1] Delve it more:</strong></h3> It is always better to delve deeper while you research for the B-School. Know about the Institute accurately, so you can counter questions coming forth. If you have knowledge about the institute, you will easily able to answer any questions coming to you. The more the knowledge, the more the confidence. <h3><strong>2] Practice it nicely:</strong></h3> <img class=" wp-image-869649 aligncenter" src="" alt="Practice it nicely" width="440" height="330" /> Before going for an interview, practice it nicely to ace an interview. List down the possible questions which might be asked by the interviewer to you. The focus of the interview will be on your personal traits. Prepare yourself with the answer, so you don’t look with a blank expression on your face and it will make interviewers easily notice that you have just woke up and rinsed your face and landed up directly for an interview. DO NOT let this happen at any cost. <h3><strong>3] Present it well:</strong></h3> It is important to present yourself perfectly. The communication should look effortless and it has to be straightforward. Stop spinning a yarn. Be clear and sensible whatever you speak. Interviewers will only listen to what is meaningful for them and not what you will blabber needlessly. Speak sensibly that is understandable to them. Synchronize with your resume. There should be harmony between your skills and resume. <h3><strong>4] Fuel Confidence:</strong></h3> Fuel in confidence prior to going for an interview. Confidence can be fuel by being positive and having enough knowledge. The right confidence will let you succeed in an interview. Make sure the confidence should look natural and not made up only for an interview. Over-confidence will let you in trouble and mistakes will tend to happen. The right amount of confidence is all you need. <img class="size-medium wp-image-869651 alignright" src="" alt="professional personna" width="300" height="225" /> <h3><strong>5] Be Professional:</strong></h3> It should go without saying that the candidate should always look professional while going for an interview. He/she should wear appropriate formal attire and be punctual for reaching the interview. As we all know, ‘First impressions are the last impression’. Make sure to leave an ever-lasting impression in your interview. <h3><strong>6] Mock Interview:</strong></h3> After noting the points down, doing all the necessary research, and working on communication skills. It’s time to sit in front of the mirror and start giving a mock interview. This will surely boost your confidence and let you know how well you are performing and where you’re lacking. It will let you know if you’re looking over-confident or nervous. It will also help you understand if you’re able to remember and apply your research skills in the interview or not. Mock interviews are always helpful before going for any kind of interview. <h3><img class="size-medium wp-image-869650 alignleft" src="" alt="be expressive" width="300" height="225" /><strong>7] Be expressive:</strong></h3> Be authentic and expressive. The interview is an opportunity to advertise yourself. Avail of the opportunity correctly. You should be expressive to portray your vision. You should discuss your short-term and long-term career goals. This will let interviewers understand that you’re ambitious towards your career and that you want to achieve something in your life. Once you follow the above tips. You should search for the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">top institute for an MBA</a></strong>. To make it easier for you, you can admit to one of the best institutes for MBA in Mumbai known as ‘Thandomal Shahani Centre for Management’. Here, the <strong><a href="">MBA admission process</a></strong> is done by taking a personal interview. <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Learn More About the MBA Program</strong></h3> <p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-weight: 400;">[aw2.module slug="blog-brochure-popup" text="Download Full Brochure" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary" brochure_url=""/]</span></p> <strong>Related Post:</strong> <ul> <li><strong><a href="">How to talk about your work experience in a job interview?</a></strong></li> </ul>"
"post_title" => string(42) "Useful Tips on how to ace an MBA interview"
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"post_name" => string(42) "useful-tips-on-how-to-ace-an-mba-interview"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-06-19 16:15:23"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2024-06-19 10:45:23"
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"ID" => int(870042)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2024-05-27 10:52:53"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-05-27 05:22:53"
"post_content" => string(5048) "An MBA degree is very much in demand today. And if one has to go by the numbers, then the demand for this degree is definitely not decreasing soon. After understanding the career market demand, if you have also opted for an MBA degree, then it is important that you must also decide the specialization you must pursue in your final year. The foremost aspect that needs to be done is to make the decision a lot before actually filling up the specialization form. In fact, decisions such as pursuing an MBA degree and finalizing the specialization should go hand-in-hand. But how to choose the right specialization? How to know it’s beneficial for you? How to know what scope it has? In this blog post, we will iron out all your doubts and queries to help you understand the right specialization in an MBA. Firstly, it is important to know the types of specialization in an MBA. Besides this, it is also crucial to know what is the scope of that particular specialization, what skills are required, what kind of companies hire you after completion of the course, and so on. <h2><strong>Let us understand top in-demand MBA specializations and their scope.