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Amazon tech to let shoppers pay with palm scan

April 22, 2021

Amazon tech to let shoppers pay with palm scan Inc said it is carrying out biometric technology at its Whole Foods stores around Seattle beginning on Wednesday, allowing customers to pay for things with an output of their palm.

The move shows how Amazon is getting a portion of the technology as of now use at its namesake blocks and cement Go and Books stores to the grocery chain it acquired in 2017.

The framework, called Amazon One, allows clients to relate a Visa with their palm print. It offers a contact-less choice to cash and card payments, Amazon said.

The deployment stops presenting Amazon’s clerk less technology at Whole Foods, which critics have said would bring about job cuts. Amazon One actually requires examining things at checkout, and the organization said it won’t affect jobs at Whole Foods.

Amazon said its biometric technology will be live at a Whole Foods close to its base camp in Seattle on Wednesday and will grow to seven additional stores in the metro area in coming months.

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