Digital Marketing
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"post_content" => string(5164) "In today’s era, the scope of an MBA in marketing is flourishing. Every organization seeks an employee who can perform marketing activities such as promotion, advertising, sales, and many other activities, who has professional skills and attitude, a degree specialized in marketing. As it becomes crucial to pick a marketing specialization if you aim to make your career in the marketing field. People have a lot to say about a career, but it is important to check the facts right and then make a decision. <strong>Let us give a brief idea of the</strong> <h2><strong>Scope of Marketing in an MBA</strong></h2> <h3>1] Subjects:</h3> To name a few subjects which are being offered in a marketing course. <img class="wp-image-869923 size-medium alignright" src="" alt="Subjects" width="300" height="225" /> <ul> <li>Strategic Planning</li> <li>Market Research</li> <li>Customer Relationship</li> <li>Project Management</li> <li>Marketing Management</li> <li>Business Environment</li> <li>Product Management</li> <li>International Marketing Management</li> </ul> <h3>2] Skills:</h3> <ul> <li><strong>Communication Skills</strong> Communication skills are important skills. Being a marketer, you should be able to communicate with different levels - UP, Down, and across as it becomes crucial to have this important skill for marketing.</li> <li><strong>Leadership Skills</strong> You should possess leadership skills to deal with this business world. This will inspire people to work with you and look up to you while following you.</li> <li><strong>Strategic Thinking</strong> Your thinking should not be generic or basic, but it should be more out of the box and strategic. It is the cornerstone of an MBA.</li> <li><strong>Entrepreneurial skills</strong> This skill will help you sustain yourself in the market. An MBA will help you develop this skill. This skill is all about filling the gap with a creative and technical understanding of the organization’s growth.</li> <li><strong>Interpersonal Skills</strong> Interpersonal skills are the behaviors and tactics a person uses to interact with others effectively. In the business world, the term refers to an employee's ability to work well with others.</li> </ul> <h3><strong>3] Job Role Offered:</strong></h3> Marketing jobs have a lot of scopes, and it has a range of role to offer to you <img class="alignleft wp-image-869924 size-medium" src="" alt="job role" width="300" height="225" /> <ul> <li><strong>Sales Manager</strong> Designing and implementing a strategic sales plan that expands the company's customer base and ensures its strong presence. Managing recruiting, objectives setting, coaching, and performance monitoring of sales representatives.</li> <li><strong>Product Manager</strong> The product manager is the person responsible for defining the why, when, and what of the product that the engineering team builds. This means they lead cross-functional teams from a product's conception all the way through to its launch.</li> <li><strong>Brand Manager</strong> Brand managers are responsible for ensuring that the products, services, and product lines that fall under their domain resonate with current and potential customers. To do so, these professionals continuously monitor marketing trends and keep a close eye on competitive products in the marketplace.</li> <li><strong>Marketing Manager</strong> A marketing manager is someone who implements and creates marketing strategies for a company to meet the reputation and goals of a brand. A good marketing manager keeps testing new marketing messages, opportunities, and channels.</li> <li><strong>Market Research Analyst</strong> Market research analysts gather and analyze data on consumers and competitors. Market research analysts study market conditions to examine potential sales of a product or service. They help companies understand what products people want, who will buy them, and at what price.</li> <li><strong>Digital Marketer</strong> A digital marketing manager is responsible for developing, implementing, and managing marketing campaigns that promote a company and its products and/or services. He or she plays a major role in enhancing brand awareness within the digital space as well as driving website traffic and acquiring leads/customers.</li> </ul> <h3><strong>4 ] Salary Offered:</strong></h3> A master’s degree can provide a significant boost to your compensation package. According to Payscale, the annual salary for holders of an MBA in marketing ranges from Rs 3 lakh to Rs 20 lakh, depending on the seniority, company, and sector. As we have seen in the above post, how marketing is booming in today’s era, and how the scope of marketing is also changing. <strong>Read Post:</strong> <ul> <li><strong><a href="">Top 5 benefits of doing an MBA in Human Resources</a></strong></li> </ul>"
"post_title" => string(34) "Know the scope of marketing in MBA"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-05-14 11:49:13"
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"post_date" => string(19) "2023-06-07 06:28:27"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2023-06-07 00:58:27"
"post_content" => string(9159) "<span style="font-weight: 400;">Once the graduation is done. </span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">A lot of questions arise in your mind. </span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">What’s next? What is to be done now? Various career options are available in front of you, but which is the right one for you? </span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Take a halt, and don’t let your mind wander about what should and should not be done. </span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Just relax and first know </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">job-oriented diploma courses after graduation, </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">which is essential nowadays. </span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">This will help you give a clear picture of the availability of Courses and then make a decision.</span> Let us understand, <h3><strong>What are the Best Job-Oriented Diploma Courses after Graduation?</strong></h3> <img class="alignnone wp-image-873378 size-large" src="" alt="diploma courses after graduation" width="1024" height="768" /> <h3><strong>1] 4-IN-1 Professional Diploma in Banking, Financial Services & Insurance</strong></h3> <span style="font-weight: 400;">PD in BFSI is, nevertheless. This course is equally in demand. </span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Many students aspire to be bankers or work in Banks. </span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">This course has a wider scope & has lots of opportunities in a bucket.