</strong></h2> <h3><strong>1. MBA in Marketing</strong></h3> <h4><strong>Meaning:</strong></h4> Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a product, service, or good. <h4><strong>Scope:</strong></h4> Marketing has a vast scope. It involves marketing and consumer research, performing promotional activities, taking pricing decisions, doing environmental analysis, selecting the channel of distribution, choosing the medium of advertising, and so on. <h4><strong>Skills:</strong></h4> Skills that are required in marketing are interpersonal, teamwork, coordination, leadership skills, Analytical skills, and good communication skills. <h3><strong>2. MBA in Finance</strong></h3> <h4><strong>Meaning:</strong></h4> Finance is defined as the management of money and includes activities such as investing, borrowing, lending, budgeting, saving, and forecasting. <h4><strong>Scope:</strong></h4> After a specialization in finance, you can be a financial analyst, accounting manager, credit manager, finance officer, cash manager, insurance, and risk manager. <h4><strong>Skills:</strong></h4> You need quantitative and analytical skills, mathematical expertise, and good communication and interpersonal skills. <h3><strong>3. MBA in Operations</strong></h3> <h4><strong>Meaning:</strong></h4> MBA in Operations, like other MBA specializations, is a 2-year program that equips its students with logistics and supply chain knowledge. This course will help candidates acquire positions such as Plant Manager, Supply Chain Manager, Service Operations Director, etc. Also, the candidate becomes eligible to manage an organization’s operational aspects effectively. <strong>Scope:</strong> MBA in Operations performs various functions like plant manager, supply chain manager, material manager, operations manager, purchase manager <h3><strong>4. MBA in Human Resources</strong></h3> <h4><strong>Meaning:</strong></h4> Human resource management is the strategic approach to the effective management of people in a company or organization such that they help their business gain a competitive advantage. <h4><strong>Scope:</strong></h4> Human resource management performs various functions like Recruitment and Selection, Job evaluation, Training and development, employee compensation, and performance appraisal. Moreover, they also motivate employees and focus on employees’ welfare. <h4><strong>Skills:</strong></h4> Skills that are required to be developed in human resource management are communication Skills, decision-Making skills, training and development skills, organizational skills, and negotiation skills. Additionally, Interest plays an important role before choosing any specialization. Without having an interest in learning, choosing any specialization will not work, no matter how high a salary package is offered, or how good the scope it has under it. For instance, If you have no interest in finance, numbers are your worst nightmare, and choosing banking or finance is pointless. You will end up changing jobs and remain unsatisfied. One of the <strong><a href="">top MBA colleges in Mumbai</a></strong> ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management,” offers <strong><a href="">various specializations</a></strong>, and besides this, it does offer international degrees, which widens your career opportunities. <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Learn more about the MBA Program</strong></h3> <p style="text-align: center;">[aw2.module slug="blog-brochure-popup" text="Download Free Brochure" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary" brochure_url=""/]</p>"
"post_title" => string(38) "How to Choose Your MBA Specialization?"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-06-19 15:50:55"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2024-05-13 10:00:21"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-05-13 04:30:21"
"post_content" => string(7589) "Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management (TSCFM) is one of the best business schools in India. Located in Mumbai, it’s part of the Shahani group of institutions and offers diploma and postgraduate courses in management. One of the best MBA courses from TSCFM is <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">UGC Approved MBA</a></strong> <h2><span style="color: #ff6600;">MBA Program Highlights:</span></h2> <ul> <li>UGC Recognized Degree</li> <li>Globally Accepted Certification</li> <li>International Curriculum</li> <li>2 Year Full-Time Program</li> <li>100% Placement Assistance</li> </ul> <h3><strong>The following are the two Certifications you get with it:</strong></h3> <ol> <li>UGC Recognised MBA in collaboration with Medhavi Skill University (MSU)</li> <li>Additionally, you will receive PGDBM from EduQual (UK)</li> </ol> <h3><strong>International MBA (Optional)</strong></h3> Advance your career with a globally recognized MBA degree while studying in Mumbai at 1/10th the cost. Get an <strong><a href="">MBA from Anglia Ruskin University (UK)</a> </strong>which ranks #40 in the UK. According to the Times Higher Education, it is among the top 20% of universities. Globally well respected by recruiters in 120 countries around the world. <strong>Additional Certificate You Will Be Awarded With:</strong> <ol> <li style="list-style-type: none;"> <ol> <li>MBA from Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK <h3 style="text-align: center;"><b>Admissions are open for 2024 - 2026 Batch</b></h3> <p style="text-align: center;">[aw2.module slug="blog-enquiry-popup" text="Register Here" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary"/]</p> </li> </ol> </li> </ol> <h2><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>MBA Admission Process</strong></span></h2> Admission to TSCFM is quite simple. If you are a graduate from a recognized university and have the documents to prove the same, then you can get admission to TSCFM’s MBA program by giving a personal interview at the institute’s admission office in Mumbai. <strong>The following are a few things you can keep in mind if you want to make the interview process smoother:</strong> <ul> <li>Do your homework and learn about TSCFM as much as possible</li> <li>Prepare the answers to some of the most common questions that are asked in interviews, including “Why do you want to do an MBA?”, “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”, “Why do you want to pick TSCFM?”, etc</li> <li>Practice some mock interviews with your friends so that you appear more confident in your actual interview</li> </ul> <h3>Step-by-step MBA admission process guidelines:</h3> <img class="alignnone wp-image-870065 size-large" src="" alt="tscfm mba eligibility criteria and admission process" width="1024" height="768" /> <h5>Note: We have a range of student education loan options & scholarships for deserving students.