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Consumer trust in e-commerce intensifies

March 15, 2021

Consumer trust in e-commerce intensifies

Since the nation went into a nationwide lockdown mode from March 2020 with the widespread of Covid-19, e-commerce sites and applications have become the preferred method of shopping reveals a LocalCircles study.

According to the study which got more than 130,000 responses from more than 42,000 special buyers situated in 358 areas of India, 49% said they preferred eCommerce destinations and applications for shopping over the most recent a year; 18 percent said they called nearby retail locations and returned home delivery, 31% visited shopping centers, local retailers and markets to shop, while 2% couldn’t say.

48% of the study participants were from Tier 1 regions while 31% were from Tier 2 regions and 21 percent were from Tier 3, Tier 4 and rural districts.

The highlight note here is that while shopping on the web for fundamentals was inevitable during the lockdown, buyers actually keep on using e-commerce sites and applications from June 2020 to date, in spite of local markets, retail locations and shopping centers being completely open.

86% said “safe delivery and no reason to step out” was the reason they trusted or took to e-commerce.

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