</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">If you pick TSCFM Institute for pursuing a PD in BFSI, it offers a 4-in-1 PD in BFSI course. </span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">This is a banking course in Mumbai with placement</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">It offers FOUR qualifications in ONE program to help you develop your knowledge & skills. Moreover, in 5 months time period, you will acquire:</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> </span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">1. Certificate in Business English from TSCFM, </span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">2. Professional Diploma in Relationship Management, </span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">3. Certificate in Securities from National Stock Exchange </span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">4. Award in Principles of Marketing & Customer Services from EduQual (UK)</span> <strong>You can kick-start your career by being an executive & can refer to the below flow to understand the growth;</strong> <ul> <li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Executive</span></li> <li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Senior Executive</span></li> <li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Assistant Manager</span></li> <li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Manager</span></li> <li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Senior Manager</span></li> <li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Assistant Vice President</span></li> <li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">Vice President</span></li> <li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">CEO</span></li> </ul> <h4 style="text-align: center;"><strong>You can learn in detail about the 4-in-1 PD in the BFSI course here</strong></h4> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button type="button"><b>PD in BFSI course Details</b></button></a></strong></p> <h3><strong>2] Professional Diploma in Investment Banking</strong></h3> Investment Banking is one of the special segments of the Banking industry. It involves professional investment bankers who advise big companies and institutions on how to raise money, underwrite IPO processes, and manage high-value investments. With the current economic trends, investment banking has become one of the most reliable career paths in the financial sector. <strong>Here are a few job roles that are suitable for an individual who wishes to pursue a career in investment banking:</strong> <ul> <li>Financial Associate</li> <li>Financial Analyst</li> <li>Portfolio Analyst</li> <li>Equity Analyst</li> <li>Private Equity Associate</li> </ul> In order to excel in this field, you can opt for a proper Investment Banking course with an Investment Banking Certification. Professional Diploma in Investment Banking in TSCFM is one of the <strong><a href="">best Investment Banking Courses in Mumbai</a></strong>. It has an extensive curriculum provides an in-depth understanding of the financial sector. Moreover, the student is awarded Government Approved and NISM Certifications. They are also given appropriate training on skills related to professionalism and leadership. Such an overall development promotes excellent opportunities for candidates in big MNCs. This makes Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management the best institute offering an Investment Banking Course. <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button type="button"><b>Know More about the Investment banking Course </b></button></a></strong></p> <h3>3] <strong>Professional Diploma in </strong>Digital Marketing</h3> PD in Digital Marketing Course is evolving like anything. The demand for digital marketing courses with placement is rising. Every student seeks to achieve this degree and desires to make a career in Digital Marketing Field. This Course helps you understand: <ul> <li>Digital Marketing Ecosystem</li> <li>Lead Management</li> <li>Display Advertising</li> <li>Social Media Strategy</li> <li>Search Engine Optimization</li> <li>Social Media Marketing</li> <li>Search Engine Marketing—SEO to SEM</li> <li style="text-align: left;">Email Marketing</li> <li style="text-align: left;">And so much more</li> </ul> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button type="button"><b>Know More about PD in Digital Marketing</b></button></a></strong></p> <h3>4] <strong>Professional Diploma </strong>in Business English</h3> <span style="font-weight: 400;">PD in Business English teaches you how to speak professionally in work-life. </span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">As it is one of the most important courses after graduation. </span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Many students pass out with degrees, yet find it challenging to speak professionally. This flaw lands them with failures and difficulties while searching for the right job. </span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">However, a </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">business English course</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> helps you understand how to speak formally, what is required, what is not been taught, and how to be confident enough in Business while speaking with numerous people.</span> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button type="button"><b>Know about PD in Business English Here</b></button></a></strong></p> <span style="font-weight: 400;">All the above courses are available at the well-known and the Top best college in Mumbai, Thadomal Shahani Centre For Management. It offers various courses and quality learning with knowledgeable and skillful professionals for your teaching.</span> <h5 style="text-align: center;"> <strong>Learn how to build a successful career from TSCFM</strong></h5> <p style="text-align: center;">[aw2.module slug="blog-enquiry-popup" text="Connect With Us" course="" css_class="btn btn-secondary"/]</p> <h4><strong>Frequently asked questions:</strong></h4> <ol> <li><strong>After Graduation, Which Course is the Best?</strong></li> </ol> Ans: There are numerous courses in the market; what is essential is to choose what interests you and the decision you make for your career. All the courses will bring immense benefits; however, if there is no interest or passion for learning and building a career in that sector, there is no point. If you are still puzzled about which course to choose, you must look at the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">TSCFM’s best diploma courses after graduation</a></strong>."
"post_title" => string(59) "What are the Professional Diploma courses after graduation?"