</h5> <h4 style="text-align: center;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button type="button"><b>Know more about the MBA Program</b></button></a></strong></h4> <h2><span style="color: #ff6600;">Job Opportunities for MBA</span></h2> <ul> <li>AVP Marketing</li> <li>Brand Manager</li> <li>Recruitment Specialist</li> <li>Digital Marketing Specialist</li> <li>CEO – Chief Executive Officer</li> <li>Asst. VP & Head Corporate Communication</li> <li>Project Manager</li> <li>Assistant Manager – Marketing</li> <li>Chief Brand Strategist</li> <li>Account Director</li> <li>Independent Entrepreneur</li> <li>Equity Dealer</li> <li>Investment Analyst</li> <li>Branch Coordinator</li> <li>Finance Manager</li> <li>Public relations specialists</li> <li>Social media manager</li> <li>Human Resources specialists</li> <li>CHRO</li> </ul> <strong>Read More: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Know the Job titles & salary packages in different sectors after MBA Program</a></strong> <h2><span style="color: #ff6600;">Top in-demand MBA Specializations</span></h2> 1. MBA in Marketing 2. MBA in Finance 3. MBA in Human Resources 4. MBA in Operations <div class="w-full text-token-text-primary" dir="auto" data-testid="conversation-turn-70" data-scroll-anchor="false"> <div class="text-base py-[18px] px-3 md:px-4 m-auto md:px-5 lg:px-1 xl:px-5"> <div class="mx-auto flex flex-1 gap-4 text-base md:gap-5 lg:gap-6 md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-[40rem] xl:max-w-[48rem]"> <div class="group/conversation-turn relative flex w-full min-w-0 flex-col"> <div class="flex-col gap-1 md:gap-3"> <div class="flex flex-grow flex-col max-w-full"> <div class="min-h-[20px] text-message flex w-full flex-col items-end gap-2 whitespace-pre-wrap break-words [.text-message+&]:mt-5 overflow-x-auto" dir="auto" data-message-author-role="user" data-message-id="aaa2b8af-394c-410d-aea1-9078b6afd5f9"> <div class="flex w-full flex-col gap-1 empty:hidden items-end rtl:items-start"> <div class="relative max-w-[70%] rounded-3xl bg-[#f4f4f4] px-5 py-2.5 dark:bg-token-main-surface-secondary"> <div><strong>Let's explore the top in-demand <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">MBA specializations and their scope</a></strong></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <h2><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong> What is the syllabus of an MBA course?</strong></span></h2> The MBA syllabus covers essential topics like business management, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, Operations Management, Business Research, Financial Accounting, Leadership Development, Communication Skills, Business Communication, and International Business. <strong>To learn more about the detailed syllabus of an MBA program, download our MBA brochure.</strong> <h2><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>What are the MBA Program Fees?</strong></span></h2> MBA program fees varies from institute to institute. The fees depend mainly on the quality of teachings offered by the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">faculty</a></strong>, the extra-curricular activities arranged for the students at the institute, the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">curriculum activities</a></strong> taught to them, the availability of the resources, and the amenities provided. <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Job opportunities</a></strong> are given to students. A lot more factors are considered to opting for any management institute. <h4 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #00008c;"><strong>Explore Our MBA Program & syllabus and Elevate Your Career</strong></span></h4> <p style="text-align: center;">[aw2.module slug="blog-brochure-popup" text="Download MBA Brochure" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary" brochure_url=""/]</p>"
"post_title" => string(70) "TSCFM MBA Program Overview: Syllabus, Fees, Specializations, Admission"
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"post_name" => string(76) "tscfm-mba-course-details-syllabus-fees-specializations-admission-eligibility"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-08-29 12:23:16"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2024-08-29 06:53:16"
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"ID" => int(869632)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2024-04-18 11:21:19"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-04-18 05:51:19"
"post_content" => string(4957) "<h3><strong>What do you think, is an MBA course hype? Or is it worth the hype?</strong></h3> As the decades change, the significance of an MBA is also growing. We are not only flipping the calendar sheets but also our career future. The importance of studies is changing rapidly. Today’s youth is becoming more career-oriented and focused. An <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">MBA course</a></strong> is grabbing all the attention and coming into the spotlight nowadays. All eyes are glued to an MBA course, as it plays a vital role in every sector. However, few students are scratching their heads to validate whether an MBA course is significant. To those students, we would like to say, stop scratching your head as we have all your answers present with us. Beginning with today’s reality, students are keener on pursuing degrees but not knowledge. We all must have come across students who have several degrees but still failing in their career journey. What is the reason behind it? Youth are boarding the same train that every other is boarding for themselves. Few are unaware of where they are heading and what the destination is. They believe why not board the same train just because everyone is boarding and it may drop them at the right destination. Yet, to what extent is it true? An MBA has numerous benefits, but pursuing it only for the sake of everyone doing it is not worth it. Studying the perks, inspecting the reality, exploring the learning, and matching the goals are all you need before deciding on your career. In a blink of an eye, no decision can be made. <strong>If we discuss </strong> <h2><strong>Why an MBA course has become significant, </strong></h2> <strong>we must explain them in detail.