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Facebook to train students & teachers on digital security

July 06, 2020

Facebook to train students & teachers on digital security

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Sunday reported an association with Facebook to give preparing on advanced security, online prosperity, and preparing on enlarged reality (AR) to understudies and instructors.

The preparation modules are for the auxiliary school understudies. The educational program is currently accessible on the CBSE site.

The educational plan on computerized security and online prosperity spread viewpoints, for example, wellbeing, protection, emotional well-being, and Instagram’s guide for building sound advanced propensities, Facebook said in an announcement. The module has been intended to direct understudies to become dependable computerized clients, distinguish and report dangers and badgering just as report misinformation.

In any event, 10,000 understudies will be canvassed in the preparation to be bestowed by the Center for Social Research (CSR).

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