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"post_name" => string(50) "best-job-oriented-diploma-courses-after-graduation"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2024-01-31 15:56:49"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2024-01-31 10:26:49"
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"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2023-01-04 02:00:11"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2023-01-03 20:30:11"
"post_content" => string(3884) "It is needless to say that digital marketing is booming and evolving indeed. And the future of the digital marketing career is expanding too. Advertisers are mainly focusing on promoting their products and services on digital platforms. In today’s era, not promoting products digitally would be an unwise decision. In previous years, we have witnessed how rapidly digital marketing has grown. The tools and techniques have changed, the traditional marketing is equally important today as well, but digital marketing is also not behind. And it would be appropriate to say that digital marketing is ruling realistically. <strong>But how will digital marketing help you in your career journey?</strong> <strong>What scope does it have?</strong> <strong>How will digital marketing be your career companion?</strong> <h4><strong>Let us kill and bury all your doubts at once</strong></h4> Digital marketing not only brings in opportunities for advertisers but also for job seekers. Digital marketing is a package filled with brilliant content, beautifully designed strategies, advanced technology, and a pinch of creativity. A mixture of all creates a wonderful outcome. Instead of calling it a package, why don’t we consider it a hamper- basket? As it is full of golden opportunities. But why is digital marketing a good career option? The career scope in digital marketing will be vast in 2023. We shall begin to understand precisely what it holds for our career goals. <img class="alignnone wp-image-870881 size-large" src="" alt="digital marketing scope" width="1024" height="1024" /> For learning this, various professional digital marketing courses are available in the market. And to enroll in a Top Institute for Digital Marketing Course in Mumbai, your first preference should be ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management.’ It offers six qualifications within two months, including one from the UK, a smart-phone based education and job placement system, a curriculum developed through top global digital companies, assessments to match your strengths & ambitions to the right career, guaranteed internship & 100% placement assistance. <h3><strong>Qualifications you will receive:</strong></h3> <img class="alignnone wp-image-870883 size-large" src="" alt="digital marketing qualifications" width="1024" height="1024" /> <h4 style="text-align: center;"><strong><b>You can learn more about the course from the below link: </b></strong></h4> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><button type="button"><b>Click Here </b></button></a></strong></p> <h5><strong>If to discuss the job role offered in Digital marketing, then below are a few job roles mentioned.</strong></h5> <img class="alignnone wp-image-870890 size-large" src="" alt="job role offered in digital marketing" width="1024" height="1024" /> It is high time to learn digital marketing and grow a career in it as it has a lot of learnings and opportunities. <h4><strong> More about Digital Marketing :</strong></h4> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><strong>Top 5 types of Digital Marketing?</strong></a></li> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">5 Useful tips for choosing Digital Marketing Institute</a></strong></li> </ul> "
"post_title" => string(54) "Why will Digital Marketing be a Leading Career in 2023"
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"post_name" => string(54) "why-will-digital-marketing-be-a-leading-career-in-2021"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:33"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:33"
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"ID" => int(889293)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-06-14 14:14:33"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-06-14 08:44:33"
"post_content" => string(2935) "Digital Marketing is undoubtedly a booming sector!! However, landing in the digital marketing industry, for this reason, won’t help you sustain yourself in this sector in the long run. For sustenance, you required the core skills. <h3><strong>But what are the core skills that will help you be a successful digital marketer?</strong></h3> Let us look at those core skills that you need to build for setting foot in the digital marketing sector. <h4><strong>1] Creativity Skills</strong></h4> Creativity skills are the foremost important aspect to be in digital marketing. You need to be creative with; social media posts, headings, subheadings, descriptions, creative copies, post copies, video concepts, and a lot more. Lack of creativity will leave you behind in this highly competitive market. <h4><strong>2] Analytical Skills</strong></h4> Analytical skills help you get the desired results. With the right analytical skills, you will be able; to set a budget, create campaigns, make reports, and most importantly, compare the various approaches you used for marketing purposes, i.e, through A/B testing. <h4><strong>3] Researching Skills</strong></h4> Researching skills are as important as creativity skills; creativity will only spark when there is a strong wall of research behind your back!! The research will help you stay abreast of the latest trends and updates in the market, which will lead to born creativity in your brainstorming sessions. <h4><strong>4] Technological Skills</strong></h4> Digital marketing is all about marketing digitally to the audience, thus, having technical knowledge and skills plays a significant role. Technological skills are simply the ability to interact and manage tasks through technology. Therefore, developing these skills is also very important for kickstarting a career in digital marketing. <h4><strong>5] Communicational Skills</strong></h4> Communication skills will help you convey your ideas to your target audience, and be it any form of marketing, the deliverance of your message is the fundamental aspect for any marketer. Without the deliverance, the marketing is a big-time fail. Therefore, communication skills play a vital role in digital marketing. Be it through social media posts or trending reels, the message should be crystal clear to the audience. If you are looking to develop these skills to kick start your career in digital marketing, then all you need to do is get into the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">top institute of Digital Marketing</a></strong> and learn the unlearn about the digital marketing from Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing. <h5><strong>Read Also: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">What must a Digital Marketer know?</a></strong></h5>"
"post_title" => string(52) "Top Key Skills Recruiters Looks in Digital Marketers"
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"post_name" => string(52) "top-key-skills-recruiters-looks-in-digital-marketers"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:37"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:37"
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"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-05-14 22:55:28"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-05-14 17:25:28"