</strong> <h3><strong>1] To Groom Yourself:</strong></h3> After pursuing higher education, students still lack basic skills like communication skills, listening skills, leadership skills, or organizational skills. All these are the basic skills organizations need to hire employees for their organizations; however, if students fail in this basic examination of skills. It will have a huge impact on their career journey. Here, an MBA does help you enhance your skills in a much better way. It will groom you perfectly and makes you industry-ready. This can be only possible if you put in your dedication and time to it. Without these two, nothing can be achieved easily. <h3><strong>2] Domain Knowledge:</strong></h3> Domain knowledge plays a vital role in mapping your career. Without domain knowledge, things fail miserably. And To be successful, you should have excellent domain knowledge. An MBA course helps you choose your specialization and provide you depth knowledge about the picked specialization. <img class="size-medium wp-image-869634 alignleft" src="" alt="domain knowledge" width="300" height="225" /> This is the main reason why an MBA is becoming significant. Students can choose their preferred specialization and boost their knowledge in a particular field. An MBA provides various specializations from which you can choose your preferred one. It has Marketing, Operations, Finance, Human Resources, Management, and so on. For grabbing new opportunities and knowledge, you can also prefer ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management’ situated in Mulund, Mumbai, which is one of the best corporate learning environments and prepares you to become a global corporate leader. <h3><strong>3] Makes you Prominent:</strong></h3> An MBA aid in standing out of the box; it simply means to attract attention, and to attract attention, you have to be different and unique as compared to others. An MBA does help you to attract the attention of the market as it grooms you and makes you market-ready, which will lead you to stand out of the box and make the competition easier for you. Stand-out-of-box bring-in opportunities, but the process is not as easy as it seems. It takes a lot of courage, creativity, and confidence to be prominent. And to be prominent, prove yourself that you deserve something better and you are capable of it. Never settle for anything less of your capabilities. <h3 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong><b>Want to Know More About the MBA Program?</b></strong></span></h3> <p style="text-align: center;">[aw2.module slug="blog-enquiry-popup" text="Enquire now" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary"/]</p> As we have understood in this blog, how significant an MBA has become in today’s world, we did accept that it is worth the hype. <h4><strong>Read Also: <a href="">The demand for MBA is still high</a></strong></h4>"
"post_title" => string(39) "Importance of an MBA in today’s world"
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"post_name" => string(36) "importance-of-an-mba-in-todays-world"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-07-03 15:59:43"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2024-07-03 10:29:43"
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"ID" => int(870618)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2024-04-02 10:00:33"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-04-02 04:30:33"
"post_content" => string(5373) "Before we proceed to understand the importance and benefits of critical thinking for students, it is important to understand what critical thinking is. Critical thinking is the mode of thinking about any subject, problem, or content. It skillfully thinks. Later, it implements and inherent those intellectual thoughts upon them. The best part of critical thinking is, it improves the quality of thinking. It has intellectual values like clarity, sound evidence, precision, good reasons, relevance, consistency, depth, breadth, and fairness. Critical thinking requires a proper process, it involves skillfully conceptualizing, analyzing different aspects, synthesizing, most importantly evaluating whatever information is gathered, keenly observing all factors, and experiencing the overall view. <h2><strong>Now let us understand the benefits of critical thinking.</strong></h2> <h3>1] It helps to improve decision-making</h3> Critical thinking will let you make decisions by yourself. It will help you improve decision-making. For students, while making career decisions or making a new career move, it is crucial to make quick decisions, and hence critical thinking plays a vital role here. <h3>2] Enhances problem-solving ability</h3> Problem-solving is the key skill required for adapting to changes and facing challenges. This skill of critical thinking should be developed by students to avoid making any situation complex and help find a solution to it. For instance, two people in the same situation have been given a task and asked to find a solution. One person might take 5 minutes yet can’t give a relevant solution, whereas another person with problem-solving ability will dedicate enough time to research and provide a relevant solution. <h5><strong>Read Here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Importance of Problem-Solving Skills & How to Develop Them</a></strong></h5> <h3>3] Refine your research skills</h3> Critical Thinking will refine your research skills, moreover will help you research accurately by observing, analyzing, synthesizing, and experimenting with every aspect in detail for a better result. <h3>4] Polishes your creativity</h3> It will help you polish your creative side. Creativity unquestionably defines itself as a requisite skill in the collaborative modern workforce. As critical thinking will surely polish your creativity. <h3>5] Stimulates Curiosity</h3> It stimulates curiosity in you to find the right solution for the problem or the subject you are working on. Curiosity will let you dig and delve deeper to get a better result. This factor will let you stay a lifelong learner. All these aspects of critical thinking play a vital role in Banking and financial sector. If you are seeking to develop these crucial skills, then you must certainly opt for ‘<strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management</a></strong>’ institute based in Mulund, Mumbai. It is one of the Best institutes, aids in developing critical thinking with its innovative teaching methodology, and focuses on comprehensive development, providing students with a globally relevant curriculum, and international faculty members who have hands-on business leadership. Additionally, If you want to enroll in Certificate in Banking and Financial Services (CBFS) or top global MBA courses, you can contact us for detailed information