"post_content" => string(4504) "Digital marketing is about knowing different <span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong><a style="color: #ff6600;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">social media platforms</a></strong></span> and many other essential factors. Digital marketers must be aware of the below-mentioned aspects if they want an easy & successful win towards the goals. <h4><strong>Let us help you get the cut above the rest!!!</strong></h4> <h3><span style="color: #800000;"><strong>1. What is the Glossary of Digital Marketing?</strong></span></h3> There are various terms and jargon used; therefore, it becomes important for marketers to know the glossary of digital marketing for a smooth marketing process. Let us help you with a few terms and jargon used primarily in the Digital marketing industry. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Digital Marketing Campaigns</strong></span> Marketers create marketing campaigns to engage customers, convert purchases, drive traffic to websites, and increase income. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>A/B Testing</strong></span> A/B testing is a simple method of comparing the text of a new web page to the text of an existing web page. The ideal situation is to compare copies to see which is more effective. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>CTA</strong></span> A call to action is a term used in digital marketing. Marketers utilize call-to-action (CTA) to entice customers to buy their products or services. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Chatbot</strong></span> The primary goal of chatbots is to provide customers with immediate customer support or information. The software is intended to mimic human behavior and responses. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Featured snippets</strong></span> Featured snippets are the results that appear at the top of the page with a link to the source. Featured snippets are frequently shown in response to questions like "What is ____?" <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Remarketing</strong></span> Remarketing ads are attempts to keep a brand or product in customers' thoughts and entice them back to their website to make a purchase. Learn not only the glossary but also how to use it in actual-world with ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management’ that offers a <span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong><a style="color: #ff6600;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing</a></strong></span>. It will help you learn in-depth about digital marketing. <h3><span style="color: #800000;"><strong>2. What are the Trends in Digital Marketing?</strong></span></h3> On Digital platforms, within a flash, things spread like wildfire. It takes no time for content to become viral in a blink of an eye. Many marketers see it as an opportunity to market their products or services through it. Thus, marketers need to stay updated with the trend before the ship sail. <h5><strong>Read Also: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">How to Become Digital Marketing Expert within 2 Months?</a></strong></h5> <h3><span style="color: #800000;">3. What are the Latest Updates in Digital Marketing?</span></h3> The Social media platforms have frequent updates; more often, the new features are introduced, and the old features are replaced. However, the marketers' role is to know and learn the latest updates to hit the nail on the head!! <h3><span style="color: #800000;">4. What Tools to Use for Digital Marketing purposes?</span></h3> To ease the digital marketing job, various tools are available for marketers. Be it for report making, online reputation management, execution, searching keywords, ranking content, etc. Therefore, marketers must know the tools and how to use them for marketing purposes. For instance, buffer, and HubSpot tools are popular for social media marketing. <h5><strong>Read Also: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">5 Biggest mistakes Digital Marketers Must Avoid</a></strong></h5> Digital Marketers, note down the aforementioned aspects to smooth sail in the digital marketing industry!!"
"post_title" => string(69) "The answers Digital Marketers must know in Digital Marketing Industry"
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"post_name" => string(69) "the-answers-digital-marketers-must-know-in-digital-marketing-industry"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:38"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:38"
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5 => object(WP_Post)
"ID" => int(888926)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-05-12 10:30:33"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-05-12 05:00:33"
"post_content" => string(3138) "With a population of more than 1 billion, India ranks second in terms of internet users, surpassing even the US. The use of the internet even for day-to-day activities has made it the lingo of the century and has even shaped the market domain in the role of digital marketing. And when we say digital marketing, it encompasses a wide range of opportunities that still need to be explored. This article will give you a glimpse of the future of digital marketing opportunities in India. <h3><strong>Statistics:</strong></h3> Today, everyone has access to mobile phones, leading to an increase in the number of web users and the development of online businesses. Statistics show that around 90% of the businesses in India will depend on digital marketing for their expansion. India comes third after the UK and the USA in terms of e-commerce. Reports also suggest that India will be a hub for digital marketing, with the promise of 20 lakh job opportunities being created by 2022. Based on these facts, a career in digital marketing sounds promising. The fact that most companies are going to be digitalized by the end of 2022 is acting as a stimulus for future job growth. Also, an increase in the demand for certified digital marketers is fueled by institutes offering digital marketing courses. Many institutes offer some of the best digital marketing courses that equip individuals with technical skills. <h3><strong>Scope of Digital Marketing jobs in India:</strong></h3> Different branches of digital marketing that have great future scope include content marketing, social media marketing, search optimization, and so on. Content is essential for all marketing strategies. Almost 50% of companies indulge in content and related strategies to enhance their businesses. Social media marketing depends highly on the use of social media. Nearly one-third of the population currently uses some or the other type of social media platform. It is estimated that 33% of the traffic from Google’s organic search results goes to the first searches. Knowing search engine optimization strategies will give you a cutting edge in the digital marketing industry. Now that you know the scope of digital marketing jobs in India, you can enroll in institutes that offer top digital marketing courses with placements to ensure a sure shot of entry into some of the best digital marketing companies. <h3>Top Institute for Digital Marketing:</h3> And to enroll in a Top Institute for Digital Marketing Course in Mumbai, then your first preference should be ‘Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management. It offers 6 qualifications within 2 months including one from the UK, a smartphone-based education, and a <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Digital marketing course with placement</a></strong>. job placement system, a curriculum developed through top global digital companies, assessments to match your strengths & ambitions to the right career, guaranteed internship & 100% placement assistance."
"post_title" => string(47) "Digital Marketing Career Opportunities in India"
"post_excerpt" => string(0) ""
"post_status" => string(7) "publish"
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"post_name" => string(47) "digital-marketing-career-opportunities-in-india"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:38"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:38"
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"ID" => int(888883)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-05-08 11:30:20"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-05-08 06:00:20"
"post_content" => string(3200) "In this modern world, digitalization has overtaken many other old methods. From smaller to bigger factors, from narrow to wider aspects, digital transformation is enrooted in everyone's lives. It became the key factor to keeping the wheel rolling in day-to-day life. But what is the major reason for digitalization becoming prominent? <h4><strong>Let us understand, the top five reasons why digitalization is important.</strong></h4> <h3>1] Added advantages:</h3> Digitalization has added advantages for users. Digitalization offers many benefits for customer convenience. With just a tap away, the need is being fulfilled. Digitalization has made complicated things easier compared to traditional methods. <h3>2] Tech-savvy:</h3> The world has become more tech-savvy than ever before. The new generation is entirely exploited towards digitalization. Especially, generation Z has inculcated the habit of starting their day with technology to ending up the day with technology. From feeding the stomach with food to feeding the brain with quality education, everything became high-tech. For example, <span style="color: #ff9900;"><strong><a style="color: #ff9900;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">ask. Careers apps</a></strong></span> are designed for aspirants who are keenly interested to build a better future for themselves. Therefore, to synchronize with the modern world, adapting digital technology is crucial. <h3>3] Transparency:</h3> One of the reasons for the prominence of digital technology is transparency. Getting data insight is a cinch with technology. With digitalization, both customers and brands have become more connected with each other. Customers are able to get their questions answered, problems solved, and doubts cleared. <h3>4] Easy Accessibility:</h3> By dint of digitalization, people have witnessed easy accessibility in various factors. From sitting at home booking a cab to booking a flight everything has become convenient. From ordering clothes to ordering big electronic appliances, it has become a dead cinch for every other person. Without moving from one place, users are getting access to several things only the reason for digitalization. <h3>5] Circumstances:</h3> There are various circumstances that gave birth to digitalization. For instance, the current pandemic moved a lot of aspects from physical to technological platforms. One of the biggest examples is the education sector, from teaching in classrooms to teaching online has become the new medium for students. Another example is the banking sector, the monsoon-related challenges originated from applications that were designed for hassle-free use of banking for users and customers. Now that you know the digital prominence, are you ready to upgrade yourself? You can<span style="color: #ff9900;"> <strong><a style="color: #ff9900;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">learn Digital marketing</a></strong></span> from the top Institute known as ‘Thadomal Shahani center for Management’ to become a digital expert."
"post_title" => string(53) "Top 5 reasons why digitalization has become prominent"
"post_excerpt" => string(0) ""
"post_status" => string(7) "publish"
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"post_name" => string(53) "top-5-reasons-why-digitalization-has-become-prominent"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:39"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:39"
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7 => object(WP_Post)
"ID" => int(888468)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-04-08 18:15:50"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-04-08 12:45:50"
"post_content" => string(3183) "We all are well-versed in the importance of the 9Ps of marketing mix i.e Planning, Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Partners, People, Passion, and Presentation. However, we are neglecting the most important 3A marketing strategy that is equally important. <h5><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>Let us help you know what are the 3A marketing mix strategies and why does it play important role in marketing.</strong></span></h5> <h3>1] Agility</h3> The customers' needs and wants keep on changing as per the trends; therefore, it becomes essential to listen to the voice of customers (VOC). If there is a delay in attending to customer needs and wants, the competitor will instantly grab the opportunity and become the market leader. For instance, customers used to find it difficult to get change during payments, or carrying cash was itself a challenge. Whereas, PhonePe was the first Indian Digital Payment platform to be agile to listen to the customers' voices. Steadily many other brands like GooglePay, Paytm, and AmazonPay become Digital wallets and got fame, especially during the times of demonetization. However, being agile is essential in marketing strategy. <h3>2] Adaption</h3> There are rapid changes in the market, especially the technology has evolved drastically. Technology has made lives easier in many ways. It has become crucial to adapt technology to stay ahead of the competitors. If you neglect to adapt to the new technological changes, it will become challenging to sustain in the market. For instance, customers' need to buy a smartphone rose after there was growth in technology. Before, there was a demand for qwerty keypad phones, whereas, Blackberry was the market leader at that time. The demand for screen touch phones gradually increased, and customers wanted to switch to sumptuous screen touch phones. At this point, iPhone, Samsung, and many brands adapted to the technological changes and aggressively marketed smartphones. In no time, they became a leader, and demand for blackberry started diminishing. Therefore, in this technological era, it is important to adapt to technology. <h3>3] Accessibility</h3> To build trust with the customers, it is very important to let customers get easily accessible to you. There are various methods to get easy accessibility to customers. The initial step is to create a website, and following this, provide chatbots to simulate conversation with the human user. Also, revert to their queries on social media platforms. For instance, if the user is not getting the queries answered, they might feel the brand is not reliable and there is a higher probability of discontinuing it. However, it is important to be accessible to your customers before it leaves a negative impact on the brand. You can also learn about the marketing mix strategies and a lot more about marketing in detail with the help of a <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href=""><span style="color: #ff9900; text-decoration: underline;">post-graduate diploma in management specializing in a marketing</span></a></strong></span> course."