where you will find the program, curriculum, specializations, certifications, eligibility criteria, and everything related to it. <p style="text-align: center;">[aw2.module slug="blog-enquiry-popup" text="Contact Us!" course="certificate-in-banking-and-financial-services" css_class="btn btn-primary"/]</p> <h2><strong>Now lets us learn how to develop Critical Thinking skills</strong></h2> <h3>- Ask Questions</h3> For developing critical skills, it is important to ask more questions. The more you ask questions, the more the curiosity and quest to learn increase. The questions will clarify your thinking, and conceptualizing and analyzing will become more accessible through it. <h3><strong>- Scrutinize the consequences</strong></h3> By asking questions, you have the availability of various options. However, you must not make a hasty decision. You have to scrutinize the consequences of each option and accordingly take a decision. Therefore, it will lead to solving your problems. <h3><strong>- Become Active Listener</strong></h3> To be a critical thinker, you need to first be an active listener. You will ask numerous questions to satisfy your quest, but to know the answers, you need to be a good listener too. Listen to different people's thoughts, views, and opinions; these will help you form your own decisions. <h2><strong>Know what are the advantages of developing Critical Thinking Skills</strong></h2> <img class="aligncenter wp-image-888589 size-full" src="" alt="advantages of developing critical thinking skills" width="1440" height="1080" /> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Now that you know the importance and advantages of critical thinking.</span> "
"post_title" => string(53) "The Benefits of Critical Thinking & How to develop it"
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"post_name" => string(46) "the-benefits-of-critical-thinking-for-students"
"to_ping" => string(0) ""
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-06-04 17:21:24"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2024-06-04 11:51:24"
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7 => object(WP_Post)
"ID" => int(870477)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2024-03-06 14:54:54"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-03-06 09:24:54"
"post_content" => string(4207) "Dreaming about having our own business is such a wonderful feeling, which cannot be expressed in words. And, transforming your dream into reality is one of the great accomplishments. Yet, the business can’t be built overnight, it requires a mixture of goals, objectives, dedication, passion, skills, and whatnot. Without these factors, a business can get started, but sustaining it will become a difficult job. To make your business a major success, all you need to do is earn a business degree. Yes, you have to earn a business degree and not just obtain it to upgrade your qualifications. There is a major difference between Obtaining a Degree versus Earning a degree. You will only understand the difference between both the terms, the time when you want to sustain your business for a longer period. <h2><strong>Let us understand how earning a business degree will help you in your business and,</strong></h2> <h3><strong>Why an MBA Degree Is Important for Startups.</strong></h3> First, we will understand the vital aspects required for running a business. And how a business degree plays a major role in it. Having capital and manpower are the primary factors that you require, whereas keeping these factors apart for a while and concentrating on how to improve yourself to meet business goals requires good communication skills to build a network and maintain relationships with clients, customers, team members, etc. Earning a business degree will help you fill in this gap. While studying, you will engage in different management activities, you’ll participate in various interactivity sessions, and you’ll get a chance to give presentations in front of professors and your classmates. These aspects will result in building good communication skills and will reflect while presenting/pitching in front of clients, customers, and teams. The other aspects you require are <strong>CONFIDENCE and NETWORK</strong>. Pitching ideas requires networking and immense confidence. If you look unconfident, the listener is never going to trust your ideas. Your confidence should reflect that your ideas are going to work and give a good result. Earning a degree here helps you build confidence by giving multiple presentations where public speaking fear vanishes and you start believing in yourself. If we talk about networks, doing an internship, going on industrial visits, and working for companies will help you build a network and understand how business works. The key aspect that is required while running a business is having managerial skills. Earning a business degree will help you get those managerial skills. You will develop leadership skills, interpersonal skills, conceptual skills, teamwork, project management skills, time management skills, and all other skills that are helpful in business. Now you’ll be in deep thought about how to find the colleges for MBA in Mumbai. So now it’s time to put on your thinking cap. Or we can help you find the <strong><a href="">top MBA institute in Mumbai</a></strong>. ‘Thadomal Shahani Center for Management’ is the best MBA college in Mumbai that provides a global MBA degree and helps you fill in all the gaps that we mentioned above. <h4 style="text-align: center;"><strong><b>You can also find more about the courses below: </b></strong></h4> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button type="button"><b>Click Here </b></button></a></strong></p> As we said above, it is important to earn a business degree rather than just obtaining a degree. And we did understand how much value it holds for starting a business. <strong>Related Post:</strong> <ul> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Business techniques gaining popularity globally</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Valuable Tips and Business Ideas for an entrepreneurship</a></strong></li> </ul>"
"post_title" => string(52) "The Value of Earning a Business Degree for start-ups"
"post_excerpt" => string(0) ""
"post_status" => string(7) "publish"
"comment_status" => string(6) "closed"
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"post_name" => string(52) "the-value-of-earning-a-business-degree-for-start-ups"
"to_ping" => string(0) ""
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-05-10 12:56:12"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2024-05-10 07:26:12"
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8 => object(WP_Post)
"ID" => int(869917)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2023-06-16 16:38:40"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2023-06-16 11:08:40"
"post_content" => string(5164) "In today’s era, the scope of an MBA in marketing is flourishing. Every organization seeks an employee who can perform marketing activities such as promotion, advertising, sales, and many other activities, who has professional skills and attitude, a degree specialized in marketing. As it becomes crucial to pick a marketing specialization if you aim to make your career in the marketing field. People have a lot to say about a career, but it is important to check the facts right and then make a decision. <strong>Let us give a brief idea of the</strong> <h2><strong>Scope of Marketing in an MBA</strong></h2> <h3>1] Subjects:</h3> To name a few subjects which are being offered in a marketing course. <img class="wp-image-869923 size-medium alignright" src="" alt="Subjects" width="300" height="225" /> <ul> <li>Strategic Planning</li> <li>Market Research</li> <li>Customer Relationship</li> <li>Project Management</li> <li>Marketing Management</li> <li>Business Environment</li> <li>Product Management</li> <li>International Marketing Management</li> </ul> <h3>2] Skills:</h3> <ul> <li><strong>Communication Skills</strong> Communication skills are important skills. Being a marketer, you should be able to communicate with different levels - UP, Down, and across as it becomes crucial to have this important skill for marketing.</li> <li><strong>Leadership Skills</strong> You should possess leadership skills to deal with this business world. This will inspire people to work with you and look up to you while following you.</li> <li><strong>Strategic Thinking</strong> Your thinking should not be generic or basic, but it should be more out of the box and strategic. It is the cornerstone of an MBA.</li> <li><strong>Entrepreneurial skills</strong> This skill will help you sustain yourself in the market. An MBA will help you develop this skill. This skill is all about filling the gap with a creative and technical understanding of the organization’s growth.</li> <li><strong>Interpersonal Skills</strong> Interpersonal skills are the behaviors and tactics a person uses to interact with others effectively. In the business world, the term refers to an employee's ability to work well with others.</li> </ul> <h3><strong>3] Job Role Offered:</strong></h3> Marketing jobs have a lot of scopes, and it has a range of role to offer to you <img class="alignleft wp-image-869924 size-medium" src="" alt="job role" width="300" height="225" /> <ul> <li><strong>Sales Manager</strong> Designing and implementing a strategic sales plan that expands the company's customer base and ensures its strong presence. Managing recruiting, objectives setting, coaching, and performance monitoring of sales representatives.</li> <li><strong>Product Manager</strong> The product manager is the person responsible for defining the why, when, and what of the product that the engineering team builds. This means they lead cross-functional teams from a product's conception all the way through to its launch.</li> <li><strong>Brand Manager</strong> Brand managers are responsible for ensuring that the products, services, and product lines that fall under their domain resonate with current and potential customers. To do so, these professionals continuously monitor marketing trends and keep a close eye on competitive products in the marketplace.</li> <li><strong>Marketing Manager</strong> A marketing manager is someone who implements and creates marketing strategies for a company to meet the reputation and goals of a brand. A good marketing manager keeps testing new marketing messages, opportunities, and channels.</li> <li><strong>Market Research Analyst</strong> Market research analysts gather and analyze data on consumers and competitors. Market research analysts study market conditions to examine potential sales of a product or service. They help companies understand what products people want, who will buy them, and at what price.</li> <li><strong>Digital Marketer</strong> A digital marketing manager is responsible for developing, implementing, and managing marketing campaigns that promote a company and its products and/or services. He or she plays a major role in enhancing brand awareness within the digital space as well as driving website traffic and acquiring leads/customers.</li> </ul> <h3><strong>4 ] Salary Offered:</strong></h3> A master’s degree can provide a significant boost to your compensation package. According to Payscale, the annual salary for holders of an MBA in marketing ranges from Rs 3 lakh to Rs 20 lakh, depending on the seniority, company, and sector. As we have seen in the above post, how marketing is booming in today’s era, and how the scope of marketing is also changing. <strong>Read Post:</strong> <ul> <li><strong><a href="">Top 5 benefits of doing an MBA in Human Resources</a></strong></li> </ul>"
"post_title" => string(34) "Know the scope of marketing in MBA"
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"post_name" => string(34) "know-the-scope-of-marketing-in-mba"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-05-14 11:49:13"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2024-05-14 06:19:13"
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"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-05-25 10:43:40"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-05-25 05:13:40"