"post_title" => string(40) "What are the 3A Marketing mix strategies"
"post_excerpt" => string(0) ""
"post_status" => string(7) "publish"
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"post_name" => string(40) "what-are-the-3a-marketing-mix-strategies"
"to_ping" => string(0) ""
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:40"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:40"
"post_content_filtered" => string(0) ""
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8 => object(WP_Post)
"ID" => int(888405)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-04-05 14:38:28"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-04-05 09:08:28"
"post_content" => string(2420) "In today's times, everyone has a misbelief that social media has many downsides; however, it is not true to a greater extent. It is all about the perspective and using the platforms rightly. Besides filtering images and sharing them with friends and family, there are many other factors that you can utilize on social media platforms. <h4><strong>Let us help you learn about social media benefits- what no one is talking about!!! </strong></h4> <h3><strong>1] The learnings you get</strong></h3> Social media is not only about picture-sharing platforms, but it also offers excellent learning too. There are diverse blogs, articles, and videos uploaded on <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">social media platforms</a></strong>. The cornerstone of social media is getting tailored content according to your interest and likings. For instance, if you like sports the most, you will get sport-related content on your feed. Similarly, if you are interested in learning — courses or certification content, you can get available on social media platforms. <h3><strong>2] Trends Updates</strong></h3> These days, social media has become prime in providing the latest update to the audience. Social media has already delivered the news to the masses before the news media updates you about the current happenings. Social media is an excellent platform for learning about the current happenings, latest news, trends, environmental updates, etc. <h3>3] Influence a larger audience</h3> Social media is a powerful source of reaching a larger audience. With the help of social media, you have the power to influence a larger audience in a much more respective manner. Your voice can reach massive audiences with the use of social media platforms. There is also a higher probability of getting recognized in no time. You can keep forward your ideas and opinions to your audience. <h3><strong>4] Authority to establish</strong></h3> The user has the authority to establish their own business. You can reach your target audience, share the tailored content with them, answer their queries, build relationships and transform them into loyal customers/audiences. We believe that we have unmasked the benefits and perks of social media platforms, and you must henceforth utilize the media rightly for your use."
"post_title" => string(48) "Top 4 benefits of social media for your business"
"post_excerpt" => string(0) ""
"post_status" => string(7) "publish"
"comment_status" => string(6) "closed"
"ping_status" => string(4) "open"
"post_password" => string(0) ""
"post_name" => string(46) "top-benefits-of-social-media-for-your-business"
"to_ping" => string(0) ""
"pinged" => string(0) ""
"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:40"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:40"
"post_content_filtered" => string(0) ""
"post_parent" => int(0)
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"filter" => string(3) "raw"
9 => object(WP_Post)
"ID" => int(887987)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-02-25 16:16:01"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-02-25 10:46:01"
"post_content" => string(3385) "In this modern world, we all are well-versed with the fact that social media has become the key important medium for users to stay connected and updated. Social media apps have gained tremendous popularity since a decade ago. From millennials to youth, everyone is taking advantage of social media apps. Surprisingly, some users have become so accustomed and habitual with social media apps that they begin their day with social media and end the day with the same. Taking advantage of this, many marketers have struck the hammer when the iron is hot. <h4><strong>However, to help others know what are useful top Social media platforms, you must read the entire blog.</strong></h4> <strong> Let us begin!!</strong> <h4><strong>1] Facebook</strong></h4> Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites. According to the latest data, it has 2.80 billion active users, of which 1.84 billion users are visiting the social networking site on daily basis. Before it was just a connecting friends application, gradually, it became one of the best mediums of marketing too. <h3><strong>2] Instagram</strong></h3> Instagram too gained enormous popularity in a short time frame. Initially, it was all about sharing pictures, steadily, it became a content-sharing platform, where all kinds of videos and posts are being shared. In current times, it is the top choice of marketers to promote their products and service and reach a mass audience. <h3><strong>3] Youtube</strong></h3> Youtube is the online video sharing application and it is ranked in the most popular social media sites. On Youtube, educational and informative videos are being shared. Marketers are opting for this social media platform to promote their brand in a video format. This kind of marketing is being proved as one of the right alternatives for marketing. <h3><strong>4] Twitter</strong></h3> Twitter, is a microblogging and social networking site on which users post and interact with messages known as ‘Tweets’. Marketers are using this platform for sharing short information about their brand in the most engaging manner and the retweet feature is really helping to do the job efficiently. <h3><strong>5] Linkedin</strong></h3> Linkedin, another social networking site that falls into the most popular social media platform category. This platform is mainly used for professional networking and it is mostly used by B2B Marketers to promote their brand. <h3><strong>6] Quora</strong></h3> Quora is a social question and answer website which helps to give answers and also allows you to answer the question you have knowledge about. Marketers have found this compulsive method to showcase their presence to the audience. <h3>7] Pinterest</h3> Pinterest too is not behind in the race of popularity category. It has grabbed many eyeballs through its unique features. This platform is an image-sharing application that enables you to save and discover information on the internet using images. Marketers have accurately exploited this social media platform too. Become a Social Media expert by <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">pursuing Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing</a></strong> and gain in-depth knowledge about digital marketing."