"post_content" => string(2816) "When it comes to picking a post-graduate program, then you can be spoilt for choice. However, you usually can’t go wrong with MBA especially if you have completed your bachelor’s in a non-management domain. <h4><strong>If you are planning to apply for an MBA course, then the following are some of the mistakes that you should avoid to build a successful career:</strong></h4> <h3><strong>1. Picking a Wrong College</strong></h3> It’s really important that you pick a college that you know is right for you rather than what your peers are suggesting. Sometimes, students settle for any college just because they don’t want to prepare for the entrance exams for another year. That’s an equally bad approach as the college and course you pick can have a huge impact on your career. <h3><strong>2. Avoiding Networking</strong></h3> Networking with other MBA aspirants can help you in more ways than you can imagine. You can learn about the new trends in the industry, get tips on improving your preparation, and also learn about new courses and colleges that might pave the road for a bright career. <h3><strong>3. Delaying Studying</strong></h3> Many students like to relax and take their time before starting their preparation. However, finding the right course and college entrance exam patterns takes a long time. So, it’s best to start working on the plan as soon as possible. <h3><strong>4. Not Doing the Homework</strong></h3> There are numerous business schools both in India and abroad. However, each follows certain admission criteria. So, you may miss out on some of the best schools by failing to do your homework. In India, if you are looking for a global MBA program, you can simply learn and grasp knowledge from Mulund, Mumbai-based college ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management.’ where you will receive a global degree of an MBA with quality learning and faculties. You can learn more about the college and its <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">MBA admission process</a></strong>. An MBA program can give a significant boost to your career granted you avoid the mistakes above. Good luck! <h3 style="text-align: center;"><strong>Want to Know More About the MBA Program?</strong></h3> <p style="text-align: center;">[aw2.module slug="blog-enquiry-popup" text="Enquire now" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary"/]</p> <h5><strong>Read Also: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">What are the Job titles & salary packages in different sectors after MBA?</a></strong></h5>"
"post_title" => string(42) "4 Mistakes Every MBA Aspirant Should Avoid"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-07-03 17:22:23"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2022-03-04 10:00:27"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-03-04 04:30:27"
"post_content" => string(4439) "Learnings can never go into vain, be it learnings you acquire from the house, pre-school or higher education. It will always be helpful in some or the other way. And getting learnings in your initial stage will be unforgettable, and it must be unforgettable because it has stored numerous learnings apart from books that will be helpful for you in the future. <h4><strong>Let us shed some light on the learnings you got in Preschool that will be helpful for you in higher education.</strong></h4> <h3><strong>1] How to Learn the unlearn</strong></h3> During our initial stage, we learned many unlearned factors. From walking a step to uttering a single word is also part of learning, or starting with learning alphabets to numbers, everything we know is preliminary. We witness various aspects, and we quickly adapt to them. At the same time, higher education is also similar. We opt for a specialized field and learn the unlearned elements from it. <h3>2] How to face challenges & come out of my comfort zone</h3> The time we step into pre-school is the time when we step out of our comfort zone. From being a toddler to a step towards learning newer elements is altogether a distinct feeling. But that one step is the stride towards various other paths. You experience untried things which you have never done before, and this factor widened your horizons. Similarly, if you come out of your comfort zone in higher education and face challenges, your knowledge will undoubtedly broaden, and your skills will improve. <h3><strong>3] How to cherish success</strong></h3> In Pre-school, we as students witness great appreciation for homework, good deeds, and our performances; during this period, we realize the importance of success and learn how to acquire it in the future. Similarly, in higher education, it is important to pat your back if you witness your personal growth, achieved any goal or target, or did the task before or on time in higher education. Every little success counts!! <h3><strong>4] How to accept failures</strong></h3> Preschool conducts various competitions with students, in which many students fail, and any one of them becomes the winner. Here, students learn failures are part of life, and we should know how to beat the competition to become successful. There will be many competitive people in higher education, and you will probably face failures too, but you should learn to accept failures and beat the competition. <h3><strong>5] How to be independent</strong></h3> Pre-school is the first step where we learn to be independent. In pre-school, we pass our time manage our work independently. Teachers are there to guide us, but mainly we organize our tasks. Similarly, this learning is helpful in Higher Education. There will be projects, presentations, assignments, activities, which we need to handle individually. We should know how to do independent work. <h3><strong>6] How to understand ethics and manners</strong></h3> We learn basic ethics and manner in pre-school education. Teachers teach us; not to interrupt when someone talks; we have to be good listeners; moreover, honesty, morality, courtesy, and dignity have been introduced earlier. Whereas, in higher education, all the combinations will be required to pursue your dream career!! <h3><strong>7] How to actively participate</strong></h3> In pre-schools, they conduct various activities where students learn to participate and boost confidence. Be it fancy dress competition or diverse acts - multiple skills improve. Likewise, in higher education, various activities occur, as it becomes to participate in such activities, boost confidence, and improve numerous skills for a better future. The number of your age grows, but the learning from your pre-school remains constant & lifelong. That learnings help you in future growth and development too. And if you are seeking a reputed and well-known institute for higher education, then; you should opt for Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management (TSCFM). It is the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">3rd ranked institute</a></strong> in India from the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Outlook Magazine</a></strong> for Global MBA Course. It offers various courses to help students learn and grow in their careers."
"post_title" => string(72) "7 Things You Learned in Preschool That'll Help You With Higher Education"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:41"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:41"
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"ID" => int(871254)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-02-18 11:00:22"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-02-18 05:30:22"
"post_content" => string(5035) "Reading is an essential habit that is recommended by entrepreneurs and successful people to develop in the early stages of life. There should be a balance between reading and experiencing. As much as you read, you also need to implement key lessons from the books in everyday life. Here is the list of business books that will give you insights into many start-ups, help you think clearly, strategize your business carefully, and knowledge about the ongoing situation in the world and why is it where it is today. <h4><strong>1. Founders at Work by Jessica Livingston</strong></h4> Founders at Work: Stories of Start-ups Early Days includes collective interviews of start-up founders of famous technology companies. Jessica Levingston’s main aim to write this book was to know what happened at the beginning of their venture and how start-ups convinced investors to make them fund their business. What happened when they had nothing but just an idea? The famous founders include Steve Wozniak (Apple), Caterina Fake (Flickr), Mitch Kapor (Lotus), Max Levchin (PayPal), and Sabeer Bhatia (Hotmail). <strong>Key takeaway: </strong> Founders are always pumped up to do better than others. <h4><strong>2. The 22 immutable Laws of Marketing by AI Ries and Jack Trout </strong></h4> The well-renowned marketing consultants in the world have written this book to make people understand the most important laws and foundation of marketing to do successful marketing in the world. They have explained the law of leadership, the law of focus, the law of perspective to the law of resources. <strong>Key Takeaway: </strong> If you can’t be the first to disrupt the market, create a new category <h4><strong>3. Art of Profitability: Adrian Slywotzky </strong></h4> This book contains 23 lessons on how businesses can generate greater profits. The Art of Profitability is not your typical business book as it is written as a tale. This book gives insights into different business models and how they generated profit. <strong>Key takeaway:</strong> Always do the math yourself. Too many people take numbers from unreliable sources. <h4><strong>4. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make The Leap and Others Don’t: Jim Collins</strong></h4> Jim Collins explains why some companies succeed to their highest level and why some companies fail. The author tackles the question to “How can good companies, mediocre companies, even bad companies achieve enduring greatness?” He and his team did thorough research on good 100 companies, the best and the failures. This book gives you a great strategic insight into handling management in a business. <strong>Key Takeaway:</strong> To get the right people on the bus. <h4><strong>5. The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable: Nassim Nicholas Taleb</strong></h4> The prime focus of this book is to not predict the Black Swan events but to build strength and problem-solving ability to tackle the negative events. The book is divided into four parts and is a story that goes from literary to scientific to mathematics subjects. <strong>Key Takeaway:</strong> “The illusion of understanding, or how everyone thinks he knows what is going on in a world that is more complicated (or random) than they realize” <h4><strong>6. The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith</strong></h4> Adam Smith has written a seminal book that explains the birth of free-market economics. The wealth of nations book tries to explain that economics is our livelihood and that it depends upon individual choices, freedom, responsibilities, and liberty. 4 <strong>Key Takeaway:</strong> One of the primary concepts is to generate more output with the same amount of inputs. <h4><strong>7. First, Break All The Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently - Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman</strong></h4> If you want to become a better manager, this book is a must-read. Both Buckingham and Coffman have given meaningful and practical advice on how an individual can become a better manager every day. What this book gets across to people is how great managers are not afraid to take risks and follow the path led to them by the companies. This in-depth research of managers by authors tells us how managers focus on hiring the best talent, how they set expectations for their employees, how they build people’s strengths, and how they develop people <strong>Key Takeaway:</strong> Great managers spend most of their time with their best people. Those, as mentioned earlier, are the best business books for early-stage startups. And in case you are looking to acquire entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, you must enroll in the top best institute in Mumbai that offers <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Management</a></strong>, moreover, quality teaching and learnings to you."
"post_title" => string(42) "7 business books to get hands on right now"
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"post_name" => string(42) "7-business-books-to-get-hands-on-right-now"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:41"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:41"
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"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2024-08-27 14:00:14"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2024-08-27 08:30:14"
"post_content" => string(3309) "If you want admission to one of the best business schools in India or abroad, then you need to prepare for entrance exams like CAT, MAT, etc. However, you also have to face a personal interview in most cases. Many students are otherwise good in studies but lack strong communication skills to do well in personal interviews. <h4><strong>If you struggle in this area yourself, then you can note the following points:</strong></h4> <h3>1. Look Presentable:</h3> When you are dressed nicely and your clothes are properly ironed, then you feel more confident. Doing this also helps in making a good first impression of the interviewer. Looking presentable reflects your personality and it surely impacts you during the interview. <h3>2. Be Optimistic:</h3> Optimism is an attitude reflecting a belief or hope that the outcome of some specific endeavor, or outcomes in general, will be positive, favorable, and desirable. So, go with a positive mindset and feel optimistic while going for an interview. This will let no anxiety enter your arena and also help you feel confident while presenting yourself. <h3>3. Make them feel your Presence:</h3> Your presence must be felt by the interviewer. It shouldn’t be like you came and went, and it had no impact at all on the interviewer. For this, you must maintain eye contact with the interviewer if you want to show confidence and let them know that you are attentive. Smiling is another thing that you pay attention to during the interview as you want to present yourself as a friendly and trustworthy person. <h3>4. Do Your Homework</h3> Apart from personal questions, the MBA institute may ask questions that are related to the institute specifically. For instance, they may want to know which specialization you are interested in or what you know about the institute. So, make sure that you read about the same before showing up. Of course, you can also read about the basic subjects and principles in management programs to answer related questions during the interview. If you want to make the interview round easier, then you should prepare the answers to the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">most common questions</a></strong> that are asked and which you can expect. These are: <ul> <li>Tell us something about yourself</li> <li>What are your strengths and weaknesses?</li> <li>What are your career goals?</li> <li>Why do you want to study MBA?</li> <li>Why did you pick our institute?</li> </ul> Did you know that there are job-oriented <strong><a href="">MBA course</a></strong> that require only personal interviews? <strong><a href="">Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management – TSCFM</a></strong> is providing one such program in partnership with a UK university. <h3 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #ff6600;">Explore Our MBA Program and Elevate Your Career</span></h3> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>[aw2.module slug="blog-enquiry-popup" text="Register Here" course="mba-master-of-business-administration" css_class="btn btn-primary"/]</strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;"></p>"
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