"post_title" => string(48) "7 Social media platforms marketers must be aware"
"post_excerpt" => string(0) ""
"post_status" => string(7) "publish"
"comment_status" => string(6) "closed"
"ping_status" => string(4) "open"
"post_password" => string(0) ""
"post_name" => string(48) "7-social-media-platforms-marketers-must-be-aware"
"to_ping" => string(0) ""
"pinged" => string(0) ""
"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:41"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:41"
"post_content_filtered" => string(0) ""
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10 => object(WP_Post)
"ID" => int(870523)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-02-04 12:00:14"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-02-04 06:30:14"
"post_content" => string(5979) "We have witnessed in a decade how advertising has discovered a new route (Digital Marketing Strategies) for promoting their products and services. Moreover, how rapidly it is evolving. The competition has become high. To sustain in the market, all you need is to adapt to the changes and walk hand-in-hand with trends. The Scope of Digital Marketing in 2022 is going to elevate. It becomes necessary to keep yourself updated and use <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">types of digital marketing strategies</a></strong> to stay competitive and thrive in the market. But what strategies are best for your product? Which strategies will suit perfectly? <h4><strong>In this blog post, let us dig in to understand what are the best digital marketing strategies you can use in 2022 to stay abreast in the market:</strong></h4> <h3>1] Chatbots:</h3> <img class="wp-image-870524 size-medium alignright" src="" alt="chatbots marketing strategies" width="300" height="225" />A chatbot is a short form of chatterbot, an Artificial Intelligence ((AI) feature that can be embedded and used through any significant messaging application. So basically, it is a computer program that simulates human conversation through voice commands or text chat or both. <h3>2] Influencer Marketing:</h3> <img class="size-medium wp-image-870526 alignleft" src="" alt="influencer marketing strategies" width="300" height="225" />Influencer marketing is word-of-mouth marketing that focuses on using key leaders to amplify your brand message to a larger market. They are the personalities with a vast niche following who can help spread the word about your business or product through their social channels. <h3></h3> <h3><img class="size-medium wp-image-870525 alignright" style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: 400;" src="" alt="social video marketing strategies" width="300" height="225" /></h3> <h3><strong>3] Social Video Marketing:</strong></h3> Video Marketing strategy is still ruling the advertising industry. Social Video Marketing is a component of an integrated marketing communications plan designed to increase audience engagement through social activity around the video. <h3><strong>4] Google Lens</strong></h3> <img class="wp-image-870527 size-medium alignleft" src="" alt="marketing strategy google lens" width="300" height="225" />Google Lens is best described as a search engine for the real world. It uses artificial intelligence to identify text and objects both within images and in a live view from your phone's camera, and it then lets you learn about and interact with those elements in all sorts of exciting ways. <h3></h3> <h3></h3> <h3></h3> <h3>5] Shoppable Products:</h3> <h3><img class="size-medium wp-image-870528 alignright" style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: 400;" src="" alt="shoppable products digital marketing strategies" width="300" height="225" /></h3> <p style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: 400;">In March 2019, Instagram unveiled Instagram Checkout, letting users complete their purchases</p> <p style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: 400;"> from within Instagram. Instagram reports that the platform has 1 billion users, and 90% of them already follow active shopping brands, with many visiting these profiles on a daily basis. So what better way to leverage this massive potential than by using shoppable posts?</p> <h3>6] Augmented Reality:</h3> Brands are increasingly using this technology to enhance the consumer experience and increase sales. You can find below the image to know how rapidly augmented reality technology is growing. <img class="alignnone wp-image-887677 size-large" src="" alt="Rise of the AR market vs VR Market" width="1024" height="768" /> <h3>7] Google Ads:</h3> <img class="size-medium wp-image-870530 alignleft" src="" alt="google adwords best marketing strategy" width="300" height="225" /> Google ads are a product that you can use to promote your business, help sell products or services, raise awareness and increase traffic to your website. Google accounts are managed online, so you create and make changes at any time, including ad text, budget, and setting. There are three types of campaigns; Video ad campaigns, Search Network campaigns, and Display Network Campaigns. Above are the top 7 evolved Digital Marketing Strategies that are in-demand and should consider while marketing your products or services. Also, if you need to acquire this knowledge and strategies in marketing your products/services, it is advisable to <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">pursue a digital marketing course</a></strong> from one of the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">top Digital Marketing Institute</a></strong> in Mumbai that offers the best education to its students and helps them acquire the required skills. <h5><strong>Related Post:</strong></h5> <ol> <li> <h5><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Why will Digital Marketing be a Leading Career in 2022</a></strong></h5> </li> </ol>"
"post_title" => string(56) "How to get successful with Digital Marketing Strategies?"
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"post_name" => string(55) "what-are-the-top-7-digital-marketing-strategies-of-2021"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:41"
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"ID" => int(887458)
"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2022-01-17 18:21:05"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2022-01-17 12:51:05"
"post_content" => string(3582) "Marketers have adopted a new marketing way to promote their products and services. You speculated rightly, digital marketing is the newest form marketers are using these days. In today’s times, brands are making the right use of digital platforms. Many new companies established their name in the market, whereas renowned brands were able to sustain and ameliorate their brand name. The digital marketing method is truly helping to ease marketing and reach the audience. Different techniques and approaches have been used with this medium. <h5><strong>Let us understand what are the top 5 types of digital marketing marketers are using to foster their sales and improve the brand value in the market.</strong></h5> <h4><strong>1] SEO</strong></h4> SEO stands for search engine optimization, the ultimate goal of SEO is to get a business to rank higher in organic search results and generate quality traffic on a business website. This kind of marketing has become one of the popular methods in digital marketing. <h4><strong>2] SMM</strong></h4> SMM stands for social media marketing, here marketing is done on various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Youtube, and many others. To sustain in the market or to draw the attention of the audience, brands use various creative ideas and concepts. Moreover, the viral marketing technique is widely used in this approach. <h4><strong>3] Email marketing</strong></h4> Email marketing is also a part of digital marketing. It is the act of sending a commercial message, mainly to a group of people, through using email. Simply, every email sent to a potential customer could be considered email marketing. It keeps the audience engage and educate. Email marketing entails advertisements of new or existing products/services, discounts, offers, and many other aspects. <h4><strong>4] Mobile marketing</strong></h4> Mobile marketing is a technique that is mainly focused on reaching the target audience through different electronic gadgets; smartphones, tablets, feature phones. In doing so, websites, SMS, MMS, Social media, emails, and mobile applications are used. <h4><strong>5] Content marketing</strong></h4> Content marketing is one of the best marketing strategies used in digital marketing. It is a form of marketing that primarily focused on creating, publishing content for a targeted audience. Content marketing offers informative and educational content to readers and audiences. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial aspect of any business's online presence. Without proper SEO techniques, your website may not rank highly on search engine results pages (SERPs), which means potential customers may not even find your business. With SEO, <a href="">you can improve</a> your website's visibility, drive more organic traffic, and increase your chances of converting visitors into customers. If you are eager to learn more about Digital Marketing, then opt for Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management (TSCFM) that offers <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing course</a></strong> that provides six qualifications within two months, including one from the UK. <h4><strong>Read Also: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Different ways to become a Digital Marketing Expert</a></strong></h4>"
"post_title" => string(46) "What are the top 5 types of digital marketing?"
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"post_modified" => string(19) "2023-02-27 12:50:42"
"post_modified_gmt" => string(19) "2023-02-27 07:20:42"
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"post_author" => string(2) "26"
"post_date" => string(19) "2023-06-16 16:38:40"
"post_date_gmt" => string(19) "2023-06-16 11:08:40"
"post_content" => string(5164) "In today’s era, the scope of an MBA in marketing is flourishing. Every organization seeks an employee who can perform marketing activities such as promotion, advertising, sales, and many other activities, who has professional skills and attitude, a degree specialized in marketing. As it becomes crucial to pick a marketing specialization if you aim to make your career in the marketing field. People have a lot to say about a career, but it is important to check the facts right and then make a decision. <strong>Let us give a brief idea of the</strong> <h2><strong>Scope of Marketing in an MBA</strong></h2> <h3>1] Subjects:</h3> To name a few subjects which are being offered in a marketing course. <img class="wp-image-869923 size-medium alignright" src="" alt="Subjects" width="300" height="225" /> <ul> <li>Strategic Planning</li> <li>Market Research</li> <li>Customer Relationship</li> <li>Project Management</li> <li>Marketing Management</li> <li>Business Environment</li> <li>Product Management</li> <li>International Marketing Management</li> </ul> <h3>2] Skills:</h3> <ul> <li><strong>Communication Skills</strong> Communication skills are important skills. Being a marketer, you should be able to communicate with different levels - UP, Down, and across as it becomes crucial to have this important skill for marketing.</li> <li><strong>Leadership Skills</strong> You should possess leadership skills to deal with this business world. This will inspire people to work with you and look up to you while following you.</li> <li><strong>Strategic Thinking</strong> Your thinking should not be generic or basic, but it should be more out of the box and strategic. It is the cornerstone of an MBA.</li> <li><strong>Entrepreneurial skills</strong> This skill will help you sustain yourself in the market. An MBA will help you develop this skill. This skill is all about filling the gap with a creative and technical understanding of the organization’s growth.</li> <li><strong>Interpersonal Skills</strong> Interpersonal skills are the behaviors and tactics a person uses to interact with others effectively. In the business world, the term refers to an employee's ability to work well with others.</li> </ul> <h3><strong>3] Job Role Offered:</strong></h3> Marketing jobs have a lot of scopes, and it has a range of role to offer to you <img class="alignleft wp-image-869924 size-medium" src="" alt="job role" width="300" height="225" /> <ul> <li><strong>Sales Manager</strong> Designing and implementing a strategic sales plan that expands the company's customer base and ensures its strong presence. Managing recruiting, objectives setting, coaching, and performance monitoring of sales representatives.</li> <li><strong>Product Manager</strong> The product manager is the person responsible for defining the why, when, and what of the product that the engineering team builds. This means they lead cross-functional teams from a product's conception all the way through to its launch.</li> <li><strong>Brand Manager</strong> Brand managers are responsible for ensuring that the products, services, and product lines that fall under their domain resonate with current and potential customers. To do so, these professionals continuously monitor marketing trends and keep a close eye on competitive products in the marketplace.</li> <li><strong>Marketing Manager</strong> A marketing manager is someone who implements and creates marketing strategies for a company to meet the reputation and goals of a brand. A good marketing manager keeps testing new marketing messages, opportunities, and channels.</li> <li><strong>Market Research Analyst</strong> Market research analysts gather and analyze data on consumers and competitors. Market research analysts study market conditions to examine potential sales of a product or service. They help companies understand what products people want, who will buy them, and at what price.</li> <li><strong>Digital Marketer</strong> A digital marketing manager is responsible for developing, implementing, and managing marketing campaigns that promote a company and its products and/or services. He or she plays a major role in enhancing brand awareness within the digital space as well as driving website traffic and acquiring leads/customers.</li> </ul> <h3><strong>4 ] Salary Offered:</strong></h3> A master’s degree can provide a significant boost to your compensation package. According to Payscale, the annual salary for holders of an MBA in marketing ranges from Rs 3 lakh to Rs 20 lakh, depending on the seniority, company, and sector. As we have seen in the above post, how marketing is booming in today’s era, and how the scope of marketing is also changing. <strong>Read Post:</strong> <ul> <li><strong><a href="">Top 5 benefits of doing an MBA in Human Resources</a></strong></li> </ul>"
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